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Shimon Peres: Israeli war criminal whose victims the West ignored

Israeli President Shimon Peres reads a newspaper during the Ambrosetti workshop in Cernobbio, next to Como,  in this September 8, 2012 file photo. REUTERS/Paolo Bona/Files
Israeli President Shimon Peres reads a newspaper during the Ambrosetti workshop in Cernobbio, next to Como, in this September 8, 2012 file photo. REUTERS/Paolo Bona/Files

Shimon Peres, who passed away Wednesday aged 93 after suffering a stroke on 13 September, epitomised the disparity between Israel’s image in the West and the reality of its bloody, colonial policies in Palestine and the wider region.

Peres was born in modern day Belarus in 1923, and his family moved to Palestine in the 1930s. As a young man, Peres joined the Haganah, the militia primarily responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages in 1947-49, during the Nakba.

Shimon Peres (1923-2016)

  • Best known in the West for role in Oslo Accords
  • Family moved to Palestine in the 1930s
  • Fought with the Haganah during the Nakba
  • Described as the architect of Israel’s clandestine nuclear programme
  • Saw Palestinian citizens as a ‘demographic threat’
  • Played key role in early days of West Bank settlements
  • Responsible for Qana massacre in Lebanon in 1996
  • Defended Gaza blockade and recent Israeli offensives

Despite the violent displacement of the Palestinians being a matter of historical record, Peres has always insisted that Zionist forces “upheld the purity of arms” during the establishment of the State of Israel. Indeed, he even claimed that before Israel existed, “there was nothing here”.

Over seven decades, Peres served as prime minister (twice) and president, though he never actually won a national election outright. He was a member of 12 cabinets and had stints as defence, foreign and finance minister.

He is perhaps best known in the West for his role in the negotiations that led to the 1993 Oslo Accords which won him, along with Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat, the Nobel Peace Prize.

Yet for Palestinians and their neighbours in the Middle East, Peres’ track record is very different from his reputation in the West as a tireless “dove”. The following is by no means a comprehensive summary of Peres’ record in the service of colonialism and apartheid.

Nuclear weapons

Between 1953 and 1965, Peres served first as director general of Israel’s defence ministry and then as deputy defence minister. On account of his responsibilities at the time, Peres has been described as “an architect of Israel’s nuclear weapons programme” which, to this day, “remains outside the scrutiny of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).”

In 1975, as secret minutes have since revealed, Peres met with South African Defence Minister PW Botha and “offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime.” In 1986, Peres authorised the Mossad operation that saw nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu kidnapped in Rome.

Targeting Palestinian citizens

Peres had a key role in the military regime imposed on Palestinian citizens until 1966, under which authorities carried out mass land theft and displacement.

One such tool was Article 125 which allowed Palestinian land to be declared a closed military zone. Its owners denied access, the land would then be confiscated as “uncultivated”. Peres praised Article 125 as a means to “directly continue the struggle for Jewish settlement and Jewish immigration.”

Another one of Peres’ responsibilities in his capacity as director general of the defence ministry was to “Judaise” the Galilee; that is to say, to pursue policies aimed at reducing the region’s proportion of Palestinian citizens compared to Jewish ones.

In 2005, as Vice Premier in the cabinet of Ariel Sharon, Peres renewed his attack on Palestinian citizens with plans to encourage Jewish Israelis to move to the Galilee. His “development” plan covered 104 communities – 100 of them Jewish.

In secret conversations with US officials that same year, Peres claimed Israel had “lost one million dunams [1,000 square kilometres] of Negev land to the Bedouin”, adding that the “development” of the Negev and Galilee could “relieve what [he] termed a demographic threat.”

Supporting illegal settlements in the West Bank

While Israel’s settlement project in the West Bank has come to be associated primarily with Likud and other right-wing nationalist parties, it was in fact Labor which kick-started the colonisation of the newly-conquered Palestinian territory – and Peres was an enthusiastic participant.

During Peres’ tenure as defence minister, from 1974 to 1977, the Rabin government established a number of key West Bank settlements, including Ofra, large sections of which were built on confiscated privately-owned Palestinian land.

Having played a key role in the early days of the settlement enterprise, in more recent years, Peres has intervened to undermine any sort of measures, no matter how modest, at sanctioning the illegal colonies – always, of course, in the name of protecting “peace negotiations”.

The Qana massacre

As prime minister in 1996, Peres ordered and oversaw “Operation Grapes of Wrath” when Israeli armed forces killed some 154 civilians in Lebanon and injured another 351. The operation, widely believed to have been a pre-election show of strength, saw Lebanese civilians intentionally targeted.

According to the official Israeli Air Force website (in Hebrew, not English), the operation involved “massive bombing of the Shia villages in South Lebanon in order to cause a flow of civilians north, toward Beirut, thus applying pressure on Syria and Lebanon to restrain Hezbollah.”

The campaign’s most notorious incident was the Qana massacre, when Israel shelled a United Nations compound and killed 106 sheltering civilians. A UN report stated that, contrary to Israeli denials, it was “unlikely” that the shelling “was the result of technical and/or procedural errors.”

Later, Israeli gunners told Israeli television that they had no regrets over the massacre, as the dead were “just a bunch of Arabs”. As for Peres, his conscience was also clean: “Everything was done according to clear logic and in a responsible way,” he said. “I am at peace.”

Gaza – defending blockade and brutality

Peres came into his own as one of Israel’s most important global ambassadors in the last ten years, as the Gaza Strip was subjected to a devastating blockade and three major offensives. Despite global outrage at such policies, Peres has consistently backed collective punishment and military brutality.

In January 2009, for example, despite calls by “Israeli human rights organisations…for ‘Operation Cast Lead’ to be halted”, Peres described “national solidarity behind the military operation” as “Israel’s finest hour.” According to Peres, the aim of the assault “was to provide a strong blow to the people of Gaza so that they would lose their appetite for shooting at Israel.”

During “Operation Pillar of Defence” in November 2012, Peres “took on the job of helping the Israeli public relations effort, communicating the Israeli narrative to world leaders,” in the words of Ynetnews. On the eve of Israel’s offensive, “Peres warned Hamas that if it wants normal life for the people of Gaza, then it must stop firing rockets into Israel.”

In 2014, during an unprecedented bombardment of Gaza, Peres stepped up once again to whitewash war crimes. After Israeli forces killed four small children playing on a beach, Peres knew who to blame – the Palestinians: “It was an area that we warned would be bombed,” he said. “And unfortunately they didn’t take out the children.”

The choking blockade, condemned internationally as a form of prohibited collective punishment, has also been defended by Peres – precisely on the grounds that it is a form of collective punishment. As Peres put it in 2014: “If Gaza ceases fire, there will be no need for a blockade.”

Peres’ support for collective punishment also extended to Iran. Commenting in 2012 on reports that six million Iranians suffering from cancer were unable to get treatment due to sanctions, Peres said: “If they want to return to a normal life, let them become normal.”

Unapologetic to the end

Peres was always clear about the goal of a peace deal with the Palestinians. As he said in 2014: “The first priority is preserving Israel as a Jewish state. That is our central goal, that is what we are fighting for.” Last year he reiterated these sentiments in an interview with AP, saying: “Israel should implement the two-state solution for her own sake,” so as not to “lose our [Jewish] majority.”

This, recall, was what shaped Labor’s support for the Oslo Accords. Rabin, speaking to the Knesset not long before his assassination in 1995, was clear that what Israel sought from the Oslo Accords was a Palestinian “entity” that would be “less than a state”. Jerusalem would be Israel’s undivided capital, key settlements would be annexed and Israel would remain in the Jordan Valley.

A few years ago, Peres described the Palestinians as “self-victimising.” He went on: “They victimise themselves. They are a victim of their own mistakes unnecessarily.” Such cruel condescension was characteristic of a man for whom “peace” always meant colonial pacification.

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  • Marilyn Shepherd

    Finally the truth, I am so over the racist western media lauding the war criminals of the criminal non-state of Israel

    • dassa0069

      All mechanisms to add to the wealth of The Rothschilds.

      • James Mendelsohn

        Antisemitism 101

        • TecumsehUnfaced

          That would be Arab hating. Ashkenazi are Europeans. Rothschilds are Ashkenazi . and you are one of the evil slaves they use to do genocidal country stealing against Arabs.

          • fatima fazal

            and Israel will be in the sand with arabs spitting on their graves maktoub kismet

          • Helen4Yemen

            No, we do not wantIsrael in the grave, we just want Israel to vanish in he same manner as the Crusaders vanished! The best way to forget a nightmare is for the nightmare to completely evaporate!

          • Seedee Vee

            Or to assimilate.

          • Johnson11b

            Why do you call Israel a nightmare?

          • neluroman

            And we want as Costantinopole to be again a Christian capital as it had been before your “hero” Mehmed II to conquer it. For the rest you are right.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Where has she ever indicated that she was Turkish? It’s hilarious that you need the Ottomans to excuse your atrocities against the Christian and Muslim Palestinian Arabs.

          • shosh

            You wish.Never! Israel is too clever and too powerful.You will continue to fight each other and we will focus on improving the world, curing cancer, advancing technology. xxx

          • highlanderjuan

            shosh – it seems you are living the zionist israeli wet dream. zionist israel is going down, and you know what – israel is causing its own death and destruction. This will be fun to watch.

          • shosh

            Oh Fatima, you sound so tolerant and lovely. xxx

          • highlanderjuan

            shosh – sarcasm will not win you any arguments. Try really hard (and I realize this may be quite difficult for you) to see the truth for once in your damned life.

          • Jacob Feuerwerker


          • TecumsehUnfaced

            We already know that you are one with the genocidal ZioNazi country stealers, and the Nazis at Nuremberg.

          • shosh

            Don’t worry. Luckily the clever, competent and brave Jews have transformed Israel from a backward nation into an advanced one. It is a shame we don’t own more land. Think what we could achieve if we owned Jordon, Eygpt, Saudi Arabia etc.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            ZioNazi thugs! Just like the German Nazis before Stalingrad.

          • Johnson11b

            How are they like the German Nazis?

          • kwake13

            You would not be able to do anything without American and European money.

          • shosh

            Jealous. It thrives because of we are a clever people. Jews comprise only 0.2% of the world’s population, over 20% of Nobel Prize laureates have been Jewish, with multiple winners in each category. What about all the money that the Palestinians have received from the EU?

          • kwake13

            There are no Palestinian lobbyists in Europe or the US. ? jealous. what is there to be jealous about the Jews? The Germans were the most one of the most innovative people as were the British. A Jew might have ‘invented’ the Atomic bomb but a British discovered Penicillin. Which of the two benefited mankind? Nobel Prize means very little nowadays. Obama won the ‘Peace’ prize and yet he will office with the world a more dangerous place than when he first became the POTUS.

          • Jacob Feuerwerker

            All lands East of Arabia & west of Arabia, occupied by Arabs are stolen lands from its native people!

          • Seedee Vee

            Hebrews are not native to Palestine. Their only connection to Palestine is that every time they come from another land: they try to murder off the other inhabitants, steal their lands and tell everyone that their god said it was theirs.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Seedee Vee is right. The Arabs did not do genocidal country stealing like the European ZioNazi thugs.

          • highlanderjuan

            Bull crap.

        • Helen4Yemen

          How is it possible the Semite Arabs could be ‘anti-Semite’ towards European Khazars?

          • Markunator

            Ashkenazi Jews are not “Khazars”; that racist myth has been thoroughly debunked. Furthermore, the term “antisemitism” is not a literal term; it means “hatred of or prejudice or discrimination against Jews“. So yes, you can be both an Arab Semite and an antisemite.

          • Helen4Yemen

            __ Shlomo Sand: “It is clear that the fear is of an undermining of the historic right to the land. The revelation that the Jews are not from Judea would ostensibly knock the legitimacy for our being here out from under us. Since the beginning of the period of decolonization, settlers have no longer been able to say simply: ‘We came, we won and now we are here’ the way the Americans, the whites in South Africa and the Australians said. There is a very deep fear that doubt will be cast on our right to exist.”– Shlomo Sand interviewed by Haaretz Why do you think the idea of the Khazar origins is so threatening?
            __ Shlomo Sand: As an Israeli citizen, as a historian – I can tell you that 10 years ago I believed that Judean society was exiled by the Romans. Discovering that it’s a myth, it was shocking for me … Judaism there isn’t any traditional patriotism, any tradition of homeland. Palestine, Judea, it wasn’t the homeland of the Jews. And I discovered that the Christians were much more attached physically to the land. And very quickly I discovered that the first Zionists were not Jews; they were your [British] ancestors. …I mean morally it’s very difficult to say that I cannot accept the right of return of the Palestinians: I am living on their land that wasn’t paid for.” –Shlomo Sand, Jewish author of :The Invention of the Jewish People. xx
            __ Shlomo Sand: In the 1970s Israel was caught up in the momentum of territorial expansion, and without the Old Testament in its hand and the “exile” of the Jewish people in its memory, it would have had no justification for annexing Arab Jerusalem, and establishing settlements in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and even the Sinai Peninsula.
            __ Shlomo Sand: “Any mention of the Khazars in the public arena in Israel came to be tagged as eccentric, freakish, and even menacing…There was anxiety about the legitimacy of the Zionist project, should it become widely known that the settling Jewish masses were not the direct descendents of the “Children of Israel”- such de-legitimization might lead to a broad challenge against the State of Israel’s right to exist.”
            __ Ralph Schoenman: “Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Mileikowsky) is descendant from people who have no relation to Palestine, historic or other, because Ashkenazim or European Jews such as Mr. Netanyahu or ourselves for that matter are in fact descendants of the Khazars, an 8th and 9th century empire that converted to Judaism at that time from which European Jews are descended.”
            __Arthur Koestler: The large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European-and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims.
            __ Paul Atwood: “And then there is the matter of the Khazars. Interestingly, the Khazar king was known as the Kagan (today a well known Eastern European Jewish surname) and surviving documents prove that Khazars spoke a “Hunnic-Bulgar” language but wrote it in Hebrew script. Khazar elites also had Hebrew names. It is not altogether clear why the Khazars converted but analyzing a considerable body of evidence Sand concludes, “The desire to remain independent in the face of mighty grasping empires- the Orthodox Byzantine Empire and the Abbasid Muslim Caliphate- impelled the rulers of Khazaria to adopt Judaism as a defensive ideological weapon.”
            __ Arthur Koestler: ” The large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European-and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims.
            __ Paul Atwood: But before and after the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centers of Eastern Europe…together with these arrivals from Germany and the Balkans they began laying the foundations for a Jewish community, which especially in sixteenth century Poland, outstripped all the other contemporary areas of Jewish settlement in population density as well as in economic and cultural power.

          • Seedee Vee

            A word with no literal meaning, you say.

          • Jacob Feuerwerker

            As a SEPHARADIC Jew, I have to disagree with part of what you are saying. At least 70% of Ashkenazim have over 40% Khazar DNA. But that little fact is unimportant! What is important: Are the current “conversion” standards of the Israeli Chief Rabbinate: If applied retroactively to the last 2300 years; those standards would make at 75% of the Ashkenazi Jews not Jewish. I have a You Tube video on this & also on the Ghet Issue.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            So converting to Judaism gives you a new set of genes? That gives the right to steal the homeland of the Palestinians, who Palestinians have been in Palestine continuously for over ten thousand years under many names, rulers, and religions, far longer than anything called Jewish even existed, including the last two thousand years, when the invader European Zionist Ashkenazi certainly weren’t, if ever?

      • shosh

        We are rich enough. That is because we are clever.Don’t be jealous .x xx

        • kwake13

          38.8 billions American taxpayers Dollars rich.

    • fatima fazal

      no not over war goes on we will fight till Israel ceases to exist period

      • Jacob Feuerwerker

        & Ye shall surely be atomized.

        • TecumsehUnfaced

          Not surprising that thugs make nuclear threats.

    • Jacob Feuerwerker

      & from where are the Fakeastinians?

      • TecumsehUnfaced

        That is really just another name for the European Ashkenazi ZioNazi genocidal country stealers who fraudulently pretend to be from Palestine.

  • Seedee Vee

    One less terrorist.

    • Karen

      Really? Who died in the Saudi Royal family? Or Assad? Or Mashaal. I must have missed the news!!

      • TecumsehUnfaced
      • Seedee Vee

        You missed the news about “One less Zionist European Terrorist In The World”? It’s all over the front pages.

        • Helen4Yemen


        • charliecrown

          Right.Normal people are mourning him,but you’re not normal people.Not good people.That’s why you are where you are. (Living in ignored piles of crap)

          • Seedee Vee

            Normal people do not “mourn” the death of a mass murdering terrorist who helped start a nation based on racism. Normal people “celebrate” the death of someone like that.

          • Johnson11b

            Evidence that Israel is based on racism?

          • Seedee Vee

            Zionism – it is the definition of racism.

          • kwake13

            Ask the Black Jews.

          • highlanderjuan

            johnson11b – interesting, and defensive. zionist israel is indeed racist, even against its own lesser Jews as we saw with the Ringworm Children massacre perpetrated on its own by zionist israel. Do you want to see a link of evidence documented by some of the radiation survivors?

            Do you try to tell us there does not exist mountains of evidence pointing to zionist racial bias – bias against anyone who does not fit the zionist description of god-like humans – all of the Goyim that are not zionist Jews?

            Come on, tell us and show us all how zionist israel is such a picture of perfection when it comes to racial equality. Show us how zionist israel invites non-white Jews into israel. Show us how zionist israel invites Arabs and Christians into zionist israel. Show us how zionist israel is an integrated society. And, while you are at it, tell us why zionist israel is driving Arab societies into western Europe in an effort to dilute the white race that has lived there for centuries. Is this some sort of payback program initiated by Tel Aviv? So, come on. Show us how israel is so perfectly equal and racially unbiased.

            We’ll wait…

          • charliecrown

            True,but because you’re in a small incestuous cult of bigotry, you’re not in the normal category,and he very much was. Better than normal. Extraordinary that he was willing to put aside tribal/religious hate & push hard for compromise with people who tried to kill his entire nation.

            So if you’re wondering why everyone from the Pope to PresObama to Prince Charles leaders of every continent (and Abbas of the PA) are mourning, and you’re spewing crap, it’s because you’re not the normal one.(or more importantly the moral or correct one)

            Take the Red pill darlin’ let go off the hate,and free your mind.

          • Seedee Vee

            “you’re”? – Apparently you have no idea what you are talking about.

            The only Cult of Bigotry is the one founded on the idea of a pure home for one pure race. That ugly antisocial cult is called Zionism.

            We killed off Apartheid – Zionism is next.

          • Jacob Feuerwerker

            You must be related to a YACHMAR.

          • Seedee Vee

            “must be”?

            How little you actually know . . . .

          • Jacob Feuerwerker

            You are so right. Irrespective of one’s view on his politics, Perez was a great man; who fought for human rights for everyone.

          • Seedee Vee

            He was a racist terrorist. Now he is a dead racist terrorist.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            He was a great war criminal, just like all the European ZioNazi genocidal country stealers participating in the vast flood of atrocities culminating in:

            Over 750,000 people (~80%) driven off their ancestral lands

            Over 600 Arab villages and towns BULLDOZED

            He deserved the same as those that stood in the dock at Nuremberg.

          • kwake13

            He might have been a lesser evil than others but never a great man. He still had the blood of innocent people on his hands, I could say conscience but that’s something no Israeli Zionist politician has.

          • highlanderjuan

            My God – you ARE a zionist troll. Now I understand your posts. Hahahahaha.

    • fatima fazal

      agreed glad hes gone many more yet to go………………….we are dancing on his grave here

      • Helen4Yemen

        The problem is that this European man who occupied Arab land while alive will now also occupy Arab land when his Khazar body is buried on stolen land.

        • Johnson11b

          Evidence that he was Khazar?

        • Ariel Elisha Leon Rosen

          Khazar theory has been disproven. DNA matches Gaza Palestinians, Lemba tribe of Zimbabwe and South Africa, and Ashkenazi eastern Europeans, and Sephardic/North African and Arabic Jewish communities. Sorry buddy. Doesn’t make these actions right, but the Khazar theory is bogus.

          • Helen4Yemen

            Are you aware that European Jews have more than 40 genetic diseases that no other Jews have? While testing for these diseases, genetics scientists discovered that only European Jews were carriers of these Genetic diseases and no Arab Jews were. Test after test revealed that the Arab Jews were free of these diseases. What does that tell you? It tells you scientifically that there is no genetic connection between the white European Jews and the Semitic Jews of the M/E. European Jews are European from time immemorial. Not a single European Jew is a Semite. The Arab Jews are Semites. That is the truth and the undisputed truth.

            Google=>Ashkenazi Genetic diseases

          • shosh

            Who cares? !!!!!!! We have made Israel great againxxx

          • highlanderjuan

            shosh – zionist israeli is a great alright – it’s a great mess and pesthole of perverted and evil humans who wish nothing but death and destruction on all the humanity.

            “We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. NOTHING that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.” — “You Gentiles” p.155, Maurice Samuel

            BTW, there never was an original state of israel. That’s just another israeli fraud.

          • Barry Hackney

            So-called “Israel”, a Rothschild fiefdom illegally occupied by an invented people that arch-Zionist supremacist Henry Kissinger said will not exist in 10 years.

          • shosh

            You are obsessed.Why don’t you worry about the poor besieged Arabs in Yemen, Eygpt etc

          • JGISD

            Yemen has nothing to do with fighting terrorism. it’s a 3-way civil way, that the US interjected itself into by using Saudi Arabia as our proxy. The struggle itself is between governments in the North and the South, who only joined forces in 1990 to create Yemen, and whose government has severely deteriorate because of preferential treatment toward those in the South. The North has a close alliance with Iran, which the US and ISrael don’t want, so they climbed in bed with Saudi Arabia to do their bidding.

            The big losers are the Yemeni people. Millions of people are now starving to death because Israel is seeing more phantom enemies.

      • charliecrown

        While the world celebrates.No one cares what you hateful bigots do. It only makes you people even less credible.

        • highlanderjuan

          Huh? Hateful bigots? Naw, that’s the israelis you are referring to.

          “We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. NOTHING that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.” — “You Gentiles” p.155, Maurice Samuel

          BTW, you’re not related to the crown family of Chicago are you?

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            The ones famous as merchants of death?

        • Barry Hackney

          There are no worse hateful bigots than those who support Israel’s crimes against humanity!

    • charliecrown

      Why has another Pal Jihadist been killed?

      • Seedee Vee

        Didn’t you hear? Another European Zionist that came to the Middle East to start a life of terrorism dies! I know, they sure were a lot of those European Zionists. Starting with the bombing and mass expulsions.

        They just never stop. Until they die, of course.

        • Johnson11b

          Evidence that he came to the Middle East to start a life of terrorism?

          • Seedee Vee

            The fact that he came from Europe and started a life a terrorism is not in dispute by anyone.

          • kwake13

            He was from Europe and not the ME.

          • highlanderjuan

            Don’t act like a jerk. Shimon Peres was born Szymon Perski, on 2 August 1923, in Wiszniew, Poland (now Vishnyeva, Belarus), to Yitzhak (1896–1962) and Sara (1905–1969 née Meltzer) Perski. But, you already know that, don’t you.

  • Tony Riley

    Ben White

    • rippon

      “Anti-Semite” (the usual screech of Israel apologists – stale but useful way of avoiding discussion about Israel’s crimes)


      • Tony Riley

        Actually, it’s just a statement of fact.

        Are you saying White is pro-Semite?

        Israel’s “crimes” pale in comparison with Hamas, the PLO, the UK, USA, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Assad.

        • Mike Hodges

          Seiously, what has that got to do with the article?

          Whether or not others are guilty of whatever, lets stick to the subject at hand. It is in fact not ‘anti-simitic’ to write a news article detailing historical fact. It is in fact against free speech and journalism, not to mention childish and disrespectful, to denounce criticism with name calling. And the name you choose is to call somebody racist, a highly disrespectful comment. One could get the impression you are the ‘name caller’ with such name calling as that. I apologise this comment may be too confusing for your intelligence. Peace to ALL, except bigots like you.

          • Tony Riley

            You’re the confused one: Whitey makes a living telling lies about Israel.

            Tell me which of the countries I named above that have a better record than Israel?

          • Mike Hodges

            Ok, I promise I will. But only once you prove to me that the information in the article is not correct AND you prove to me how the article above shows any evidence of the writer being so called ‘anti-semitic’, which I define as somebody who does not like a race of people for being that race of people, or an irrational hatred of those of a particular race without justification.

            I will do exactly that once you have defined your accusation based on facts and intellectual argument. Oh, and please stop changing the subject, we are talking about you accusing somebody of being racist and we are asking you to justify that statement. Thanks.

          • James Mendelsohn

            Well, for starters, it’s fascinating that Ben (with some justification) decries sanctions against Iran but elsewhere keenly advocates for sanctions against Israel. Anyone with half a brain (and any sense of morality) can see that Iran has a far worse human rights than Israel, so it’s up to Ben to justify his obvious double standard here.

          • fatima fazal

            bigoted delusional

          • James Mendelsohn

            Nice, factual, incisive response there. Or perhaps you were talking about Ben White?

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            She nailed you. You are against the genocidal country stealers throttling Palestine being restrained.

          • Frankie D.

            When was the last time Iran illegally stole land?

          • James Mendelsohn

            Israel has never stolen land illegally, please read up on the history of the conflict.

            When was the last time Israel hung gays, tortured dissident journalists, rigged presidential elections, promoted Holocaust Denial?

            Why do you think that the Baha’i faith, which originated in Iran, now has its global HQ in Israel?

            Why does Ben call for sanctions against Israel, but not Iran?

          • kwake13

            “When was the last time Israel hung gays, tortured dissident journalists, rigged presidential elections, promoted Holocaust Denial?”. What has all this to do with Israel occupying other people’s land?

          • James Mendelsohn

            Israel does not occupy “other people’s land”. Prior to 1948, Jews lawfully purchased land from (usually) Arab landlords. In 1948 and 1967, Israel lawfully captured territory in defensive wars which were launched against her by her Arab neighbours. Please read up on the history of the conflict, Martin Gilbert’s “Israel: A History” is a good place to start.

            The comparison with Iran is relevant for the following reason. In this article, Ben White (with some justification) decries sanctions against Iran. Elsewhere, he agitates keenly for sanctions against Israel. The double standard is blatant, obvious and racist.

          • kwake13

            “Why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader, I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural: we have taken their country. Sure, God promised it to us, but what does that matter to them? Our God is not theirs. We come from Israel, it’s true, but two thousand years ago, and what is that to them? There has been anti-Semitism, the Nazis, Hitler, Auschweitz, but was that their fault? They only see one thing: we came here and stole their country. Why should they accept that?” David Ben Gurion,

            “Before the Palestinians’ very eyes we are possessing the land and the villages where they, and their ancestors, have lived… We are the generation of colonizers, and without the steel helmet and the gun barrel we cannot plant a tree and build a home.” Israeli leader Moshe Dayan,
            The ‘Jews for Justice in the Middle East’ The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict would be another good place to start.

          • James Mendelsohn

            Quotes taken out of context don’t really prove anything. It has ALWAYS been Jewish/Israeli leaders who have been willing to share the land and it has ALWAYS been Arab/Palestinian leaders who have rejected partition and preferred violence.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            What a liar you are! From the very start the European Ashkenazi ZioNazi thugs were possessed by the insatiable intent of genocidal country stealing. Why should the Palestinians have agreed to the proposed stealing of nearly half their country and gifting it to the invader European ZioNazi thugs? These vicious, violent thugs…

            On Jewish terrorism – British Secretary of State for the Colonies

            On September 10, 1945, the British Secretary of State for the Colonies submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister in which he stated:

            The young Jewish extremists, the product of a vicious education system, know neither toleration nor compromise; they regard themselves as morally justified in violence directed against any individual or institution that impedes the complete fulfillment of their demands. In a similar spirit their ancestors in the second century B.C. laid waste Palestine until a ravaged countryside and ruined cities marked the zenith of Hasmonaean power. The prototypes of the Stern Group and National Military Organization are the Zealots and Assassins according to whose creed even Jews married to Gentiles were worthy of death in Roman times. These Zealots of today, from Poland, Russia and the Balkans have yet to learn toleration and recognition of the rights of others. As the Foreign Secretary said recently of the Balkans, these people do not understand the meaning of the word democracy. The Jewish Agency may deplore terrorism; but every immoderate speech … the flagrant disregard on the one hand for the authority of Government in maintaining law and order and on the other for the Arab case, the chauvinism and intolerance of their educational system, all contribute to an atmosphere in which the fanatic and the terrorist flourish. The Jewish leaders appear to be deliberately pushing extremism to a point when an explosion can no longer be avoided and do not scruple to use the plight of the Jews in Europe as a main political excuse. There are many Jews who deplore this state of affairs, but the rigidity of the discipline imposed by the political machine effectively discourages criticism except where it has no practical effect on Zionist policy. The Jews, like so much in Europe, need education in toleration and democracy.(6)


          • kwake13

            Just because it does not fit your agenda it becomes ‘out of context’ Just get real!
            The Zionist State of Israel was created through terrorism. The Zionists even killed their own to get what they wanted.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            You lie! The ZioNazi thugs only purchased corruptly 6-7% of the land. The rest they violently stole. By the evil Plan Dalet they had driven 400,000 people of their ancestral lands and bulldozed hundreds of villages before they proclaimed the foul stealing of Palestine and their ZioNazi thugdom, before the Arab leaders tried in vain to protect the Palestinians from the march of ZioNazi horror…

            “On 14 or 15 May [1948], a 12-year-old girl was raped by two Haganah soldiers; there were also a number of attempted rapes. There was widespread institutional and private looting by Haganah and IZL [National Military Organization or Irgun] troops and Tel Aviv citizens who infiltrated the town, there was robbery on the roads by patrolling Jewish troops and there was widespread vandalisation of property. In genera, the inhabitants complained, they were ‘being incessantly molested.’

            “The looting was so bad that Chizik appealed directly to Ben-Gurion, who on 22 May ordered the IZL and the Haganah to obey Chizik’s instructions. A senior Kiryati officer, Zvi Aurbach, made a point of washing his hands of any responsibility for property in Jaffa. On 25 May, on official reported:

            “‘During the whole day I walked about the streets…I saw soldiers, civilians, military police, battalion police, looting, robbing, while breaking through doors and walls…’”

            Benny Morris, The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), 210-211.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            You’re right! There never was a legitimate ‘Israel’, only a vile thugdom of invader European Ashkenazi genocidal country stealers doing vast floods of atrocities, e.g.

            Over 750,000 people (~80%) driven off their ancestral lands

            Over 600 Arab villages and towns BULLDOZED

          • Frankie D.

            So you’re saying that Israel is still within its legal boarder from 1948 then?

          • James Mendelsohn

            Its borders are larger than those proposed under the 1947 Partition Plan. The additional territory was acquired legally through defensive wars.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Another huge lie. Except for 1973, all the wars of the ZioNazi thugdom have been offensive ones, genocidally stealing the land of the people of the Middle East. And 1973 was a desperate grab by Egypt to recover what had be stolen from by the ambush of ZioNazi thugs in 1967.

            There are no legal borders for the totally illegitimate ZioNazi thugdom.

          • fatima fazal

            I’m a hater of abusers and peres abused many arabs and black people.

          • shosh

            Fatima, many Jews are black and/or from Arab lands. Respectfully, you are not the sharpest tool in the box.

          • William

            Tony, Israel has been guilty of terrorism, as has USA, UK, etc.
            Its time we stop acting like Israel is blameless. It smacks of elitism.
            No nation is favored by God. No people are chosen. We are all just angry, land hungry mammals.

          • fatima fazal

            and I’m hungry for my land Palestine we want the jews out

          • Helen4Yemen

            You have every right to every square inch of that land.
            No Khazar or no Eskimo and nobody else is entitled to that
            land except for the indigenous Palestinians (Jews, Muslims, Christians).
            Never forget that the Palestinian Jews have equal right to that land as
            their Muslim and Christian Palestinians brothers.

            Remember Arab Jews lived in happiness among their Arab brothers, it was the arrival of the unwanted and foreign Ashkenazi to Palestine that disrupted that peaceful coexistence.

          • Johnson11b

            The British consul, William Young, writing in the 1840’s (before Zionism) said that the Jews of Jerusalem were living in fear for their lives. He attributed the plight of the Jews to “the blind hatred and ignorant prejudice of a fanatical populace…”

          • Johnson11b

            Should all people not of Native American descent have to leave the USA?

          • neluroman

            That is from 1001 Nights, is it?

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            That query is from your massive ignorant and bigotry?

          • shosh

            This is a myth.Jews (as well as Christians) were never treated as equals to Muslims in Muslim lands.This is a lie.

          • charliecrown

            Fatima.No one cares what you want. To the extent they do,it’s to do the opposite. Your goals are farther away than ever (because they’re evil goals) & Israel is going from strength to strength.

            You spit on Peres grave, the rest of the world drops everything to come polish it.

            Lol F*cking Pal fanatics “Never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity”

            Free your mind Fatima. Love the Jews, & then you will receive reward from Allah.

          • Seedee Vee

            The only people that care about Israel are their fellow racists and the cheap loyalists they have bought off. Celebrate!

          • charliecrown

            Obviously those ‘racists’ include the majority of the democratic nations on earth & some of the non Democratic ones. That means the smart & civilized ones.

            Stop typing & hating & start studying/listening/learning to different sources,& you’ll be a happier more well informed person.

          • Seedee Vee

            Zionism is a failed European colonial experiment. It will eventually die or change – like all the colonial experiments.

            I say it is going to have a very bloody end as soon as they run out of money to payoff all the crooked politicians in the world. Very.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            But ‘Israel’ is no democracy, but rather a brutal thugdom ripped by savage European invaders from the entrails of the indigenous people by a cascade of of atrocity…

            Over 750,000 people (~80%) driven off their ancestral lands

            Over 600 Arab villages and towns BULLDOZED

          • Helen4Yemen

            {You spit on Peres grave, the rest of the world drops everything to come polish it.}

            Why didn’t the world treat him well before the stampede to Palestine?

          • shosh

            You have huge swathes of land already. You have done nothing with them.

          • Helen4Yemen

            What has that got to do with Ashkenazis or Japanese or Chinese or any other foreign people. .

          • moosehorn

            You are a self-delusional Zionist bigot.

          • dassa0069

            Rothschilds own The Media.

          • Johnson11b

            Which media?

          • Tony Riley

            All that he desn’t like.

          • Jim Schmidt

            + Johnson11b, Rothschilds are global bankers, involved in all but 3 nation’s Central Banks, The American Federal Reserve is the world’s only major central bank that’s not fully public. Our Fed is not impressive IMO. The American Media are largely controlled by Zionistic, global corporate banks.

          • James Mendelsohn

            Wow, who could have imagined that Ben White’s anti-Zionist creed would bring anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists like you out of the woodwork.

          • Johnson11b

            Rothschild Net income: 34.44 million GBP
            In the second quarter 2016, Citi reported net income of $4.0 billion

          • shosh

            I know, We do control the world.I am sat here counting my money, whilst also watching Peppa Pig with my kids

          • Markunator

            Oh, sweetheart… Do you really think you’re fooling anyone by writing “Rothschilds” instead of “Jews”? Because you’re certainly not fooling me, at least. 😉

          • shosh

            I wish we did,then we would close this daft website

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            He doesn’t tell tlies about the ZioNazi thugdom called, ‘Israel’ by frauds. He doesn’t say that the ZioNazi thugdom is fine, great, or noble.

          • Frankie D.

            How about all the ones that admit to their nukes, for a start?

        • Jim Schmidt

          +Tony Riley that Irael’s crimes are comparable to UK, USA, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Assad, places Israel (and my nation, the USA), well below 190+ other nations.

        • kwake13

          Israel is the only country brutally occupying another one and nothing is worse than that.

        • highlanderjuan

          Tony – you said: “Israel’s “crimes” pale in comparison with Hamas, the PLO, the UK, USA, Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and Assad.” Really?? Is that because Mossad’s motto is “By way of deception, thou shalt do war” ?? Is that because zionists control all western governments, their money systems, and their media? Is that why we don’t hear more truth about zionist israel’s crimes against humanity?

          zionist israel is still a nuclear power which has not agreed to the international nuclear arms treaty, which refuses to allow the IAEA to inspect its stockpile and nuclear weapons, and as is now know, has used those weapons on Yemen and the united states. And the Samson Option – whose secret manipulative program is that? Wait… I’ll get it… oh yeah, the Samson Option is zionist israel’s plan. What do you think of that?

      • fatima fazal

        acid in his mouth by the bucket let him scream in pain

        • Helen4Yemen

          You need to stop your ugly messages of horror! The people of the region do not want revenge, they only want the Europeans to follow on the paths of the Crusaders and just vanish! Nothing less will do!

          p.s. if you continue with your sadistic comments, then I will assume that you are a Khazar-Zio attempting to make the Arabs look bad

          • shosh

            Helen, you are guilty of cognitive dissonance. Fatima is spouting vile , hateful anti -Semitism. You cannot accept that there really are crazy Jew haters as this would mean you would have to accept that Jews can be victims. That they are vulnerable and deserving of empathy.This does not mesh with your black and white view of the world, black/Arab people and Muslims are victims and Jews are the oppressors. So you come up with a more acceptable, although ludicrous suggestion.That she is secretly a Jew. Your logic is twisted and hateful. You are blaming Jews for anti- Semitism. Shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          • Helen4Yemen

            We do not want the squatters hurt or bloodied or smashed. We only wish them a safe journey back home to the West.

            ( Jews are the oppressors. )

            No, not ‘Jews’ but the Ashkenazis! Arab Jews lived as brothers and sisters with the Arab people and they are in fact Arabs who happen to practice Judaism. ‘Antisemitism’ was coined to express hatred towards non-Semitic Europeans. – a very silly term.

          • neluroman

            Helen, once and for ever, give up pretending that,” Jews lived as brothers and sisters with the Arab people”. I ,as a connoisseur of the Islamic jurist prudence, say clearly, with subject and predicate: Sharia, the Islamic law, forbids any fraternity between Muslims and non-Muslims, period. Tell me, are you an ignorant in this respect or you only try to fool us in face?

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Very ignorant and bigoted question from a ZioNazi troll.

          • shosh

            Do you really think Israel would be the most technologically advanced, liberal, liberated country in the Middle East if it was not for the European Jews? You are dreaming again.It would become like every other failed state in the Middle East- backward and repressive .If you really want the best for the Arabs, encourage them to make peace with Israel and learn from them.

      • Helen4Yemen

        Malcolm-X: ” Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite.(May, 1963)

    • Mike Hodges

      Tony Riley – P$ick!

    • Ken Kelso

      You think Ben will talk about who funded the Munich Massacre? Abbas

    • dassa0069

      When you cannot respond logically you resort to that epithet.

    • Helen4Yemen

      But the Ashkenazis are not Semites!
      Stop identity theft!

  • Ken Kelso

    Ben White lies about Qana in 1996.
    Hezbollah fired 2 missiles from the Qana compound at Israel.
    Even the U.N admitted this.
    All Israel did was fire back where the 2 missiles Hezbollah fired back from.
    Is it Israel’s fault the Muslims use their people as human fodder.

    • James Mendelsohn


    • dassa0069

      Zionists are specialists in Revisionist History.

      • chasdurham


        • fatima fazal

          yes true liars

    • dassa0069

      Self-serving drivel.

    • Zoe Junita Johnson

      Ken you honestly have no idea – or you are one of the 850,000 Online Israeli paid ‘Social Media retaliators’ paid to retaliate to all Online articles calling out Israels atrocities. The fact that you name them as ‘Arabs’ says more about you too. The old tales of every other country Israel murders – are firing rockets behind civilians is now ridiculous to all online. The propaganda from the Nazis in the 30’s was so powerful 100’s of thousands signed up. Hitler was Time Magazines Man of the Year and a special guest to UK Buckingham Palace and access to all Royalty. Israel says they blow up schools with children still in, because there may be rockets in there. Its a joke its so transparant. You could have a nuclear bomb in a school in UK and we wouldnt blow it up with children in. Your Israeli sympathisers cannot fool the world anymore. Bye bye Right wing paper media – the brains of today get their updates by visiting, videos, hidden cameras, social media. All my Jewish and ex-Israeli friends are the best anti-Zionist anti-Israeli genocide activists. If you dont have the Jewish or ex-Israeli IDF and civilian support – who do you have? Sociopaths.

      • chasdurham


      • fatima fazal

        hes being paid lol

      • Helen4Yemen

        95% of all Jews supported the Gaza bombings of 2009 and 2014.

      • Ken Kelso

        Stop lying. Israel responds to missiles fired at them.
        The Muslims fire missiles behind civilians at Israel.
        Do a search on Youtube for.
        Hamas’ favorite spots: schools, hospitals & cemeteries

  • Carmine Marino

    Later, Israeli gunners told Israeli television that they had no regrets over the massacre, as the dead were “just a bunch of Arabs”
    just a bunch of arabs? peres disgusting,,

  • William

    Peres had quite a questionable reputation.

    • Karen

      Perhaps to an idiot. He was the most pro-peace activist on the planet. His last years were focused on the Shimon Peres PEACE initiative. So yes. To idiots he had quite a questionable past. To thinking people who saw his words and his deeds across his life he was damn admirable. AS the Sauds destroy Yemen and the Iranians and Russians and Syrians destroy Syria….and Hamas and the PA sought and continue to seek to destroy Israel….he worked for peace.

      • Helen4Yemen

        ( His last years were focused on the Shimon Peres PEACE initiative)

        Why not call it “Szymon Perski PEACE initiative“?
        Was he ashamed of his original Ashkenazi name?

  • David Bergeman Norman

    shame on you Ben white !!The world has lost a legend ! He was and is a Great Peacemaker who will be profoundly missed by the children of peace in this world. His faith and teachings live on across the globe.

    • moosehorn

      A legend? Yeah, his name will certainly go down into history along with ariel Sharon and Moshe Dyan.

      • dassa0069

        They got together at Deir Yassin.

      • David Bergeman Norman

        hahhaha are you argue with facts ? you need to learn history he is and was legend all the world is morning for his lost Except anti-Semites like you!!
        all the leaders of the world are Mourn the loss and attend to arrive to his funereal .so give me a break eat your self out…Hard to believe that there are still people that aren’t overcome their jealousy to the Jewish people…go to a shrink..

        • Jim Schmidt

          +David Bergman Norman, I can’t understand jealousy. Nor can I understand racism or hatred, both of which eat our souls and spirits. History shows many, many humans have done evil deeds. Semites are human. Some semites have done evil deeds.

          • Helen4Yemen

            Only Arabs and Ethiopians are Semites.
            No Ashkenazi Jew is a Semite, none! Yes or no?

        • chasdurham


          • fatima fazal

            oh but I wished a crises du Coeur but no heart was found

        • TecumsehUnfaced

          But Peres was a genocidal country stealer. Are you trying to equate all Jews with such a despicable thing?

          • fatima fazal

            weeeeeeeeeel looks like that yup

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            He looks like he could be Henry Kissinger’s brother. I’m going to be appalled at the hagiographies that come out when that monster dies.

          • Helen4Yemen

            95% of all Jews supported the Gaza massacres of 2009 and 1014!

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            I wonder if 95% of all Germans would have supported the concentration camps.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Article from 1926 about the failed British promise of independence to the Arabs…


          • Helen4Yemen

            Thanks – I will read it.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            You’re welcome.

        • fatima fazal

          shut up

        • moosehorn

          I advise you to take a course in English, and what facts and history are you talking about? Perez wasn’t any legend and he was as bad as Nut&yahoo, and Sharon, no big loss to humanity, period.

        • Helen4Yemen

          But the white Jew despises the non-white Jews. Yes or no?

      • Helen4Yemen

        As merciless Ashkenazi butchers!

    • Ish

      the good die young

    • fatima fazal

      haaaaaaaaaaa joke right hes despised hated

    • Helen4Yemen

      We mourn that this Polish man not only used Palestinian land to live his life, but will also be occupying Palestinian land in death.

  • Fasdunkle

    Standard article by Ben White – accusations but no context

    • Jim Schmidt

      Ad hominem comment, fwiw.

      • James Mendelsohn

        I think you need to learn what “ad hominem” means.

      • Fasdunkle

        No it isn’t

    • Frankie D.

      No context? Did you somehow miss all the citations and links?

      • James Mendelsohn

        There is a difference between facts (some of which Ben cites and others of which he blatantly ignores), evidence (some of which Ben supplies) and context – which he largely ignores. For example, Ben cites the UN Report into the Qana incident but doesn’t mention that the US criticized the report as inaccurate. If you’re genuinely interested and open, have a read of today’s piece on the UKMediawatch website, where Robert Fisk is taken to task for making similar claims to those made by Ben White.

        • Frankie D.

          So you’re saying that if someone attacks you first, you’re allowed to try and wipe them out? That’s not how international law works. That context is worthless and just an attempt at victim blaming.

  • dunasboy

    93 years too late

    • fatima fazal

      agreed note they abused blacks in s Africa too

      • shosh

        Oh dear. Making stuff up again. The Arab slave trade in Africa started long before the Europeans arrived.Many Jews fought against apartheid. You are as ignorant as you are anti- Semitic

        • kwake13

          South African Jews and other Jews but not Zionists. In fact the Zionists supported Apartheid South Africa.

    • fatima fazal

      we have his soul to intimidate forever

  • Jacob Feuerwerker

    This is a bunch of pro-Arab drivel. The truth is that Israel & the Arab States were manipulated by the big powers since 1952. As for the “Palestinians”: When was there ever a Palestinian Arab entity prior to 1948? If there was please show me the pre-1948 Palestinian flag, its coins, stamps etc. The fact is that the Jews did make many stupid mistakes, none of which were outlines in the drivel that passes for an article. Peres was a great leader & humanitarian, & a man of peace.

    • Ish

      Palestine was a colonial entity before 1948, but its people were Palestinian Arabs, the same people the Zionists have been trying to ethnically cleanse ever since. A large number of countries today didn’t exist before 1948 either. So what. Your hasbara nonsense is racist buillshit.

      • Fasdunkle

        “been trying to ethnically cleanse ever since”

        They haven’t been trying very hard then given the numbers have increased massively and are higher than any previous time in history

        • Mark

          Palestinians are being built out of existence by the Israelis.

          • Johnson11b

            What does “built out of existence” mean?

      • Johnson11b

        Jews lived in Hebron for centuries until they were ethnically cleansed in 1929. Zero were left.
        Jews lived in Gaza for centuries until they were ethnically cleansed in 1929. Zero were left.
        Jews lived in the West Bank for centuries. At the beginning of 1967, there were zero Jews in the West Bank.
        Jews lived in East Jerusalem for centuries until they were ethnically cleansed in 1948. Zero were left.

        1.6 million Arabs live in Israel.
        If Israelis had been trying to ethnically cleanse Arabs, there would be zero Arabs in Israel.

        • John Wells

          All those Blacks in South Africa didn’t disguise the fact that South Africa was an apartheid regime, either.

          • Johnson11b

            “Even the late eminence grise of Palestinian nationalism, Edward Said, stated flat out that “Israel is not South Africa . . .” How could it be when an Israeli publisher had translated Said’s seminal work, Orientalism, into Hebrew? “

      • Jacob Feuerwerker

        Check your History YA YACHMAR!

        • Seedee Vee

          Now tell us again why a middle-eastern country was being claimed by Europeans as there rightful home?

        • TecumsehUnfaced

          Wow! Where did you get all this Feuerscheiss, Jacob?

    • Vinegar Hill

      It is not “drivel”, all of the claims made by the writer are correct. It would be useful if you would offer an example to support your first sentence.

      Regarding the reference to “Palestinian Arab entity” I suggest you read up on the British Mandate period where you will find answers to all of your points made.

      You are sadly void of knowledge.

      • Jacob Feuerwerker

        The Turkish census of 1864, showed a Majority of Jews in Jerusalem. The Majority of Muslim, 30% of Jerusalem’s population, being Kurds, over 70% withe the Majority of the Christians, about 18% of Jerusalem’s population, being Arab converts from Islam, once in an atmospher free to do so, being 80% of the Christian population. As for the rest of the area, All of Israel, including Judea, Sameria & Gaza, Jordan, Lebanon up to the Latini River, Sinai (no men’s land) & the whole Golan, down to the low lands; had under 165,000 souls, with 12% Jews & 70% Slavic Muslims. There were about 12,000 Christians in Nazerath & 20,000 in Bethlahem. Now the proof of the pudding that the Muslim were Slavs: In WWI they did not join “The Arab Revolt” against the Turks, but remained loyal to the Turks. The Jews, thanks to Trumpeldor & the Bilu movement did unfortunately join that revolt.
        More important is my second sentence: In 1950 the UN imposed a total Arms embargo on the Middle East. King Abdullah started talking peace. He was murdered. King Farouq offered Ben Gurion an unbelievable peace treaty. While Ben Gurion was mulling over this, the good King was deposed. In 1952, the British broke the Embargo & sold Vampire Jets to Iraq, then to Egypt, Vampire & Hunters & then the same to Israel. In 1953 President (general) Nagib made peace gestures to Israel; the British had him deposed & jailed. Nassar turned out to be the Cobra that bit the British on their arses. The rest is bloody history. It was a darn shame that the head of Mossad made his Stupid move against Egypt! As my personal belief, is that sans that move there was still a possibility of peace. It was Perez who insisted on Lavon’s removal, & trial.

        • TecumsehUnfaced

          ‘Slavic Muslims’? That’s as hilariously mendacious as the rest of your post vainly trying to justify the invasion of Palestine by the European ZioNazi genocidal country stealers.

    • Jim Schmidt

      +Jacob, big powers messed up the M.E. long before 1952. Why might it matter that Palestinians had no flag, coins, postage stamps? I’m sure many see Peres as a fine leader, but humans have flaws.

    • John Wells

      What a wonderful world it would be if people around the world went back thousands of years to claim land their ancestors once occupied.

      • William

        They could try Joshua for ethnic cleansing 😉

    • Helen4Yemen

      Why don’t you show me ‘Israeli’ flag’? The first time the “Israeli’ flag was designed was by Herz, white background and no ‘star of David’. Yes or no? Did this entity called Israel ever exist aside from hocus-pocus? And does it mean that because Palestine did not have a flaf that the people did not exist on the land? And what has lily-white-Europeans got to do with the Arabs of the region? What does the white man got to do with a land of people of color?

      Arthur Koestler: ” The large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European-and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims.

    • Helen4Yemen

      {The fact is that the Jews did make many stupid mistakes,}

      The Arab Jews have nothing in common with the Ashkenazi or African or Asian Jews except for religion but have everything in common with their Arab brothers and sisters except for religion.

      Get this: Arab Jews are the brothers and sisters of the Arab people but only coreligionists of Ashkenazi Jews. Arabs Jews lived in peace and harmony with their Arab brothers and sisters while European Jews were hated for centuries. Arab Jews were brought to Palestine by the white Jews as cheap labor to replace the 900 Palestinians that the Europeans ethnically cleansed from their land. The arrival of the foreign non-Semitic Ashkenazi Jews from Europe to Arab Palestine disturbed the peaceful coexistence of all Arabs.

    • Seedee Vee

      Peres was a terrorist and a racist.

  • Vinegar Hill

    A fine article by White describing the brutalities of Peres, another European colonialist who fully participated and aided the continued ethnic cleansing and brutalisation of the indigenous Palestinian people. The world is a safer place now that Peres has gone for good from this earth.

    • neluroman

      So ” indigenous” are the Palestinians that no one can name a king, a queen or a president of Palestinian extract.

      • Vinegar Hill

        I will be very polite…….”Are you out to lunch ?”

      • Jim Schmidt

        +neluroman, why do you think the fact you mention is relevant? Perhaps you seek to justify Israel’s own anti-semitic war crimes? Arabs and many, many other groups are semitic.

        • Helen4Yemen

          And never fail to mention that no European Ashkenazi is Semitic, NONE!

      • Helen4Yemen

        Name a kind or queen of the Ashkenazis?

        • neluroman

          Ha, ha, ha! That is good. My dear Helen, Israel was not accepted, by the international community (read UN), as a country because of Ashkenazis, it was accepted because of those Jews who have never left Middle East. If those Jews consider Ashkenazis as Jews, what is your problem with this.Do you know better than Jews themselves who is Jew and who is not? More than this, Geneticist Dr. Eran Elhaik, in December 2012, published a book “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry,” rebuking thus the Rhineland and the Khazarian theories. In this book he argued that genetic evidence of European Jews points to a “mosaic” of Middle East, Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries.

          • Helen4Yemen

            NAH – only wishful thinking!
            Are the Ashkenazi-European people in Palestine European foreigners or not? Here is a test for the European Jews. Look in the mirror, who is staring back? Don’t be shy. Just answer the question —

            a) Chinese
            b) M/E
            c) European
            d) African
            e) Japanese

            What is your answer?

          • neluroman

            What on earth is that, Helen. It is for the third time you put exactly the same question. In the case of the first two, I understood you, now I don’t understand you at all. Are you a robot or do you, simply, read from a script you’ ve got from a more connoisseur anti-Semite?

          • Helen4Yemen

            I believe you are the only that can touch that question and answer it while every other Khazar just run away. You see, the question is not a trick question but very straightforward. But there is a trap. There is no answer except c) European but if you answer European, then it demolishes your delusional claim to originate from the ME.

          • neluroman

            Helen, it is not upon I and you to define who is Jew and who is not. It is only and only the business of Jews themselves. If you speak of genetics, then the work of .Geneticist Dr. Eran Elhaik and other geneticists clearly state:” genetic evidence of European Jews points to a “mosaic” of Middle East, Caucasus, European, and Semitic ancestries”.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            So they aren’t Semites, just European thugs doing genocidal country stealing.

  • peter b

    it is of course pertinent that Mr Peres moved to Palestine
    as a young man and not Israel. Because Israel did not exist. It stole land from
    Palestine and expelled those already living there. The clock cannot be turned
    back. But the occupation can end. Israel could end the occupation and give the
    Palestinians the small amount of Palestine that remains. Then the two countries
    could begin to forge cooperation and trust as equals – rather than as occupier
    and occupied.

    • Johnson11b

      Israel pulled out of Gaza leaving thousands of green houses to jump start the Gaza economy.
      Gazans destroyed some of those green houses & fired thousands of rockets & mortars killing or injuring 2,000 Israelis.
      If Israel ends the occupation of the West Bank, thousands of Israelis will die.

    • Karen

      Neither did Palestine exist. It was the Mandate of Palestine which was a region…not a country. So nice rewrite of history!! Jordan was also a part of Palestine. Go and whine to them for some land. smh

      • Helen4Yemen

        What do Pakistan and Indian have in common? Both are inhabited by native indigenous peoples who chose to divide the land just like Ethiopia/Eritrea, Sudan/South Sudan – all natives. The German-Russian-Lithuanian-French-British-Ashkenazi are white Europeans who arrived in the manner of the Crusaders to devastate the land and to leech off Arab land. Show me the comparison?

        • shosh

          Leech off the land . There are no natural resources in Israel! The clever Jews used their brains to develop technology and irrigation equipment.Now Israel can export fruit etc==

    • Helen4Yemen

      {The clock cannot be turned back. But the occupation can end}
      The clock has to be turned back or else copy-cat European predatory-leeches will use the Ashkenazi’s seisure of private Arab land as an example to imitate and to go around the globe looking to victimize peoples of color. There is no way forward, there is no chance for peac unless with the repatriation of the Europeans back to their homeland. Every Euro squatting and leeching off the land of Palestine has a
      right of return back to their European countries.

      • shosh

        I sincerely hope that you are calling for all Europeans squatting in Australia on Aboriginal land to also bugger off home. Ditto the Europeans in America , Canada and South America. Also what about those pesky Europeans in South Africa.You are in a dream world. !!!!!

        • Helen4Yemen

          Nope! Those are closed chapters. What you need to compare the Ashkenazi in Palestine is to the French in Algeria, the British in Kenya. 1,000,000 French were kicked out of Algeria after 100 years.

    • Helen4Yemen

      Interesting how you mentioned ‘the small’ portion of the land to be given to the natives and the Bloomberg’s get to gobble up 80% of Palestine and the Palestinians just go around bowing down every time they see the white man roaming around their land and be thankful the white man left some land for them. Right?

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    An excellent contribution! Great for all those wanting to examine confirmed history free of Zionist fog.

    • Karen

      Oh….you mean from the lying Islamic press!!! ROTFL! That is certainly one way to examine things!! SMH

      • TecumsehUnfaced

        ‘Karen’ What a pretty name to waste on a demented and mendacious ZioNazi troll.

        • Karen

          what is a zio nazi? LOL! You project Mohammed!! I know there is a little terrorist under that moniker!!

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Little ZioNazi, I am not Arab or Muslim. Unlike you I have the moral sense to condemn ZioNazi floods of atrocities of genocidal country stealing…

            Over 750,000 people (~80%) driven off their ancestral lands

            Over 600 Arab villages and towns BULLDOZED

            The term, ZioNazi, was invented by a concentration camp survivor, because he observed that Zionists and Nazis thought alike. they were both willing to do floods of atrocities to seize Lebensraum.

            Were you among the ZioNazis rallying here? Not even the Nazis carried out public hate fests against the Jews like this.


          • Karen

            You don’t even know what a genocide is. Genocide definition, the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. There has been no systematic extermination of Palestinians. In fact quite the opposite is true. The population in the Palestinian territories has literally grown exponentially in the last 70 years. Don’t f’ing throw around words that you don’t even understand. To the CONTRARY, Palestinians call for the GENOCIDE of Jews.

            Indiginous people off their ancestral land. Really? Let’s talk about that. Where was Mashaal from? Arafat? And the majority of Arab leaders. Why were they born in Syria, Egypt and Jordan? BECAUSE they were NEVER from Gaza or the West Bank.

            Please little Jew hater….crawl back under your rock with your friends. They are calling for you.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            It’s hilarious how ZioNazi genocidal country stealers like you make fools out of yourselves bellowing without knowledge…

            The term “genocide” was coined following the Shoah, or Holocaust, and its prohibition was enshrined in the United Nations convention presented in 1948 and adopted in 1951: the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. The convention is not retroactive but is applicable to US-Indigenous relations since 1988, when the US Senate ratified it. The genocide convention is an essential tool for historical analysis of the effects of colonialism in any era, and particularly in US history.

            In the convention, any one of five acts is considered genocide if “committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”:

            (a) killing members of the group;

            (b) causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

            (c) deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;

            (d) imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

            (e) forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

            “Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Paris, 9 December 1948,” Audiovisual Library of International Law, ->http://untreaty.un.ORG/cod/avl/ha/cppcg/cppcg.html (accessed December 6, 2012). See also Josef L. Kunz, “The United Nations Convention on Genocide,” American Journal of International Law 43, no. 4 (October 1949) 738–46.

            You are such a fool that you don’t realizing that you are calumniating Jews when you equate condemning thuggery with hating Jews.

          • Helen4Yemen

            Therefore lily white Ashkenazi Bloomberg’s, Goldberg’s, Finkelstein’s of Lithuania are indigenous to Palestine? Yes or no?

  • Mike Abramov

    Peres has been dead for less than 24 hours and it takes Ben White to write the ‘obituary’. Ladies and Gentleman. If you want to read about what Peres achieved as a politician minister, humanitarian and ‘mensch’ don’t read what Ben White has to offer. There is a blatant omission in his article and that is the 1993 Oslo Peace Accord. Here in England the uproar that followed a peace deal with Sinn Fein where British ministers were shaking hands with known advocates of terrorism was quite audible. Jews felt the same when Peres and Rabin shook the hand of the professional terrorist Arafat.

    By Mr. White’s account Peres’s death has been a green light to churn up White’s ‘interpretation’ of his biased view of the Middle East.

    • Fasdunkle

      This is MEMO, it doesn’t do objective, it just provides a home for cheap hacks to write biased nonsense

    • Helen4Yemen

      – Sinn Fein where British ministers: Both are indigenous to their Euroepan land or not? Both are white Europeans or not?

      – Palestine and Ashkenazi: One came all the way from Russia, Poland, Lithuania, England, Franec, Germany and the other is indigenous, native or not? One is lily-white-European and the other people of color or not?

      Why are you mixing apples and oranges?

      • Mike Abramov

        Of course I forgot. When the Almighty created us, he made sure that racist bigots like you were here to remind us that living in harmony was going to be a challenge. Apples, oranges, dates, grapes…they all grow in the Middle East you know.

  • Danny Rolnick

    When those ‘moderates’ who are popping up everywhere on social media today, promoting their worthless insults based on a warped vision of the world around them, I can only feel compassion for their blindness. It must be confusing, that the world they live in is generally united in solidarity with Israel for her great loss of one of its father figures, as well as the loss to the entire world of one of the most truly outstanding examples of what any human being could only wish to aspire to be. They need to invent conspiracies to explain the long list of dignitaries and world figures who will attend Mr Peres’ funeral, which currently include Pope Francis, US President Barack Obama, Hillary and Bill Clinton, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Prince Charles, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto. With his passing, now the moderate conspiracists can do as they always do, to try to rewrite and reinvent history, but I will always know the truth. I was lucky to live and experience first hand what a great man Shimon Perez was.

    • William

      You call those criminal dignitaries? Bill Clinton is a rapist. Hollande, a socialist. Merkel a destroyer of her nation.

    • Helen4Yemen

      Take yourself and your “Shimon Peres” (Szymon Perski) back to Poland!
      Give one reason what a Polish man was doing on Arab land except for the purpose of leeching.

    • moosehorn

      What the heck all commotion is about? The man lived to be 93 years old. Your’e not expecting him to live for ever?

  • John Wells

    One of Israel’s most brazen liars.

  • TecumsehUnfaced

    Nice contribution! But it will never unfreeze the heart of a ZioNazi like Kelso. He doesn’t have one, only a bile sac.

  • fatima fazal

    we will keep on shelling Israel till its anihilated

  • Helen4Yemen

    “Shimon Peres” (Szymon Perski) – born 1923 – Poland

    • Markunator

      Your point?

      • Helen4Yemen


        • Where was Arafat born again?

          • John Wells

            He died a long time ago – who cares?

          • Helen4Yemen

            Why does where Arafat was born matter? He was an Arab right?

            Unlike Ariel Sharon (Arik Scheinermann) – born 1928 – Palestine but of Russian origin.

            Unlike Benjamin Natanyahu (Mileikowsky) -born 1949 – Palestine of Lithuanian origin.

            Unlike Ehud Barak (Ehud Brog) – Born 1942 – Palestine but of Lithuanian origin.

            Does being born in Palestine make Sharon, Brog, and Natanyahu indigenous to Palestine?

          • Your idiot Khazar theories are lies, and have been proven lies. I am more “Palestinian” than Arafat was. And so are/were Sharon, Netanyahu and Barak. (Their grandparents’ last names don’t mean anything….but you knew that.)

          • Helen4Yemen

            Are you aware that European Jews have more than 40 genetic diseases that no other Jews have? While testing for these diseases, genetics scientists discovered that only European Jews were carriers of these Genetic diseases and no Arab Jews were. Test after test revealed that the Arab Jews were free of these diseases. What does that tell you? It tells you scientifically that there is no genetic connection between the white European Jews and the Semitic Jews of the M/E. European Jews are European from time immemorial. Not a single European Jew is a Semite. The Arab Jews are Semites. That is the truth and the undisputed truth.

            Google=>Ashkenazi Genetic diseases

          • Johnson11b

            If you have a child & there was a mutation creating a new genetic disease in your child,
            does that mean that your child is not related to you?

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Where is your proof that idiot Khazars didn’t father the Ashkenazi, including the Ashkenazi thugs genocidally invading Palestine, where they had never lived before?

          • Wikipedia, Genetic Studies on Jews. I quoted it before but MEMO censored my comment. But it proves that you know nothing about genetics.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            No, it proves that you know nothing about genetics, how easily the data can be cherry-picked, manipulated, and twisted to provide support for the sponsor’s thesis. You don’t even know that Wikipedia is scarcely a reliable source, when the Zionist trolls work so assiduously to weave their propaganda into it…


            Using the Zionist genetic ‘techniques’, I could prove that Ashkenazi are closely related to kangaroos and wolverines.

          • Helen4Yemen

            __ Shlomo Sand: “It is clear that the fear is of an undermining of the historic right to the land. The revelation that the Jews are not from Judea would ostensibly knock the legitimacy for our being here out from under us. Since the beginning of the period of decolonization, settlers have no longer been able to say simply: ‘We came, we won and now we are here’ the way the Americans, the whites in South Africa and the Australians said. There is a very deep fear that doubt will be cast on our right to exist.”– Shlomo Sand interviewed by Haaretz Why do you think the idea of the Khazar origins is so threatening?
            __ Shlomo Sand: As an Israeli citizen, as a historian – I can tell you that 10 years ago I believed that Judean society was exiled by the Romans. Discovering that it’s a myth, it was shocking for me … Judaism there isn’t any traditional patriotism, any tradition of homeland. Palestine, Judea, it wasn’t the homeland of the Jews. And I discovered that the Christians were much more attached physically to the land. And very quickly I discovered that the first Zionists were not Jews; they were your [British] ancestors. …I mean morally it’s very difficult to say that I cannot accept the right of return of the Palestinians: I am living on their land that wasn’t paid for.” –Shlomo Sand, Jewish author of :The Invention of the Jewish People. xx
            __ Shlomo Sand: In the 1970s Israel was caught up in the momentum of territorial expansion, and without the Old Testament in its hand and the “exile” of the Jewish people in its memory, it would have had no justification for annexing Arab Jerusalem, and establishing settlements in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and even the Sinai Peninsula.
            __ Shlomo Sand: “Any mention of the Khazars in the public arena in Israel came to be tagged as eccentric, freakish, and even menacing…There was anxiety about the legitimacy of the Zionist project, should it become widely known that the settling Jewish masses were not the direct descendents of the “Children of Israel”- such de-legitimization might lead to a broad challenge against the State of Israel’s right to exist.”
            __ Ralph Schoenman: “Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu (real name: Mileikowsky) is descendant from people who have no relation to Palestine, historic or other, because Ashkenazim or European Jews such as Mr. Netanyahu or ourselves for that matter are in fact descendants of the Khazars, an 8th and 9th century empire that converted to Judaism at that time from which European Jews are descended.”
            __Arthur Koestler: The large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European-and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims.
            __ Paul Atwood: “And then there is the matter of the Khazars. Interestingly, the Khazar king was known as the Kagan (today a well known Eastern European Jewish surname) and surviving documents prove that Khazars spoke a “Hunnic-Bulgar” language but wrote it in Hebrew script. Khazar elites also had Hebrew names. It is not altogether clear why the Khazars converted but analyzing a considerable body of evidence Sand concludes, “The desire to remain independent in the face of mighty grasping empires- the Orthodox Byzantine Empire and the Abbasid Muslim Caliphate- impelled the rulers of Khazaria to adopt Judaism as a defensive ideological weapon.”
            __ Arthur Koestler: ” The large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European-and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur, and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Should this turn out to be the case then the term “anti-Semitism” would become void of meaning, based on a misapprehension shared by both the killers and their victims.
            __ Paul Atwood: But before and after the Mongol upheaval the Khazars sent many offshoots into the unsubdued Slavonic lands, helping ultimately to build up the great Jewish centers of Eastern Europe…together with these arrivals from Germany and the Balkans they began laying the foundations for a Jewish community, which especially in sixteenth century Poland, outstripped all the other contemporary areas of Jewish settlement in population density as well as in economic and cultural power.

          • Helen4Yemen

            Does ‘ descend‘ mean anything than ancestry

            1- Ashkenazi Jewish Carrier Testing The term Ashkenazi refers to individuals descended from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland in the west of Germany. Many Ashkenazi Jews (AJ) migrated to other parts of Europe, with the majority migrating eastward.(UCSFhealth . org)
            2- Some genetic disorders are more prevalent in the Jewish population originating from Eastern and Central Europe. This group is known as Ashkenazi. (Progenity . com)
            3- Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Jews from Central and Eastern Europe (eg, Germany, France, Poland, Hungary, Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania), while Sephardic Jews are descendants of Jews from Spain, Portugal, and North Africa. (uptodate. com)
            4- Tay-Sachs carriers are found most frequently among families of eastern European Jewish descent (Ashkenazi Jews) – (Tay-Sachs . org)
            5- The term Ashkenazi refers to individuals descended from the medieval Jewish communities of the Rhineland in the west of Germany. Many Ashkenazi Jews (AJ) migrated to other parts of Europe, with the majority migrating eastward. (UCSFhealth. org)
            6- Tay-Sachs Disease is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder that is typically fatal within the first two or three years of life. Its incidence is highest among Ashkenazi Jews (Jews of Eastern European descent), approximately 100 times higher than in the general population. (http://education .med. nyu. edu/)
            7- CD is two-to-four times more prevalent among individuals of Ashkenazi Jewish descent compared to non-Jewish Europeans. aimed at exploring genetic variation associated with CD in Jewish individuals of Eastern and Central European decent (Ashkenazi Jews) (http://www. feinsteininstitute. org/)
            8- The Center currently screens for 19 disorders found most frequently in Ashkenazi Jews of Central and Eastern European descent Jews.(www .jewishgenetics. org)
            9- Jewish genetic diseases are a group of disorders that occur with higher frequency in the Jewish population. The Ashkenazi Jews, those whose ancestors were from Central and Eastern Europe (i.e. Poland, Russia, Germany, Lithuania, etc.) are at higher risk than the general population for several genetic diseases. (www.templebeth-el. com)

          • Misterioso

            I cannot understand why you find it of importance that as is common knowledge, Yasser Arafat was born in Cairo. His merchant father, who was from Khan Yunis in the Gaza Strip first relocated to Jerusalem, and then, for business reasons, he and his wife took up temporary residence in Cairo where his son, Muhammed Abdul Rauf Arafat al Qudwa, nicknamed Yasser (lit, “carefree”) was born. Children born to parents working abroad is hardly unusual. Arafat was still a Palestinian.

      • Seedee Vee

        Another European Crusader.

        • neluroman

          Better a European Crusader than an Arab Jihadist.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            I bet you prefer evil ZioNazi genocidal country stealers over both.

  • Helen4Yemen

    Polish predator “Shimon Peres” (Szymon Perski):

    How dare you compare the deaths of useless-worthless gentiles
    to that of the planets’ cream of the crop, “the Jews”?

    __ “I am aware of the fact that Israel does not officially acknowledge the horrible massacre
    [of the Armenians by Ottoman Turkey] out of concern for the unique place of the Holocaust in
    the chronicles of human history.” “Shimon Peres” (Szymon Perski), 15 August 1995)

    __ “We reject attempts to create a similarity between the Holocaust and the Armenian allegations. Nothing similar to the Holocaust occurred. It is a tragedy what the Armenians went through, but not a genocide.” “Shimon Peres” (Szymon Perski), April 2001)

  • Kevin O’Connor

    Netanyahu has broken every single part of the Oslo Accord but US Main Media refuses to touch the subject In Our democracy here in the US censorship of information truly exists

  • Justice5775CE

    The Brits continue to astonish. It wasn’t enough for them to intern 5,000 Holocaust refugees on Cyprus to prevent them from going home to Israel, but they continue their White-ist colonial enterprise to the bitter end. Ravaging the ME and attempting to destroy Israel, colonizing their own British Jews–a vile nation.

  • Helen4Yemen

    Gandhi Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. The mandates have no sanction but that of the last war. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home. The nobler course would be to insist on a just treatment of the Jews wherever they are born and bred. The Jews born in France are French in precisely the same sense that Christians born in France are French. (Mahatma Gandhi, 26 November 1938)

  • Helen4Yemen

    Manuel Valenzuela: ” The labeling as anti-Semitic of anyone critical of the state of Israel’s policies in the continued destruction of Palestinian identity and the increasing domination into American foreign policy no longer has the sting of threat or intimidation it once mastered. For too long this masquerade has been used to silence those opposing anything Israel, shouted at anyone disseminating truth and seeking justice. Like the boy who cried wolf, this charade has lost its power or hypnotic control, and today only serves to breed more anger and resentment against the apologists and smear mongers protecting the cancerous tentacles of Zionism and the crimes against humanity it spawns. ” (( The Untermensch Syndrome: Israel’s Moral Decay, Jan 23, 2009 ))

  • Helen4Yemen

    Shimon Peres (Szymon Perski) – in the news

    1- Shimon Peres: Israeli war criminal whose victims the West Ignored. (Middle East Monitor)

    2- Arab media remembers Shimon Peres as war criminal, settlement (Haaretz)

    3- Shimon Peres: Israeli War Criminal Whose Victims the West Ignored. (Common Dreams)

    4- Don’t honor Peres’ war criminal history (The Electronic Intifada)

    5- Israeli War Criminal Shimon Peres Passes (SteveLendmanBlog)

    6- Dear UNESCO: You’re Going to Honor Shimon Peres? Really? warisacrime)

    7- Shimon Peres was a ‘war criminal’, say Irish Palestinian groups (Irishtimes)

    8- Palestinians remember Shimon Peres as a ‘war criminal’ (alaraby)

    9- Shimon Peres obituary: Peacemaker or war criminal? (Aljazeera)

    10- MK sparks outcry by calling Peres a ‘blood-covered war criminal'(timesofisrael)

    11- Shimon Peres – “The Butcher of Qana” – dies (5Pillars)

    12- Shimon Peres: Blood-Covered War Criminal (Farsnews)

    13- World Leaders Issue Emotional Tributes to Shimon Peres (JewYorkTimes)

    14- Shimon Peres’ mixed legacy: War criminal or peace dove? – AOL

    15- Shimon Peres: Founder of Israel, architect of the occupation (MiddleEastEye)

    16- Shimon Peres: Israeli War Criminal Whose Victims the West Ignored ( newzsentinel)

    17- Palestinian member of Knesset says Peres is a war criminal (mideast-online)

    18- Shimon Peres, you’re a war criminal! say Oxford students (vnnforum)

    19- Butcher of Qana, Shimon Peres, Dead (kayhan)

    20- Hamas calls Peres a criminal, Abbas hails him as brave (Yahoo)

    21- To Host Peres Is to Welcome Racism and War Criminals Rolled In One (Palestinechronicle)

  • Justice5775CE

    It is not acceptable to speak ill of the dead, but it is also difficult to forget that Peres was the main man in closing the door of the Israeli embassy to Pollard or that he was the architect of Oslo. It is unfair to say he was not a Zionist, as some of his detractors do. He was. But he was also an opportunist, an egotist, and a man blinded by thinking a dream of peace could be made real with murderers for partners. But he loved Israel, was a true son of Zion, a Zionist. Of that I have no doubt.

    • TecumsehUnfaced

      He was a war criminal, as deserving of execution as any who stood in the dock at Nuremberg.

    • Helen4Yemen

      __ Jabotinsky: “Zionist colonization must either be terminated or carried out against the wishes of the native population. This colonization can, therefore, be continued and make progress only under the protection of a power independent of the native population -an iron wall, which will be in a position to resist the pressure to the native population. This is our policy towards the Arabs…” Vladimir Jabotinsky- The Iron Wall, 1923:

    • Helen4Yemen

      __ Jabotinsky: colonization carries its own explanation, the only possible explanation, unalterable and as clear as daylight to every ordinary Jew and every ordinary Arab. colonization can have only one aim, and Palestine Arabs cannot accept this aim. It lies in the very nature of things, and in this particular regard nature cannot be changed.

    • Helen4Yemen

      __ Jabotinsky: My readers have a general idea of the history of colonization in other countries. I suggest that they consider all the precedents with which they are acquainted, and see whether there is one solitary instance of any colonization being carried on with the consent of the native population. There is no such precedent. The native populations, civilised or uncivilised, have always stubbornly resisted the colonists, irrespective of whether they were civilised or savage. And it made no difference whatever whether the colonists behaved decently or not.

    • Helen4Yemen

      __ Jabotinsky: Every native population, civilised or not, regards its lands as its national home, of which it is the sole master, and it wants to retain that mastery always; it will refuse to admit not only new masters but, even new partners or collaborators.

    • Helen4Yemen

      __ Jabotinsky: “A voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult, not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!… Zionism is a colonization adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important… to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot – or else I am through with playing at colonizing.” Vladimir Jabotinsky, founder of Revisionist Zionism (precursor of Likud), The Iron Wall, 1923

    • Helen4Yemen


      Plehve: “What sort of help then do you ask of us?”

      Herzl: Russian intervention with the Sultan, in order to secure a charter for colonization of Palestine. Palestine moreover, seemed to offer the one genuine opportunity. Palestine was the only place that attracted us,

      Herzl’s diary entry of Aug 10, 1903

  • Justice5775CE

    He was a Zionist, who devoted his life to Israel, and for that we must honor him. Oslo was a foreseeable disaster, it is true. ONe does not make peace settlements with depraved, murderous pedophiles. (See Oriana Fallaci, “Interview with HIstory”; Ion Pacepa, “Red Horizons, ” etc.) One does not make peace with the kleptocratic bagman for Munich, Abbas, and that only begins to tell his story. We in the Diaspora knew Oslo would end in disaster. I suppose sometimes it’s easier to see such things from outside. The majority of Israelis trusted in the process for reasons we will never understand and negotiated in good faith while Arafat launched terror attacks on school buses, claiming they were done by “terrorists,” a category from which he ironically excluded himself. Now, Netanyahu has invited the Munich bagman to speak to the Knesset. The murderer has refused. And that is good. REst in peace, Peres. Israel lives, and it always will. Maybe, one day, the Palestinians will find themselves with a leader who doesn’t pocket their money, support gangs, deprive them of civil rights, etc., one with whom Israel can negotiate. That was your dream, and we all want it to happen. But they have to will it.

    • TecumsehUnfaced

      Honor him for being a thug? For being a psychopathic genocidal country stealer? You are mad! Do you honor Adolf Hitler?

      • Justice5775CE

        No, do you?

        • TecumsehUnfaced

          You just don’t care that he was a genocidal thug like Hitler, right? Hitler hurt Jews, so for you that’s bad. Peres hurt Arabs, so for you that’s good? You honor him for that because he helped steal the Arabs’ country for the European ZioNazis, right?

          • Justice5775CE

            In what way was he “llke Hitler”? Please be specific. How, precisely, do they compare?

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            isn’t it obvious? He participated in the murderous, terrorist grab for Lebensraum,while driving huge numbers of people into camps.

            But you believe doing atrocities to Arabs is okay, but not to Jews. Isn’t that rather bigoted?

          • Justice5775CE

            No, it isn’t obvious. I am asking for a point by point comparison. First, btw., no one drove anyone into camps. However, UNWRA, which exists for the Palestinians alone, and for no other group, does keep the Palestinians, some of them, in camps. Most are unaware that they have alternatives. They are the only population for whom refugee status is heritable. All other refugees, until the recent crisis have been resettled quickly by the regular relief agency. None of this has anything to do with either HItler or Israel. Clearly, you know nothing, and you are not alone in that, my friend. I can’t see the point in continuing this discussion. Have a good night.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Wow! You are in denial! War crime is war crime! Especially when done by invading thugs, like the European Ashkenazi ZioNazi, genocidally invading another people’s country to steal.

            Over 750,000 people (~80%) driven off their ancestral lands

            Over 600 Arab villages and towns BULLDOZED

            Okay, continue being a deluded bigot pretending your ‘Israel’ is other than a vile thugdom built by vicious war crimes. How about getting a relief agency for removing the ZioNazi thugs throttling Palestine? How about returning the lands and home viciously stolen by the evil thugs you glorify?

          • neluroman

            Who has never invaded someone else’s land to cast the first rock.

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            Okay, we already know that you are a barbarian justifying ongoing atrocities by ancient ones by other peoples, other places, other times.

            What a stupid way of twisting an ancient aphorism! You would do much better to gain a conscience.

          • neluroman

            But when, in 670CE, the Arabs invaded Palestine was OK, right? And when, in Medina 620 CE, the early Muslims (Arabs) massacred or expulsed three Jewish tribes was also OK, right?

          • Helen4Yemen

            Therefore, you needed to go all the way back to 620 looking for ‘Jewish’ expulsions, right? You know those were indigenous Jews, right? No Ashkenazis, right? Here is the list of Ashkenazi expulsions:

            – 250 Carthage – 415 Alexandria – 554 Diocèse of Clermont (France) – 561 Diocèse of Uzès (France) – 612 Visigoth Spain – 642 Visigoth Empire – 855 Italy – 876 Sens – 1012 Mainz – 1182 France – 1182 Germany – 1276 Upper Bavaria – 1290 England – 1306 France – 1322 France (again) – 1348 Switzerland – 1349 Hielbronn (Germany) – 1349 Saxony – 1349 Hungary – 1360 Hungary – 1370 Belgium – 1380 Slovakia – 1388 Strasbourg – 1394 Germany – 1394 France – 1420 Lyons – 1421 Austria – 1424 Fribourg – 1424 Zurich – 1424 Cologne – 1432 Savoy – 1438 Mainz – 1439 Augsburg – 1442 Netherlands – 1444 Netherlands – 1446 Bavaria – 1453 France – 1453 Breslau – 1454 Wurzburg – 1462 Mainz – 1483 Mainz – 1484 Warsaw – 1485 Vincenza (Italy) – 1492 Spain – 1492 Italy – 1495 Lithuania – 1496 Naples – 1496 Portugal – 1498 Nuremberg – 1498 Navarre – 1510 Brandenberg – 1510 Prussia – 1514 Strasbourg – 1515 Genoa – 1519 Regensburg – 1533 Naples – 1541 Naples – 1542 Prague & Bohemia – 1550 Genoa – 1551 Bavaria – 1555 Pesaro – 1557 Prague – 1559 Austria – 1561 Prague – 1567 Wurzburg – 1569 Papal States – 1571 Brandenburg – 1582 Netherlands – 1582 Hungary – 1593 Brandenburg, Austria – 1597 Cremona, Pavia & Lodi – 1614 Frankfort – 1615 Worms – 1619 Kiev – 1648 Ukraine – 1648 Poland – 1649 Hamburg – 1654 Little Russia (Beylorus) – 1656 Lithuania – 1669 Oran (North Africa) – 1669 Vienna – 1670 Vienna – 1712 Sandomir – 1727 Russia – 1738 Wurtemburg – 1740 Little Russia (Beylorus) – 1744 Prague, Bohemia – 1744 Slovakia – 1744 Livonia – 1745 Moravia – 1753 Kovad (Lithuania) – 1761 Bordeaux – 1772 Deported to the Pale of Settlement (Poland/Russia) – 1775 Warsaw – 1789 Alsace – 1804 Villages in Russia – 1808 Villages & Countrysides (Russia) – 1815 Lbeck & Bremen – 1815 Franconia, Swabia & Bavaria – 1820 Bremen – 1843 Russian Border Austria & Prussia – 1862 Areas in the U.S. under General Grant’s Jurisdiction[1] – 1866 Galatz, Romania – 1880s Russia – 1891 Moscow – 1919 Bavaria (foreign born Jews) – 193845 Nazi Controlled Areas – 1948 Arab Countries

          • neluroman

            Ha, ha, ha! Again a coppy-and-past passage. Dear Helen, there is no any city called Galatz, there is only a city called, Galați, Romania. If this is the city you refer to, then I, as a Romanian native, tell you that you are in a big, big error here- no Jew has ever been expulsed from Galați, certainly. Or you pretend to know better, do you?

          • TecumsehUnfaced

            You can always tell a demented war criminal by its using other deeds, by other people, in other times to excuse his atrocities. You can get tell an obtusely mendacious one by the way he gets it wrong.

  • Helen4Yemen

    “Peres was born in modern day Belarus in 1923, and his family moved to Palestine in the 1930s. As a young man, Peres joined the Haganah, the militia primarily responsible for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian villages in 1947-49, during the Nakba.” (from the Article above)

  • Helen4Yemen

    “In 1975, as secret minutes have since revealed, Peres met with South African Defence Minister PW Botha and “offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime.” In 1986, Peres authorised the Mossad operation that saw nuclear whistle-blower Mordechai Vanunu kidnapped in Rome.” (from the Article above)

  • Helen4Yemen

    “The death of the Zionist, Shimon Peres, who was born in Poland, and who–like other Zionists–committed countess crimes against the people of Palestine in the last 70 years. His death is not sorrowful.”

    Abdulkhaleq Abdulla, a political science professor from the United Arab Emirates

    • neluroman

      Helen, much more Palestinian children have died recently in the Palestinian-on-Palestinian fight in Syria (Yarmouk camp) than in all Palestinian-Israeli wars combined. And not forget of “Blak Friday, Jordan, 30 years ago, when 30.000 Palestinians died in a battle with Jordanians.

  • Helen4Yemen

    Who controls America? You guessed it!

    President Barack Obama has ordered all U.S. flags on federal property to be flown at half-staff in the memory of former Israeli President and Prime Minister Shimon Peres, who died Wednesday. Obama’s order covers all federal buildings and grounds throughout the United States and its territories, as well as U.S. embassies, military bases and other facilities abroad. The order directs flags to be flown at half-staff through sunset Friday. (JewYorkTimes)

  • highlanderjuan

    “We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. NOTHING that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will forever destroy, because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build.” — “You Gentiles” p.155, Maurice Samuel

  • highlanderjuan

    Interesting. It seems that some of my anti-zionist posts have been removed. Well, that fits – just more zionist controls of the media. Have a nice day. I’m gone.

  • DBW

    Good riddance. Now that he’s fertilizer material, the gnashing of teeth, and moaning of the West’s elites will be glorified by Western Media, but none of that will undue what’s in store for the Zionist European settler-state and its major benefactor, the U.S.

  • Barry Hackney

    Funny how the same kind of people who lied to us about what a great man Joseph Stalin was are now lauding mass murderers & terrorists like Shimon Peres! They are the same people who constantly preach the “benefits” of diversity, open borders & multi-culturalism for the Christian countries but insist on strict racial purity for Israel & no religious tolerance.