- published: 14 Feb 2016
- views: 537891
In ancient Greece, the symposium (Greek: συμπόσιον symposion, from συμπίνειν sympinein, "to drink together") was a drinking party. Literary works that describe or take place at a symposium include two Socratic dialogues, Plato's Symposium and Xenophon's Symposium, as well as a number of Greek poems such as the elegies of Theognis of Megara. Symposia are depicted in Greek and Etruscan art that shows similar scenes.
The equivalent in Roman society is the Latin convivium.
The Greek symposium was a key Hellenic social institution. It was a forum for men of respected families to debate, plot, boast, or simply to revel with others. They were frequently held to celebrate the introduction of young men into aristocratic society. Symposia were also held by aristocrats to celebrate other special occasions, such as victories in athletic and poetic contests. They were a source of pride for them.
Symposia were usually held in the andrōn (ἀνδρών), the men's quarters of the household. The participants, or "symposiasts", would recline on pillowed couches arrayed against the three walls of the room away from the door. Due to space limitations the couches would number between seven and nine, limiting the total number of participants to somewhere between fourteen and twenty seven (Oswyn Murray gives a figure of between seven and fifteen couches and reckons fourteen to thirty participants a "standard size for a drinking group"). If any young men took part they did not recline but sat up. However, in Macedonian symposia the focus was not only on drinking but hunting, and young men were allowed to recline only after they had killed their first wild boar.
Koffi Olomide - Symposium (Clip Officiel)
The Symposium by PLATO (FULL Audiobook)
Plato - Symposium (The Drinking Party) Full Play.
Symposium - Fairweather Friend
The Symposium by Plato
Symposium - Farewell to Twilight
Koffi Olomidé - Symposium
Intro to Philosophy: Plato, the Symposium (part 1)
An Introduction to Plato's Symposium- Macat Philosophy Analysis
► S'abonner à la chaine : http://bit.ly/1juo5wI ► Buy on iTunes : http://apple.co/1X2iqwy ► Listen on Spotify : http://bit.ly/1Mqf0fL ► Listen on Deezer : http://bit.ly/1LauqXr Extrait de l'album « 13ième Apôtre, Vol 1 » Production : Kofficentral Distribution Digitale : Cantos Music *** Plus d'infos sur Koffi Olomidé / More info on Koffi Olomidé Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KoffiOlomideKoffiCentral?fref=ts Twitter : https://twitter.com/kofficentral Instagram https://instagram.com/koffiolomide_officiel Site Officiel : http://kofficentral.fr/
The Symposium - audiobook PLATO (ΠΛΆΤΩΝ) (c. 428 BC - c. 347 BC), translated by Benjamin JOWETT (1817 - 1893) In one of Plato's more accessible works, Apollodorus tells a friend about a drinking party (or symposium) attended by many of intellectuals of late 5th century Athens. The men are one their second night of celebration for Agathon's victory at the city Dionysia, and decide that instead of drinking, they should give speeches in praise of love. - Summary by Libby Gohn Recorded as a dramatic work, cast list: Apollodorus: KHand Glaucon: Elizabeth Klett Companion to Apollodorus, and Pausanias: Beth Thomas Aristodemus: ToddHW Socrates: alanmapstone Agathon: Peter Tucker Servant: staticstasy Aristophanes: Libby Gohn Eryximachus: bala Phaedrus: Eden Rea-Hedrick Diotima: Anna Simon Alcibiad...
Jonathan Miller's Sunday Night Play from 14/11/1965. Jonathan Miller plays Plato's "Symposium" as a picnic organized by an OxBridge don for his students. The entertaining script is faithful to the drinking party recorded by Plato, where Socrates asks each guest to explain the nature of Love. By a series of questions, Socrates leads the guests to conclude that Love is the Highest Good, and that God is Love. This Socratic dialogue may be said to be the basis for Western Philosophy.
Music video for Symposium - Fairweather Friend
The Symposium concerns itself at one level with the genesis, purpose and nature of love, and (in latter-day interpretations) is the origin of the concept of Platonic love. Love is examined in a sequence of speeches by men attending a symposium, or drinking party. Each man must deliver an encomium, a speech in praise of Love (Eros). The party takes place at the house of the tragedian Agathon in Athens. Socrates in his speech asserts that the highest purpose of love is to become a philosopher or, literally, a lover of wisdom. The dialogue has been used as a source by social historians seeking to throw light on life in ancient Athens, in particular upon sexual behavior, and the symposium as an institution. The Symposium by Plato. Go to LearnOutLoud.com to download this and other Classics of ...
goodbye to moonlight, farewell to twilight
► NOUVEAU CLIP TOURNEVIS ICI : http://bit.ly/1Pbj2je ► S'abonner à la chaine : http://bit.ly/1juo5wI ► Buy on iTunes : http://apple.co/1X2iqwy ► Listen on Spotify : http://bit.ly/1Mqf0fL Extrait de l'album « 13ième Apôtre, Vol 1 » Production : Kofficentral Distribution Digitale : Cantos Music *** Plus d'infos sur Koffi Olomidé / More info on Koffi Olomidé Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/KoffiOlomideKoffiCentral?fref=ts Twitter : https://twitter.com/kofficentral Instagram https://instagram.com/koffiolomide_officiel Site Officiel : http://kofficentral.fr/
In this class session from my Fall 2013 Introduction to Philosophy class at Marist College, we start our study of Plato's master-work, the Symposium. We get as far into it as the first two speeches on Love, by Phaedrus and Pausanius. Prior to that, we examine the meaning of "symposium", discuss how the characters got there and why they are giving speeches about Love, set out the narrative structure of the dialogue, and discuss male-male love relations amongst the Ancient Greeks. The video was recorded on a new camera, and I've not yet got the hang of it, so unfortunately, a portion on the right side of the blackboard is cut off here. All of the audio remains, however, and most of what I put on the chalkboard. Handouts on each of the speeches and the Symposium itself are available in t...
Plato’s Symposium is one of the most influential works ever written in the field of philosophy. This short video from Macat explains the key ideas in the work in only a few minutes. Macat’s videos give you an overview of the ideas you should know, explained in a way that helps you think smarter. Through exploration of the humanities, we learn how to think critically and creatively, to reason, and to ask the right questions. Critical thinking is about to become one of the most in-demand set of skills in the global jobs market.* Are you ready? Learn to plan more efficiently, tackle risks or problems more effectively, and make quicker, more informed and more creative decisions with Macat’s suite of resources designed to develop this essential set of skills. Our experts have already compi...
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Read your free e-book: http://copydl.space/mebk/50/en/B01DT2DVCY/book Current Aeronautical Fatigue Problems contains the papers presented at the Symposium on Current Aeronautical Fatigue Problems, held in Rome in April 1963.the symposium is held with the purpose of reaching a fruitful and effective exchange of information on all aspects of fatigue problems in aeronautics. The main subjects covered in the symposium were: elevated-temperature effects, propagation and residual static strength, and structural fatigue testing. The specific topics discussed include the importance of non-linear interactions which affect creep and strength properties under variable stress and temperature; the factors affecting the fatigue life of a light alloy supersonic transport aircraft; the techniques of fract...
Read your free e-book: http://copydl.space/mebk/50/en/B01DRY1QBC/book Software for Computer Control 1982 covers the proceedings of the Third Ifac/ifip Symposium. The book discusses the state of software development for digital computer applications for science and control. With a total of 73 papers, the book covers topics such as real-time language and operating systems; man-machine communication software; software for robots; software for distributed control systems; C.a.d. of digital computer controls systems; algorithms for digital computer control; control software engineering and management; and industrial applications. Computer scientists, engineers, and I.t. professionals will find this book interesting, since it provides discussions on the various applications of computer programs....
Car made by our engineering clg students ***
Get an inside look at the 2016 Sitecore Symposium in New Orleans with a roundtable discussion between four of Velir's Sitecore MVP's; Mark Stiles, Mark Servais, Chris Sulham and Dan Solovay. See what's new with Sitecore's Experience Platform, Azure, Commerce, XDB and what we think are key takeaways.
Read your free e-book: http://hotaudiobook.com/mebk/50/en/B015PNEX2C/book This volume consists of papers presented at the 2014 International Symposium on Systems and Computer Technology (issct 2014, Shanghai, China, 15-17 November 2014). The demand for systems and informatics have been constantly increasing, as more and more computer applications have been built. Great efforts have been made to improve the state of the art in the technologies for computer-based applications. Issct 2014 aimed to advance these technologies to a new level and to encourage development of computer-based applications to be more reliable and efficient. The submissions, from all parts of the world, cover a variety of areas, including Control and Automation Systems, Power and Energy Systems, Intelligent Systems, Co...
An interfaith peace symposium sharing messages of peace with various communities including an address by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah be his Helper). Recorded on March 19, 2016. © Copyright MTA International.
The Symposium perform on Audiotree Live, August 12, 2016. Purchase the session! We split profits 50/50 with the band: iTunes: http://apple.co/2ctkrB3 Spotify: http://bit.ly/2c5cP8n Google Play: http://bit.ly/2bUiCjY Amazon: http://amzn.to/2cBP2N1 Bandcamp: http://bit.ly/2caK0Z5 Topspin (Video included): http://bit.ly/2c5dQgw YouTube playlist: http://bit.ly/2bDboy7 Subscribe to Audiotreetv: http://bit.ly/1LLy4ur Watch more sessions, music videos, and live performances at: http://www.audiotree.tv/ Visit the band's website at: https://thesymposium.bandcamp.com/ For our friends who live in countries where Youtube is blocked, watch the session on Vimeo: http://bit.ly/2b3h5r7
Dr. Hugh Ross and Dr. Fazale Rana present back to back presentations live and live stream sharing scientific evidence from the origins of the universe and life itself for the existence of God in “Putting Creation to the Test: A Biblical Creation Model Approach.” January 30 7:00-9:30pm EST at Loeb Playhouse, Purdue University.
Schloss Johannisberg im Rheingau am 27. Februar 2016. http://www.vernunftkraft.de/symposium/
On Friday, Jun 17, Supreme Court Senior Associate Justice Antonio Carpio delivers a lecture on developments on the Philippines' historic case China over disputed waters. More on Rappler: http://rplr.co/1W2sQOB Follow Rappler on Social Media: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rapplerdotcom Twitter - https://twitter.com/rapplerdotcom Instagram - http://instagram.com/rappler YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/rappler/?sub_confirmation=1 SoundCloud - https://soundcloud.com/rappler Google+ - https://plus.google.com/+Rappler/ Tumblr - http://rappler.tumblr.com/ http://www.rappler.com/
Chains Of Despair
Cloaked By Darkness
The Thundering Echoes Of Great Destruction To Come
Mankind's Mysteries
The Dying World
Madness In It's Sweetest Form
What Shrivels And Dies Must Face The Tempest
The Angelic Heaven Bows To The Ultimate Truth
And Melancholy Grew
Anticipation Mender Through Madness
Condemned To The Same Horrid Fate
Insanity Applauds
How Sharp The Awakening
Pale As Disease
Give Up The Ghost
Cease The Gloomy Awakening
History Foretold
The Hidden Stigmata
Totally Annihilating The Ecstasies Innumerable
Materialize The Vision
Give Up The Ghost
Cease The Gloomy Awakening
(Music: Mustis, Shagrath And Silenoz)