January 26, 2016   1 note
Maurizio Bianchi - oppressed by lagers

Maurizio Bianchi - oppressed by lagers

October 4, 2015   1 note
June 6, 2015


OK, well, since you asked, I’m going to refrain from my usual old-fart smart-ass non-replies here.

It all seriousness, the first thing I do in fighting this battle is to encourage those I meet, so infected, to get over their self-loathing. Your enemies want you to hate yourself. Your enemies want you to hate your life. Despite how your enemies have branded you, you need to take ownership of your misfit/outsider/loner status.

Redefining what your predicament means to you will undermine the status quo more than you think.

The second thing I try to do in this battle, is to encourage networking between all types of outsiders. Even in the eighteenth & nineteenth centuries, hermits that lived in near-complete seclusion still managed to flock together in large gatherings to deal with common concerns.

The more we can rely on each other, the less we will need to rely on the ruling class.

And yes, thirdly, to be vocal (noisy) about your dreams, needs, and visions. One thing I’ve learned over the passed 33+ years, is that you never know what is going to click inside someone else’s head. It could be any little thing on your part that will inspire them to take action in their own lives.

When I used to work at a book shop in San Francisco I once made an off the cuff remark to a visiting author about the bowling alley at the south poll. I didn’t think anything of it again, till a few years later when I found out she was so taken by the idea of a bowling alley at the south poll that she actually flew there. She even ended up living in Antarctica for awhile.

It’s the old expression, but it only takes a small spark to start a big fire.

So, what spikes my interest? It’s when I noticed how being a criminal actually did very little to erode society. Even the typical serial killer conforms to society’s expectations of him. If anything, society needs its criminals and killers to justify its efforts in keeping order in the first place.

I love entropy, and the lonely inconspicuous free-thinker going about his business does more, in the long term, for social entropy than anything any criminal could. Besides, it’s the whole “bite the hand that feeds you if that hand doesn’t feed you all” thing that I just can’t shake.  

March 5, 2015
Vagina Dentata Organ

Vagina Dentata Organ

February 20, 2015   1 note
We Buy A Hammer For Daddy - original artwork for Ladybird Book

We Buy A Hammer For Daddy - original artwork for Ladybird Book

January 10, 2015
Why oh why oh why part 2

Why oh why oh why part 2

December 5, 2014
November 16, 2014   3 notes
November 15, 2014   1 note
Why oh why oh why oh why?

Why oh why oh why oh why?

November 10, 2014   4 notes


60 page fanzine! In a bag!
8 page insert on anti-fascism and music!
2 full-colour Adolf Steg postcards!
1 Degenerate Waves Badge!

the new issue of TURBULENT TIMES is out. finally!
it is great. one of the only zines on music that really interests me PLUS a political attitude that is lacking almost anywhere these days.
you’ll get it (+ the last issue with a GRMMSK review) over at uncarved.org.