Report on the humanitarian aid work of the LCC

Preliminary Report and Summary
Regarding humanitarian aid work of the Local Coordination Committees in the period between 01-12-2011 and 10-01-2012

The Local Coordination Committees continued its work in providing humanitarian aid during the past period with the help and support of donors from inside and outside of Syria. The Committees received, during this period, a total amount of 875,000 Syrian Pounds + $ 8,000 + € 8,500 + € 3,500 (in the emergency box). This amount does not include the donations collected through the Committee’s website, which have not been withdrawn yet due to procedural reasons. In addition, we also received gifts in kind, especially: clothing of all types, food baskets, and other gifts in kind to affected families.

The Committees bought and distributed 650 food baskets (basket price ranged from 1600 to 1700 SP) mainly in the area of Damascus and its suburbs. It also disbursed, in cash, the amount of 207,000 SP to activists, freed detainees, and the families of detainees in the regions of Damascus, the Damascus Suburbs, Daraa, Hama, and Homs. Four laptop computers were purchased for activists in three different regions of the country, including one laptop for an activist who has been recently released from prison; and a mobile phone was sent to Homs. The Committees also provided financial aid to activists suffering from hardship, and spent the amount of 119,980 SP to buy gifts in kind for the families of displaced peoples.

The Local Coordination Committee would like to thank all those who donated and participated in aiding the victims of the murderous regime of Syria. Your ongoing participation is the guarantee of our ability to continue our humanitarian aid provision.

The Local Coordination Committees assure you that it adopts highly transparent criteria in auditing and scrutinizing its financial transaction. We would have preferred if we could show the details of all the transactions that we do, including the dates, names and amounts; but the current unfortunate circumstances do not allow that. Sponsoring bodies can always contact our financial office for any queries or suggestions.

Local Coordination Committees, 12/01/2012

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