Jeffrey Campagna


Film Producer, Attorney, Columnist, Political Fundraiser/Event Producer/Strategist, and Advocate for LGBT Equality and Human Rights. I tweet about everything.

New York
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@JeffreyCampagna blokeatuta dago

Ziur zaude Txio hauek ikusi nahi dituzula? Txioak ikusteak ez du @JeffreyCampagna desblokeatuko.

  1. Finkatutako Txioa
  2. Donald Trump Jr: Women Who Can't 'Handle' Harassment 'Don’t Belong In The Workforce' : I'm for Trump

  3. Do Trump Pence and Carson think people who brought up 30 yr old allegations against priests were seeking fame?

  4. Ben Carson who made Sharia an issue in the GOP primary says Judeo Christian values shouldn't be part of the campaign 🤔

  5. People who don't get what women have to endure don't belong in the White House.

  6. Chris Wallace should ask Trump if the statute of limitations for sexual abuse of minors should be extended. Not just for priests.

  7. This year Matthew Shepard would have turned 40. For him, and all the Matthews taken from us too early, we fight on 🏳️‍🌈

  8. Trump Faces Another Accusation -- This Time, He Looked Up Models' Skirts

  9. Bring it - let a judge determine you have no reputation to protect. You created your reputation. Not the times.

  10. Seems is making her carear spinning sexual predators and "legitimate rape"

  11. 15 minutes of next debate will be on fitness for the office.

  12. If you don't believe there's a war on women, look at the 331 GOP leaders including who still endorse Trump. .

  13. He's not the Law and Order candidate. He's the Law & Order SVU candidate. And is voting for him.

  14. This is sexual harassment of teenage girls. Boasting about it isn't locker room talk. It a depraved admission of guilt.

  15. 4 women say Trump told the truth about his sexual assault m.o. Logically challenged says none of them are credible.

  16. Or maybe it should be 331 GOP leaders stand by Trump as women come forward confirming his admission about his sexual assault m.o.

  17. The headline should be "Four women confirm Trump's admission of sexual assault and sexual harassment of pageant contestants"

  18. Trump says he sexually harassed pageant contestants and they confirm it. says it's not credible. Hmm. I believe Trump.

  19. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson have to stop making it possible for Trump to get elected. Now.

  20. I wonder if the residents of any trump buildings have standing to get the names on the buildings changed.

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