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Proposed Budget Cuts Target Oregon’s Most Vulnerable Children

Some of Oregon’s poorest families with children are slated to be among the first victims of state budget cuts, should those cuts come to pass. With Oregon facing a $1.41 billion shortfall for the upcoming budget period, the Oregon Department of Human Services (DHS) has drawn up a list of proposed cuts.[1] Near the top of that list is a recommendation to shorten the time a parent can get help from the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program — a proposal that would inflict further suffering on Oregon’s poorest families with children.[1]

The Governor and legislature should reject any approach that would balance the budget on the backs of Oregon’s most vulnerable children.

Posted in Poverty, State budget, TANF.
More about: child care, homelessness

We're Hiring a Policy Analyst

The Oregon Center for Public Policy is hiring a Policy Analyst to join the Center’s professional staff. We seek someone with strong quantitative and analytic skills and the ability to communicate information effectively to diverse audiences.

See here for the job description and information on how to apply.

iconIssues in Focus

The greatest challenge

Confronting income inequality is perhaps the greatest challenge facing Oregon today. A growing body of research indicates that income inequality not only limits the ability of working families to get ahead, but also undermines economic growth.

The following slides give you a quick run down of the latest data.


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The Oregon Center for Public Policy does in-depth research and analysis on budget, tax, and economic issues. Our goal is to improve decision making and generate more opportunities for all Oregonians.

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