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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️
citizen, man of leisure, if you voted suck it up!
Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 9m
Here's a FUKWIT. Hilarious trolls.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 12m
I didn't block, a mute simply means I didn't wish to listen to his crap. He blocked me.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 1h
Replying to @myob2016
Then it wouldn't be very sarcastic.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
JSkiScotland🇪🇺#63% 1h
How many of you got a message from God in your dreams last night to say Remain - or Brexit ? Or were you just dreaming about Creme Eggs ?
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 1h
Roll of Honour Theresa May Gove BoJo Kelvin McKenzie Jeremy Corbyn Tommy Robinson KT Hopkins Farage Wow! Glad they're not with us.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 2h
Replying to @MikeH_PR
What a great day it was, no arrests, no violence, such good company and very reserved. How things ought to be.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
Mike Hind 5h
My Easter message. 1. May is lying. When a country is uniting, you don't get 100,000 marching against Brexit, like I did the other week
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 2h
Brexit is based on: Ignorance Stupidity Hate Selfishness Disunity Xenophobia Greed Lies Fear Nationalism apparently backing Britain 🇪🇺
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 2h
Replying to @paulkell1970
back Britain, Leave doesn't believe in backing things much.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 8h
The country never more divided. The PM never more deluded. The Brexiteers never more clueless. The EU never more united.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
David Schneider Apr 15
The impressive thing about Kelvin Mackenzie is how he hacked the Sun and smuggled his article into the paper without any editor reading it.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
Charlene White Apr 14
Kelvin MacKenzie suspended. But his column would've gone through *several* checks before print. So *several* ppl thought it was fine 😕🤔
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 9h
So there is someone gullible enough to accept this twaddle.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
Maria Fawcett 13h
Replying to @BBCNews
What world is this woman living in...she is obviously hallucinating.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
leigh 13h
Replying to @BBCNews
Where is this parallel universe that she's observing this from??
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
Brexitshambles 13h
Prime Minister on drugs.....
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 9h
Replying to @beyer_char
Might be true that we just want her to get on with it, not having to wait weeks for the next gripping instalment of the soap opera.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
Dr Charlotte Beyer 13h
PM observes 'coming together' after Brexit in Easter message . I don't think so. You're deluding yourself, Theresa.
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ 11h
He's such an idiot, what type of airhead voted for him?
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Paul ❄️❤️🇪🇺☠️ retweeted
Bonnie Greer 17h
Is it an altright/fascistic thing to be so prescient? btw 2011-2015...!
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