Heather Gold


Comic Writer Speaker . Solo performer: I Look Like An Egg, but I Identify As A Cookie. Upcoming: Everything Is Subject to Change


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  1. 釘選的推文

    Glad to hear Louis CK thinks the gov't should reflect the people. Psyched for 200 years of female Presidents.

  2. My pal Fresh White just showed me some women later in the Negro Leagues!! Amazing. White guys catch up w the past!

  3. THIS! YES YES YES! 👏🏽 👏🏽 👏🏽 If I could marry this series of tweets, I would!

  4. Learning about baseball + just heard in the Ken Burns doc that the foot first slide began as a racist attack on Buffalo's Black 2nd baseman.

  5. has been doing some great inclusive casting! Their recent production of PROOF below

  6. Can't wait. This is gonna be great. I love how one creative work sparks another. V often does for me too.

  7. Seems to parallel the way that prejudice claims opposites about a group are both true eg taking all our jobs + lazy

  8. We stumbled onto a Vintage Baseball Association game during today. Yes the umpire…

  9. It would have been interesting to see Hello, My Name is Doris directed my Marielle Heller

  10. Hello, My Name is Doris: Sally Field brings the material up as far as it can go. Some good sketch scenes. Weak female subjectivity.

  11. With my favourite person at his game in our old neighbourhood (and the park OJ grew up next to…

  12. 13 year old boys baseball game. So fun but stunning how differently their coaches talk to them then girls’ coaches when I was his age.

  13. This is great. Highly recommended explanation of Sanders’ mistakes

  14. It's almost as if black citizens have a different experience of life in America than whites.

  15. Asked if they expect their family finances to improve or worsen in the next 6 months, only 20% of whites say Improve. 60% of blacks do.

  16. Heather Gold 已跟隨 、及
  17. Is he running for a late night slot on tbs ? I have more confidence he can handle that than any…


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