
Caribbean braces for hit from fierce Hurricane Matthew

Port-au-Prince: Haiti and Jamaica implored residents in vulnerable coastal areas to evacuate and Cuba suspended flights on Sunday as Hurricane Matthew, the strongest storm to menace the Caribbean islands since 2007, spun slowly toward the region.

Matthew is expected to scrape western Haiti on Monday as a major storm bringing 230km/h winds and life-threatening rain to the southern coast, while simultaneously lashing Jamaica.

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Caribbean braces for hurricane Matthew

Caribbean nations in the path of hurricane Matthew prepare for the worst as the fiercest storm in years threatens widespread damage.

Eastern Cuba also will feel bands of fierce wind and rains on Monday, the US National Hurricane centre said.

The storm was advancing northwest at 7km/h, located about 475 kilometres southeast of Kingston on Sunday afternoon. The hurricane centre ranked it at Category 4 on the five-step Saffir-Simpson scale of hurricane intensity.

Hurricane Matthew is nearing the coastline.
Hurricane Matthew is nearing the coastline.  Photo: NOAA

"Slow motion is almost always a bad thing for any land area impacted," said John Cangialosi, a hurricane specialist at the centre, noting that the storm's devastating rains and winds will linger over the region.

With tropical storm conditions expected to reach Haiti and Jamaica late on Sunday, officials in both countries urged residents to prepare. In Haiti, the prime minister's office issued a red alert warning for landslides, high waves and floods.


Matthew is the most powerful hurricane to form over the Atlantic since Felix in 2007 and as many as 101 centimetres of rain could fall on parts of southern Haiti. That could trigger deadly flash floods and mud slides, the Miami-based hurricane centre said.

Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas and a combination of weak government and precarious living conditions for most of its people makes it particularly vulnerable to natural disasters.

This graphic shows the coastal areas under a hurricane warning in red, and those on hurricane watch in pink.
This graphic shows the coastal areas under a hurricane warning in red, and those on hurricane watch in pink.  Photo: NOAA

More than 200,000 people were killed when a magnitude seven earthquake struck the country in 2010, wrecking thousands of homes, schools and hospitals.

Despite worries about potential storm devastation, life in the southern Haitian town of Les Cayes continued as normal, residents said.

This graphic shows the probabilities of sustained surface wind speeds exceeding 39mph.
This graphic shows the probabilities of sustained surface wind speeds exceeding 39mph.  Photo: NOAA

"If it passes by here, that's when I protect myself," said Jean Robert, 40, who leaned against a motorcycle outside of the bank where he works as a guard. "I have no preparation, I have nothing."

Haiti started evacuating residents by boat from small, exposed sandy islands in the south on Saturday. Boats were prohibited from going to sea on Sunday.

Slow motion is almost always a bad thing for any land area impacted.

John Cangialosi, hurricane specialist.

In Jamaica, which could see up to 64 centimetres of rain, the government of Prime Minister Andrew Holness was preparing buses to help evacuate villagers in Port Royal, at the vulnerable edge of Kingston Harbour.

Outside his office, Holness told Reuters ahead of the first lashings of rain that his government was mobilised and about 80 per cent of the 2.7 million Jamaicans were ready for the storm.

Hurricane Matthew is crawling north at about 5mp/h.
Hurricane Matthew is crawling north at about 5mp/h.  Photo: NOAA

"The damage will have an impact on our economic growth, which is already fragile," he said, as the wind began to pick up. Agriculture, tourism and towns cut off by storm damage and landslides in particular will be hurt, Holness said.

He said Jamaica had learned much about hurricane recovery since its last major storm, Hurricane Gilbert in 1988.

Workers set up a board as protection against hurricane Matthew in an hotel in Kingston, Jamaica.
Workers set up a board as protection against hurricane Matthew in an hotel in Kingston, Jamaica. Photo: AP

Kingston residents stocked up on canned food, water and batteries, while banks and offices boarded their windows. Fishermen were told not to go to sea.

In Cuba, where evacuations already were well under way, many flights were suspended as of noon on Sunday. In Santiago de Cuba, residents formed long lines for supplies while authorities took down traffic signals to protect them from the wind and hotels boarded up their windows.

Cuban President Raul Castro warned that Matthew was stronger than Hurricane Sandy, which devastated Santiago de Cuba in 2012.

"We have to prepare as if it has twice the power of Sandy," Castro was reported as saying in the Granma newspaper on a visit to Santiago de Cuba.

A few kilometres east, the United States was airlifting some 700 spouses and children to Florida from its Guantanamo Bay naval base. Prisoners and service personnel will remain.

Cuba plans to move tourists to safer ground in the next 24 to 36 hours, state-run media said.

Later in the week, Matthew could affect the Bahamas and the US East Coast, although forecasts so far out are often inaccurate. The US State Department issued travel warnings for the Bahamas, Jamaica and Haiti.

Florida Governor Rick Scott said residents of his state should prepare for what could be a catastrophic storm. 
