Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Outline

Nabo is committed to providing our Members and other Users of the Services with excellent service and particularly with peace of mind regarding the personal information you provide to us. We recognise the importance of your privacy and are committed to protecting it in accordance with all applicable laws. As part of this commitment, we take the trust our Members and Service Users place in us very seriously. We recognise that it is our responsibility to protect your privacy and to inform you of our information collection practices through our Privacy Policy. 

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy, the word "you" includes Members and other Users of Nabo Services.

Our Privacy Policy outlines:

  • The type of information that we collect when you use our Service;
  • Our purpose for collecting your information;
  • The benefits created for you as a result of collecting your information;
  • With whom the information may be shared;
  • How you can access and change any personal information Nabo holds about you;
  • What security procedures are in place to protect the loss, misuse or alteration of your personal information; and
  • How to contact Nabo.


What personal information do we collect?

Nabo gathers two types of information about you, namely aggregated information generated by our systems (or third party systems) to track our website traffic but that does not identify you personally ("non-personal information") and personal information about you such as your name, address, telephone and facsimile number and email address ("personal information").

The type of information that Nabo collects about you is dependent on the information you provide as part of your member application.

Generally, Nabo does not collect 'sensitive information' about you. Sensitive information includes (but is not limited to) information about your race or ethnic origin, your religion, your medical history and your sexual orientation. Nabo will only collect sensitive information about you in the event that it is necessary for the purpose of providing you with a product or service. In such circumstances, Nabo will only collect sensitive information with your consent unless we are required by law to collect such information from you.


Why do we collect this information?

Nabo collects non-personal information in aggregate form to track data such as the total number of visits to our Service, the number of visits to specific areas of our Service and the domain names of our website visitors' internet service providers.

We use this information, which remains in aggregate form, to understand how our visitors use our Service so that we can constantly improve and enhance our services. We may also share this information with our customers and partners where such information will benefit any collaborative purpose.

We also use this information to tailor our products and those of our Members and partners.

Like many website operators, Nabo uses third parties to measure and analyse the internet usage across our websites, including to review and track:

  • The number of page views that occur on our Services;
  • The number of unique browsers to our Services;
  • How long these unique browsers (on average) spend on our Services when they do visit; and
  • Common entry and exit points of our Services.

Nabo’s web servers provide us with your IP address. This assists us in the diagnosis of problems and or support issues with our services.

Nabo uses 'cookies' and 'applets' in its website systems. You are able to disable cookies and applets via your computer's web browser however this may restrict access to some web pages and services within the Nabo website.

Nabo uses a lookup service to locate your address and telephone number when you apply to become a Member of the Services using the phone directory verification option.

Nabo uses a geo-location service to locate you at your address when you apply to become a member of the Services using the smartphone geo-location verification option.


How do we use your personal information?

We use personal information collected about Members and other Users:

  • To communicate with you, including via email newsletters;
  • To enable you to complete functions facilitated through our Services;
  • To identify the number of people using Nabo’s Services and establish the nature of their interests;and 
  • To facilitate registration of our customers.


Who do we disclose information to and why?

Nabo will disclose your personal information if it is necessary to permit us to provide our Services as you have requested.

Nabo may disclose your personal information (name and address and other information as provided by you) to other Members of the Services who live in your suburb. Personal information shared by you can be altered in your Profile settings.

Nabo may also disclose your personal information to third party contractors who perform services for us including the management and maintenance of our information systems.

Nabo will collect your information on servers located in Australia. In some circumstances we may transfer or disclose information to persons and/or businesses outside Australia.

Where your personal information is passed on to third parties, Nabo takes reasonable steps to ensure that these individuals and/or organisations are bound by confidentiality and privacy obligations in relation to the protection of your personal information. Where information is transferred outside of Australia we believe that the recipients of such information are subject to a law binding scheme or contract which effectively upholds principles for fair handling of the information that are similar in all material respects to the Australian Privacy Principles.

Other than as outlined above, Nabo will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to life or health, authorised or required by law, reasonably necessary to enforce the law, or necessary to investigate a suspected unlawful activity.


How do we protect personal information?

Protecting personal information we receive from you is of crucial importance to Nabo. While there is always some risk involved with transmitting information over the internet, we strive to protect against the misuse of any personal information that we receive from you via our website.

Nabo data is protected by industry standard encryption This technology ensures the safe transmission of all data, including personal information. By taking such measures, Nabo customers can feel secure in the knowledge that their data is protected.


Address Verification Process

Nabo may share your verification information with third party vendors to help confirm your address. We may choose to retain verification-related information to assist with future verifications, even if you do not complete the verification. If you decide not to register an account and would like us to delete your non-public verification information, please contact us


Using the Service

Member Profile Information

Nabo allows you to create a personal profile and share information such as your phone number, photo, occupation, family members, biography and personal interests. We may give you ways to hide some of this profile information, but as a minimum you first name and first letter of your last name as well as your street address may be visible to your neighbours. Irrespective of your subscriptions to nearby suburbs, neighbours outside your suburb cannot see your personal profile. If you are the subject of an unauthorised profile, please contact us.

Communications with Neighbours

Nabo offers multiple ways for you to communicate with your neighbours and share Content. Some of these communication methods are visible to all members of your suburb suburb and (if you choose) nearby suburbs, although we may give your neighbours ways to block your communications. Other communications (such as private messages between you and another individual member) will be visible only to you and the recipient. In some cases, we may limit your ability to edit or remove Content from Nabo. You can manage your email preferences on your settings page.

Respecting Your Neighbours' Privacy

One of Nabo’s core principles is that neighbours should be able to communicate amongst themselves, within the privacy of their suburb. For this reason, we restrict who can access your suburb and take efforts to exclude non-members from the conversation. For example, we don't let public Web search engines (such as Google) index member-submitted Content.

In addition, taking information shared by one member to another and sharing it outside the suburb(s) contravenes the Nabo Code of Conduct and is a serious breach of trust. You may not share your neighbours' information or any communications sent through Nabo with anyone outside the suburb(s) to which without the author's permission.

Moving Suburbs 

If you move house to a new suburb, you can transfer your account from one suburb to another. You will be required to verify your address in the new suburb, and some of your personal profile (such as name, photo, interests, responses to your invitations, phone and email contact) will migrate to the new suburb. You will no longer be a member of the old suburb and will not appear on the map, receive notifications from the old suburb, or be able to access the content in the old suburb (although, if you move to a nearby suburb, you may be able to access posts from the old suburb accessible to nearby neighbours). Your previously posted Content will remain in the old suburb, attributed to you, unless you delete individual Content before moving.

Unsubscribing from email communications

If you no longer wish to receive our email communications, you can unsubscribe at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link that is included in every email, or change your email preferences on your settings page. 

Account Deactivation and Reactivation

You can deactivate your account in account settings. Deactivation will end email notifications and you will no longer appear on your suburb map. All previously posted Content will remain in your suburb, attributed to you, unless you delete individual Content items before you deactivate.


Can I access my personal information?

Members of Nabo can access and update their personal information in Profile Settings at any time.


When does my information get destroyed?

Nabo will take reasonable steps to destroy or de-identify any personal information about you once the information is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected or as authorised or required by law.


Links to other websites

Nabo Services may contain links to other websites. Links to third party websites do not constitute endorsement, sponsorship or approval by Nabo of the content, policies or practices of those third party websites. If you have any concerns regarding your privacy when visiting a linked third party, you should ensure that you check the privacy statement/policies of those websites.


Resolving your privacy concerns and complaints - your rights

If you wish to complain about our privacy practices, please contact us. Nabo will investigate the complaint and report back to you as soon as possible.


Updates to Privacy Policy

Our current Privacy Policy was placed in effect on 27th September 2014. We may amend this Privacy Policy as determined by our discretion. In the event of an update, we will post the amended Privacy Policy on our site for your convenience.


Contact us

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us.

All use of Nabo Services is subject to our Terms & Conditions

If you require a hard copy of this Privacy Policy or a copy in some other format to suit your particular needs please contact us using any of the methods detailed above, and we will arrange for a suitable copy to be provided to you.

Nabo: Level 1, 33 Foster St Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia.