
on rabble.ca

Photo: Dennis Jarvis/flickr
Nova Scotia and carbon tax: Build on early actions, prepare for our green future | Oct 7 2016 | Brendan Haley | Nova Scotia policymakers should have known for some time that carbon pricing is coming. The province should be prepared to succeed in a low-carbon future because of earlier reduction efforts.
The Rideau River about 35 kilometres downstream of the Energy East pipeline cros
Energy East pipeline spill would affect Ottawa's drinking water within 48 hours | Oct 6 2016 | Brent Patterson | Council of Canadians says the Energy East pipeline is "all risk and no reward."
Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/flickr
As Hurricane Matthew hurtles toward Florida, climate change goes undebated in U.S. election | Oct 6 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | Climate change is real, and it is worsening. That it should play a central role in the U.S. elections is undebatable.
When it comes to climate, is Trudeau any different than the old boss? | Oct 5 2016 | Brad Hornick | Trudeau vs. Harper -- don't get fooled again, carbon pricing not enough to tackle climate change.
Image: Flickr/Izithombe
Confronting the crisis of violence against Indigenous women and girls in Canada | Oct 5 2016 | David Suzuki | The inquiry into murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls is long overdue and is testament to the leadership of Indigenous women and communities who have spent decades calling for an inquiry.
Rachel Notley
Rachel Notley's demand for a pipeline quid pro quo demonstrates the steely side of Alberta's premier | Oct 4 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Premier Rachel Notley sees the fight for a pipeline as an existential necessity for her government, and for Alberta's economy and place in Canada. Prime Minister Trudeau needs to be listening.
Maude Barlow talks with David Suzuki about her new book, 'Boiling Point' | Oct 4 2016 | Redeye Collective | Maude Barlow was in Vancouver on Sept. 29 to celebrate the launch of her latest book "Boiling Point" about Canada's water crisis. She shared the stage with scientist and activist David Suzuki.
Image: Flickr/DeSmogCanada
First Nations in federal court, arguing Site C infringement of treaty rights | Oct 3 2016 | Redeye Collective | Treaty 8 Nations were before the Federal Court of Appeal in Montreal in September, saying that B.C. Hydro's plans to flood a swath of their territory constitute an infringement of their treaty rights.
Big Farming | Sep 30 2016 | Victoria Fenner | A look at the corporate march across the farmlands of Canada and the rest of the world.
Drops of water
Paste stickers, fund the camp, stand up for Lelu Island, Flora Bank and for Ontario water | Sep 29 2016 | The Liberals are showing their true colours again. Let's stand for our environment!
Image: Flickr/Peoples' Social Forum (Ben Powless)
'This is Canada's Shame': Maude Barlow and Sarah Harmer discuss Canada's impending water crisis | Sep 29 2016 | Phillip Dwight Morgan | Despite nearly a decade of environmental deregulation under Stephen Harper and recurring boil-water advisories, many Canadians continue to believe that Canada is immune to water scarcity.
Wikipedia image, labeled for reuse
Toronto Pig Save 'bears witness' to animal suffering and seeks to inspire change | Sep 29 2016 | Maya Bhullar | Anita Krajnc, founder of Toronto Pig Save, talks about her ongoing trial and the Save Movement.

on babble

So which LNG plants will be going ahead and in what order in BC 2 NorthReport said... It sure is taking awhile.  What is it now? Down to 2? Petronas & Shell?   in
Why politicians must explain there are costs and sacrifices needed to combat climate change Sean in Ottawa said... I think it may be even better if this thread could focus on how to build that communication to...
West-east pipeline part 2 epaulo13 said... Drinking water measures could be in place for months due to oil spill: official Communities...
Liberal climate change plan coming, $7 billion expenditure mark_alfred said... A document was leaked to the Globe and Mail, describing a $7 billion climate change plan of the...
The Leap Manifesto Unionist said... I don't understand. What's wrong with worshipping the Sun God Ra?   in
Trudeau to push to make Trans Mountain and Energy East pipelines a reality jerrym said... Well that didn't take long. Justin is going to use his cuddly image to seil more pipelines and...
Resistance in Shawnigan Lake ikosmos said... Shawnigan featured on W5.   in
Trudeau Liberals and the Environment mark_alfred said... Here's a clip from the first question period (today, December 7, 2015) that includes a couple of...
COP21 climate demonstrations banned after attacks NDPP said... Stephane Dion Pessimistic Ahead of COP21 Climate Conference http://www.cbc.ca/news/cop21-paris-...
Report: Obama Administration Will Reject The Keystone XL Pipeline Unionist said... Trudeau ‘disappointed’ Obama rejects $8 billion Keystone pipeline   in

in cahoots

Council of Canadians
More than 50 groups urge Trudeau to stop pipeline reviews and overhaul NEB
More than 50 groups have sent a letter to Trudeau and Minister Carr urging the government to overhaul the National Energy Board before it decides how to proceed with the two proposed oil pipelines.

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