Guild Guiding Principles

Climbers Guild guiding principles

The climber’s guild decisions will be made as a collective with the closed collective of acknowledged guild trainers having final authority on decisions made.

The guild will always maintain an overt Earth First identity and will make furthering of EF! as a movement part of its goals

Guild camps will be on a donation basis but a donation will be “strongly” encouraged.

No guild money will go toward the purchase of animal products nor will animal products ever be actively sought for donation.

Guild trainers are all empowered to make executive decisions about the participation of any individual at guild events.

The following code of conduct for all events will be in place:

  • No sexist, racist, homophobic, or bigotry of any kind will be tolerated at camps. Participation in climbers guild camps is a privilege that can and will be revoked if any unacceptable behavior is undertaken.
  •  A strict zero tolerance policy toward sexual harassment and assault will be in place at all guild events. If any situations arise at the camp swift action will be taken to ensure the safety of participants.
  • Participants have a responsibility to the group to behave in a safe manner and to show personal responsibility to ensure that they are participating in a safe manner and to be respectful of others space and opinions.
  • Climb camps are learning spaces, not parties. Intoxicants are discouraged and a strict policy that once an individual has consumed an intoxicant (marijuana, beer, etc…) they are done climbing for the day.

The step up step back principle will be in play at guild events. Meaning that individuals who dominate conversations may be asked to step back and allow space for individuals who are normally quiet to step up.

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