Datacide Fourteen

Label: Praxis
Format: Magazine

Order number: Datacide 14

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Features: When Will We Leave the 20th Century?; Dancing with Death: The Excremental, the Sacred & Ecstatic Community in Free Party Culture; Archeology of the Radical Internet: Reflections on the early European Counter Network in the Age of ‘Networked Social Movements’; ‘They Hate Us, We Hate Them’: Resisting Police Corruption and Violence in Hackney in the 1980s and 1990s; Journeys in the Naked City. Adventures in New York Before the Rain; Wild Ride> Subcultural Rumblings in the Pacific Northwest _ form of: mutant vehicle; German Data Angst. Fiction and Poetry: Cut-Up-Marx; Incorrect Classification Possible; The Bodyshop; Star Spores: The Computerised City; Star Spores: The Magnetic Timetable. Print Reviews: Remixology: Tracing the Dub Diaspora; Sound System Culture: Celebrating Hudersfield’s Sound Systems; G.P.O. v G.P-O: A Chronicle of Mail Art of Trial; The Rabbit Hole and other writings by Cyrus Bozorgmehr; Splitting in Two: Mad Pride and Punk Rock Oblivion; Die Revolution war für mich ein grosses Abenteuer. Paul Mattick im Gespräch mit Michael Buckmiller; More Years for the Locust: The Origins of the SWP; Das Israelpseudos der Pseudolinken; Emperor Palpatine. Music: Invincible Tedium; Shuffle from Plunderphonics: ‘Chris Cutler’ Remixed; Vinyl Meltdown, Side B; Datacide Activities Since the Last Issue. News: Endless War; Surveillance, Control and Repression; Social Media and Internet Surveillance; Music Industry and Copyright; Uganda – Anti-Homosexuality Bill Update. Plus: Record Reviews, Charts, Comics and Illustrations, as well as the lives and times of Bloor Schleppy.

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