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WWinfos 2h
Yahoo hack may become test case for SEC data breach disclosure rules
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SolaFide Publishing Sep 29
Readers' Favorite 2016 Gold Medal Winner!! Now also on Audible!
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S.J. Hermann Sep 27
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Gus 2h
10 star short story. A Certain Bridge, Over a Certain River... … via
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Steven Hayward 2h
The Debt Goes Bad series Make a start now!
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Joseph C Parker 32k 3h
There is a Trend and Self-Chosen Ones are Rising Up
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Raven H. Price 4h
Have you lived in a violent situation? I HAVE & it propelled me to write THE PLAN.
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Wattpad 4h
Your morning : a hilarious modern take on Princess + the Pea from ' anthology:
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Arsènic 4h
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Howie Carr 10h
Wow, a 19 y/o in Virginia committing massive voter fraud.
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Dibang 11h
Gandhi's songs: The prayer of music, the music of prayer by Gopalkrishna Gandhi &Save
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Katherine Pym 14h
HisFic London 1665 Erasmus wants a simple life but his brother keeps getting into scrapes.
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Priti Gandhi 21h
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Wattpad Sep 30
We found the perfect for a slow, cozy Saturday:
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deray mckesson Sep 30
: Inside the Chicago Police Department’s secret budget
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Patola Sep 30
This post is a . Difference between feeling depressed and suffering from depression. gotta love
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JLin Portal Sep 29
2012 Flashback: Cheng Ho retold Harvard stories "He's just a regular guy; he's a goofball"
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FOOD et al Sep 29
What to have for lunch?!🤔😳😱☹️🤒 Food industry seems to have blatant disregard for human health😡
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UN Women India Sep 28
our story on listening to the women's voices from the informal economy at here
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Mehdi Hasan Sep 27
"Meet The Charming, Terrifying Face Of The Anti-Islam Lobby" from . Depressing. Scary.
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