
Latest commentary

Howard is demonised beyond rational understanding

John Howard received an honorary doctorate from the University of Sydney on Friday.

The University of Sydney's decision to award John Howard an honorary doctorate – and the campus backlash it has provoked – is an occasion to reflect on our nation's second-longest serving prime minister.

Michael donated a kidney at 18, and now he regrets it

Michael Poulson regrets giving that kidney away.

The author, who is a medical student, says donors are lauded for their altruism for what is promoted as a benign procedure with low long-term risk. But there actually isn't much research to support those claims.

Get up and leave when your work is done

For many workers, particularly those in offices, the time spent on the job bears little relationship to how much work ...

Too many of us proudly spend longer at work than at home, assuming that long days guarantee advancement, worshipping the clock as a perverse measure of achievement.