
Think you have Apple problems? Not like this disgruntled customer

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Man attacks French Apple store with steel ball

Armed with a steel ball, a man goes on a product smashing rampage at a French Apple store. Warning: violent content

Apple, like many companies, has received plenty of hate in the past from customers, but this is on a whole new level.

Spotted by The Next Web, a disgruntled customer, apparently unhappy with his customer support experience, went into an Apple Store in Dijon, France and proceeded to destroy iPhones, iPod Touches and a MacBook Air with what appears to be a boule ball, a heavy ball used in a variety of games in France.

An angry customer breaks Apple products in a store in Dijon, France.
An angry customer breaks Apple products in a store in Dijon, France. Photo: Supplied

Realising that he was on video, the man addressed the camera claiming that Apple was a company that "violates consumer's rights".

"They refuse to reimburse me as it is written by the European law of the consumer. I told them give me back my money, they say no. Here is what is going on now."

A man was apprehended by security guards after destroying Apple products in a store in France.
A man was apprehended by security guards after destroying Apple products in a store in France. Photo: Supplied

In videos of the incident posted on social media the unnamed man smashes the various Apple devices for a full minute before security steps in to take him out of the store.

Subsequent videos show the man trying to escape mall security before being apprehended a second time.

According to French news site LeJournal, the suspect has since been taken into police custody.

The investigation is said to be ongoing.

USA Today