Federal Politics

Big four banks prepare to be grilled by Parliament, but Labor stuck on royal commission

Labor has not given up its fight for a royal commission on the nation's banking sector, as the big four prepare to face the first of what Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has promised will be an annual accounting of their actions.

The biggest of Australia's big four – the Commonwealth Bank – will front a parliamentary committee on Tuesday, the first of three days of hearings, which will see ANZ follow on Wednesday and Westpac and NAB to appear on Thursday.

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Whether it's interest rates, competition, resilience or misconduct, ACCC, APRA, ASIC and the RBA are the lead banking watchdogs.

The Turnbull government had resisted calls for an inquiry into the nation's banking sector, despite revelations regarding its treatment of insurance customers, conflicts of interest and the treatment of whistleblowers, but bowed to pressure shortly after the election, announcing the annual hearings.

However, the government has continued to resist calls for a royal commission, with the Prime Minister saying it would be a costly exercise that would take too long to resolve any problems raised.

The CEOs of the big four banks will be quizzed by a parliamentary committee this week.
The CEOs of the big four banks will be quizzed by a parliamentary committee this week. Photo: Paul Rovere

Speaking to Sky News on Sunday, Liberal senator James Paterson said a royal commission would "put at risk the reputation of our banks as some of the most stable and reliable in the world".

The sector itself has also stridently pushed back against any form of inquiry, setting out its own plan for reform to address concerns, including "an independent review of pay structures that put staff incentives ahead of customer needs and enhanced protections for whistleblowers".


The Australian Bankers' Association announced the reforms on Friday, ahead of this week's hearings, so customers could feel better prepared to take on the "might of a bank when something goes wrong".

But Labor's shadow minister for financial services, Katy Gallagher, said there was only one way to fix the system, accusing the government of running a "protection racket for banks".

"For the many thousands of Australians who have lost their business, homes, retirement savings and health as a result of illegal or unethical behaviour from the banks and financial services sector this government-sponsored exercise is completely inadequate to address their concerns and will allow the banks to evade the proper scrutiny that only a royal commission would provide," Senator Gallagher said.

"It's up to the Prime Minister to explain just how his cover-up committee will get to the bottom of the issues within the banking and financial services industry.

"The bank CEOs will walk away at the end of their three-hour chat, safe in the knowledge that they won't be questioned again.

"Meanwhile those who've lost their savings, their homes or their businesses and who remain in debt to the banks will be stuck living with the consequences every day.

"The only way to get to the bottom of the rip-offs and scandals, give a voice to those affected and prevent these scandals from happening again is to have a royal commission and that's what we, Labor, will continue to call for."

The House of Representatives economics committee, chaired by Liberal MP David Coleman, will host the hearings, which come as attention turns to the financial health of Germany's biggest bank – Deutsche – and the impact those reports have had on global financial markets.