TFSRadio: A-Radio on Anti-Fenix from CZ, updates on #PrisonStrike & #CharlotteUprising + music

  • Posted on: 25 September 2016
  • By: Bursts

Airs on WSFM-LP 103.3 in Asheville / streaming at AshevilleFM from 3am EST on September 26th, 2016, through October 2nd, podcasting at Also airing this week on KOWA-LPFM in Olympia, WA, KWTF in Bodega Bay, CA, and WCRS-LP Columbus Community Radio 98.3 and 102.1 FM.

Interview with the DAF (Revolutionary Anarchist Action)

  • Posted on: 25 September 2016
  • By: insurrectionnews

Libertarian perspectives for the Middle East

The interview that we share here was produced during August 2016, just two weeks after the coup attempt of the 16th of July. This also happened a month before the beginning of the big Turkish manoeuvre on the orographic right side of the Euphrates in the Syrian territory to counteract the presence of the SDF militia that had taken that region from ISIS, strategical for the supply lines of the Caliphate.

Anarchy and its Uses

  • Posted on: 24 September 2016
  • By: thecollective


Fundamental to everything I’ve been saying about anarchy and anarchism over the last couple of years is a sense that anarchy works as a useful guiding principle only when we take it very, very seriously. I’m not interested in an argument about language or ideas, so much as one about the conditions under which we attempt to produce alternatives to existing authoritarian systems. All the references to assembling a toolkit aren’t accidental or rhetorical, and all of the sometimes fussy play with very specific aspects of our analytical and rhetorical tools is at least aimed at very practical ends.

Warsaw 3 released on bail

  • Posted on: 24 September 2016
  • By: thecollective

from via

We announce that all three of Warsaw are freed.

After nearly 4 months of absolute isolation we managed to pull them out of jail.
This release proves how weak is the police evidence and how “necessary steps” of the prosecution were just playing time, using detention as form of torture to force confessions.

This also proves that solidarity campaigns make sense – not only in moral dimension, but also practically.

Scotland: Sabotage of construction machinery & incendiary attack by Falcon Of Chaos

  • Posted on: 24 September 2016
  • By: insurrectionnews

Inside the increasingly growing modernization in the already rampantly developed urbanization I feel my individuality to suffocate. The urban field in my eyes is an area of open prison. Inside it humans just exist, as pets of a god named Law separating their existence from any other form of life and environment. And those who don’t separate, in fact they still separate themselves, because they see themselves as regulators of ”wild” life.

Dispossess Episode 5: Goals

  • Posted on: 22 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

This is the podcast Dispossess where we explore the ideas, tendencies, ideologies, spooks, spirits, and other possessions and conversations that are relevant to the hosts of the show as providing for nourishing dialogue from the perspective of a non-ideological critique of civilization

For the fifth episode we will be discussing the subject of goals.

Anything is Possible: Continuing the Discussion of Anarchist Space Travel with Casey Brezik

  • Posted on: 21 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

From Kansas City ABC


I realize it’s been a while since I’ve posted anything. That’s my fault. Hopefully, you’ll forgive me.

In my last post, I made a plea for Anarchists in Space. Since then, I’ve received letters from people who support the concept and even some just speaking about the concept. I think this is good. It’s a start. However, it’s not an end. I want to develop a means to an end to transform my and others’ dream into a reality.


Besançon, France: Back from the Holidays, Back in the Fight

  • Posted on: 21 September 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

While the end of last year was marked by social problems that caused a bit of trouble for the powerful, the summer of 2016 brought fiery revolts against this world of misery and oppression. First and foremost, these took aim at those who most obviously carry of the violence of the powerful, namely the cops and the gendarmes [military-style police].

While some go off on vacation, others stay trapped in the prison world of the ghettos. On Tuesday July 19 in Beaumont-sur-Oise in Val-d’Oise, Adama Traore was killed by gendarmes while being arrested. To conceal his death by suffocation at the hands of the pigs, the state immediately began talking about “heart troubles … respiratory troubles … pulmonary infections” and so on. Every time some dies in custody, power puts on the same grim spectacle, with the complicity of the media. This time, Beaumont and Persan [two towns in Val-d’Oise] responded with several nights of revolt, during which many municipal and state buildings (police stations, libraries, garages for city vehicles) as well as capitalist infrastructure (gas stations, supermarkets…) went up in smoke or had their windows smashed.
