A citizen's guide to U.S. security and defense assistance

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8/12/16 | Publications
El Salvador's Violence: No Easy Way Out

What we found was evidence of a grim, multisided confict with no clear end in sight: Gangs are now present in each of the country’s 14 regional departments, controlling entire neighborhoods and imposing untold violence and fear on the population. The Salvadoran government developed a relatively...

8/1/16 | Blog
U.S. May Shift Gears on Human Rights Training to Peacekeepers

Over the past year, the legacy and reputation of UN Peacekeeping missions across the African continent have been increasingly marred by scandals involving abuse of the civilian populations they were deployed to protect. Human Rights Watch detailed peacekeepers in the...

8/1/16 | Fact Sheets
Don't Forget About Pentagon-funded Military Aid to Israel

The United States and Israel have had a strong security relationship for decades, including billions of dollars in U.S. military aid. Most observers only consider the $3.1 billion in State Department's Foreign Military Financing program though. Often not included in figures on U.S. military aid...



8/19/16 | News
Ukraine Reports Heaviest Rebel Shelling Attack for a Year
Ukraine on Thursday reported the heaviest rebel shelling attack in the separatist east for a year in what the president said could be a prelude to a full-scale Russian invasion
8/19/16 | News
Russia Brings Military Allies to NATO Border
Russian military exercises near its western borders have become de rigeur over the last couple of years, as tension between Russia and NATO has spiked. But exercises that kicked off this week are novel in that Russia has brought along its allies from the Caucasus and Central Asia, which have for...
8/19/16 | News
In Afghanistan, Special Operators Continue to Burn Both Ends of the Candle
Things aren’t going so well in Afghanistan these days. The Obama administration plans to reduce America’s presence there by only about half as much as it originally intended, from the current level of 9,800 to 8,400 instead of 5,500 by the end of 2016. The administration also expanded the rules of...

Upcoming Dates

09/08/16 to 09/09/16 | Event

The world has experienced a decade of decline in democracy, and the downward trajectory is accelerating. Nativist sentiments in the United States and Europe are weakening support for the liberal world order, while China is increasingly assertive in projecting its hard and soft power and its anti...

09/28/16 to 09/29/16 | Event

The 8th annual CEPA Forum will take place in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday and Thursday, September 28-29, 2016. It is organized under the auspices of the Polish presidency of the Visegrád Group with the support of the International Visegrad Fund and the Institute of East-Central Europe in...