
Alec Baldwin steals Saturday Night Live with Donald Trump parody

No debating: Alec Baldwin stole the show in his new role as Donald Trump when Saturday Night Live spoofed the recent presidential debate.

Facing off against Kate McKinnon as she impersonated Democratic hopeful Hillary Clinton, Baldwin on Saturday delivered an orange-faced, blustery impression of her GOP rival.

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Alec Baldwin nails Trump impersonation

Actor Alec Baldwin impresses with his impersonation of Donald Trump as Saturday Night Live kicked off its 42nd season with a parody of the first presidential debate.

He railed about US jobs fleeing to "Chi-naah".

He sputtered that "my microphone is broken", and pointing to his opponent, insisted, "She broke it with Obama."

Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump on SNL.
Alec Baldwin as Donald Trump on SNL. Photo: NBC

"Wrong!", "Wrong!", "Shut up!" he interrupted repeatedly.

As the "debate" progressed, make-believe Clinton seemed increasingly encouraged.


"Can America vote right NOW?" she inquired.

Family Feud's team Trump: Margot Robbie as Ivanka Trump, with SNL faithfuls playing her brothers Donald jnr (far right) ...
Family Feud's team Trump: Margot Robbie as Ivanka Trump, with SNL faithfuls playing her brothers Donald jnr (far right) and Eric. Photo: NBC

Baldwin's deal to play Trump for the remainder of the race was announced by NBC just days before SNL began its 42nd season and a little more than a month before voters choose between the real-life Trump and Clinton.

Australian actress Margot Robbie hosted the show, which premiered in the States a short time ago, and tried her hand at Ivanka Trump in SNL's political version of Family Feud.

Robbie as a vacuous Ivanka teamed up with Vladimir Putin (Beck Bennett) and Republican Chris Christie (Bobby Moynihan), against Team Clinton, which featured Larry David as Democrat Bernie Sanders and Darrell Hammond as Bill Clinton.

According to Daily Beast, Robbie's Ivanka "was one of the sketch's many highlights".

"What a pleasure it is to be here, Steve. This is fun. I love fun. Every day I schedule 20 minutes of fun," she told game show host Steve Harvey (Kenan Thompson).

At one point Robbie's Ivanka needed some help with the questions, so her brothers suddenly appeared from behind the podium to which the Harvey called them "Children of the Corn."

David's Sanders faced off against McKinnon as Trump adviser KellyAnne Conway, who revealed her gameplan was to "talk and talk until people forget he question then I'm going to make an insane claim about Hillary: Hillary Clinton is North Korean."

To which David's Sanders responded: "Senator Clinton is the prune juice of this election – she might not seem that appetising, but if you don't take her now you're gonna be clogged with crap for a very long time."

Meanwhile Robbie sidled up to Hammond's Bill Clinton. "We're just getting acquainted," the former president said, creepily.

AP, with Aja Styles