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Stock Titles
Category:  Basic Gospel

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Tracts Per Page: 10 20 50 All Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 - 10 of 76 Results

And It Was Good!

Subject - Creation

How did we get here? It all started in a garden.
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Other tracts related to: Creation 
Assignment, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

Will Charles respond to the gospel in time?
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Back From The Dead?

Subject - Hell

They thought he was dead, but he woke up screaming, "I've got to get saved! I saw hell! I never want to see it again!" Dramatic!
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Other tracts related to: Hell 

Bad Bob!

Subject - Basic Gospel

Bob was mean and didn't need God, until he nearly died in jail.
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Bed Time

Subject - Basic Gospel

Emily had never heard of Jesus or the Gospel. But now she understands. The gospel for young children.
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Other tracts related to: Little Children   Older Children 

Best Friend

Subject - Basic Gospel

Let me tell you about my very best friend! He made everything, and is even getting a big mansion ready for me! His name is Jesus. Written especially for children.
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Other tracts related to: Little children   Older Children 

Born Wild!

Subject - Respect

Dexter was a seven-year-old bundle of hate and disrespect. But when he met Jesus, everything changed.
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Other tracts related to: Respect  Older Children  


Subject - Basic Gospel

Cathy knows she will soon go to be with her Best Friend, but she is not afraid. First, she wants to make sure Joey does not miss out!
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Charlie's Ants

Subject - Basic Gospel

Through Charlie's ants, young readers learn that God became man to die for us. Great salvation message!
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Other tracts related to: Older Children   Little children 

Choice, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

All through life we make choices. But there is one choice that is more important than all the rest.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  


Subject - Basic Gospel

When Cleo is rescued from the animal shelter, her owner learns how Jesus redeemed us.
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Other tracts related to: Little children   Older Children 

Contract!, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

You do not need a contract with Satan to go to hell.
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Creator or Liar?

Subject - Basic Gospel

The Bible in a nutshell. How the world began, how sin entered the world, and why we must trust Jesus.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Empty Tomb, The

Subject - Bible Stories

The story of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Because of the empty tomb, Jesus is the only way to heaven.
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Other tracts related to: Bible Stories  Older Children 

Execution, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

He was supposed to be executed for his crime, but someone took his place. Jesus has taken our place too.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  


Subject - Basic Gospel

What do you mean, I am going to die twice. Die TWICE? Is there a way out? Tailored for black audiences.
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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Older Children 

Fatal Decision

Subject - Basic Gospel

John was dying. His doctor offered him a serum that would save his life, but John didn't trust him, and turned it down. We do the same to Jesus.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Flight 144

Subject - Basic Gospel

A couple spends 50 years on the mission field, trusting in their good works. But when they die and stand before God, they learn that good works can't save... only Jesus can.
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Fool, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

When the king was dying without Christ, the jester knew he had found a bigger fool than himself.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children   Little Children 

Four Angels?

Subject - Basic Gospel

Many hear the Gospel. Some truly repent, some just play religion. Which will you be?
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Gold Fever

Subject - Basic Gospel

Billy lost his gold, but he got something better.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Greatest Insult, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

Don’t insult Jesus by ignoring His sacrifice for you.
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Gun Slinger

Subject - Basic Gospel

A hired killer trusts Christ and, at death, goes to heaven. But the law-abiding marshal who hunted him rejects Christ and goes to hell. Clearly shows that salvation is through grace, not works.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Here Comes The Judge

Subject - Judgment Day

This judge had a dark side that very few knew about. He would ultimately stand before the Judge who knew it all.
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Other tracts related to: Judgment Day 

Holy Joe

Subject - Military

His platoon laughed at him, but his testimony led his sergeant to Christ.
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Other tracts related to: Military 

Holy Night

Subject - Basic Gospel

A little boy decides to obey God, and a wounded veteran's life is completely changed.
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Other tracts related to: Military   Christmas 

How To Get Rich

Subject - Basic Gospel

Learn how to gain riches you can take with you when you die.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children   Greed 

It's a Deal

Subject - Basic Gospel

Money, women, fame... it was all his. What a deal! But then it came time to pay up.
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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Sports  Greed

It's All About You!

Subject - Basic Gospel

Two "someones" are watching you. And one has it in for you. Now, you have a decision to make.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children   For Teens 

It's Not Your Fault

Subject - Basic Gospel

Ralph hated them for what they did. He had to learn to forgive, and be forgiven, before he could be free.
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Other tracts related to: Forgiveness  

It's Who You Know

Subject - Basic Gospel

Sydney didn’t need Jesus. He knew all the "right" people. All except one, that is.
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It's Your Life!

Subject - Basic Gospel

Tailored for black audiences.
Everything you have said or done will be played back at judgment. Will your name be in the Book of Life?

See this tract in other languages

Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Older Children 

Keep The Secret

Subject - Basic Gospel

Joey thinks he is in control of his life. But someone unseen is pulling the strings.
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Other tracts related to: Demons  

Kitty In The Window

Subject - Basic Gospel

A kitty in the window got Claire`s attention and she tried the doorbell one more time. Her persistence helped change a woman`s destiny.
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Other tracts related to: Suicide  

Kura's Ants

Subject - Basic Gospel

Young readers learn that God became man to die for us. Great salvation message! The same story as "Charlie’s Ants", redrawn with black characters.
See this tract in other languages

Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Little Children 

Li'l Susy

Subject - Basic Gospel

Abandoned by her earthly father, Cathy learns about her heavenly Father, and His love that will never let her down. A great message for children.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children   Little children 

Little Sneak, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

A little boy steals from his parents, but is moved to repentance when he learns about Jesus. Set in a black African nation, this missionary story has very few words.
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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Older Children  Little children

Long Trip, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

Life is a trip that will end up in one of two places...Heaven or Hell.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Love Story, A

Subject - Basic Gospel

Who loves you so much he gave you life and left heaven to die for you? It was Jesus!
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Love That Money!

Subject - Basic Gospel

If I just had more money, everything would be okay, right? Joe thought so, until...
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Other tracts related to: Greed  

Mad Machine, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

Financial pressures, world tension, crime... only Jesus can give you peace.
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Man of the Match

Subject - Sports

For soccer fans. Fame and skill were no help when Eddie learned he had only weeks to live. The same story as The Superstar, redrawn with black characters.
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Other tracts related to: Sports  Black Tract Series 

Mean Momma

Subject - Anger

She didn't think she needed God until she lost everything.
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Other tracts related to: Anger 

One Way!

Subject - Basic Gospel

Using just pictures and very few words, this tract shows that Jesus is the only way to obtain eternal life. Great for children!
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Other tracts related to: Older Children   Little Children 

Only Way, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

Using just pictures and very few words, this tract shows that Jesus is the only way to obtain eternal life. The same story as One Way, redrawn with black characters.
See this tract in other languages

Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Older Children 


Subject - Basic Gospel

A young man goofs when he is talked out of receiving Jesus as Saviour. Tailored for Black audiences.
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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Older Children 

Peace Maker, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

A policeman explains to gang members how Jesus changed his life... and his destiny!
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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series  

Present, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

The king had a present that he wanted to freely give to those in his kingdom who would receive it. God wants to give you a free gift...eternal life through His Son, Jesus.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children   Christmas 

Room 310

Subject - Basic Gospel

Danny is dying of cancer. The man in the bed next to him tries to win him to Jesus. A compelling story with a happy ending.
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Rotten Rodney

Subject - Basic Gospel

Two inmates die in a prison riot. See why they go to very different places.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Set Free

Subject - Basic Gospel

We are all born into sin, and headed for the same place. The only words in this simple tract are basic scriptures that show us how to be set free.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Sissy?, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

Duke thought Jesus was a sissy, until a trucker explained to him the horrible price Jesus paid so his sins could be forgiven. Then Duke saw that Jesus had more guts than anyone who ever lived. Great for truckers and bikers!
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  


Subject - Basic Gospel

When his son died, John turned from drinking and gambling to serve Christ. The same story as "Tiny Shoes", redrawn with black characters.
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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Drugs/Alcohol/STDs 

Somebody Goofed

Subject - Basic Gospel

A young man goofs when he is talked out of receiving Jesus as Saviour.
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Somebody Loves Me

Subject - Basic Gospel

Beaten and alone, a child dies. But Jesus cares.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Something in Common?

Subject - Basic Gospel

Do you have something in common with those going to heaven...or those going to hell?
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  


Subject - Basic Gospel

Brutal Frank Morgan is being released early from prison. Everyone is terrified, but the man coming out is not the same man who went in.
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Other tracts related to: Forgiveness  

Soul Sisters

Subject - Basic Gospel

Tailored for black audiences.
Let me tell you about my very best friend! He made everything, and is even getting a big mansion ready for me! His name is Jesus. Written especially for children.

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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Little children  Older Children

Soul Survivor

Subject - Your Soul

Your soul is the real "you." Do you know where "you" are going?
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Other tracts related to: Your Soul 

Still No Revival

Subject - For Christians

Revival brings real change. We're still waiting.
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Other tracts related to: For Christians 

Thief, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

When this burglar breaks into the home of a Christian, he wants to get saved too.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

This Was Your Life

Subject - Basic Gospel

Everything you have said or done will be played back at judgment. Will your name be in the Book of Life?
See this tract in other languages

Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Throw Away Kid, The

Subject - Abandoned

Joy was alone, with no one to care. But God had other plans.
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Other tracts related to: Abandoned  Child Abuse 

Tiny Shoes

Subject - Basic Gospel

When his son died, Juan turned from drinking and gambling to serve Christ.
See this tract in other languages

Other tracts related to: Older Children   Drugs/Alcohol/STDs 


Subject - Basic Gospel

Chester thought he didn't need God. But when the ship began to sink, he learned how wrong he was.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Trial, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

A young girl is sued because she witnessed to her young friend. A humorous story that drives home the vital Biblical truth that Jesus is the only way to heaven. A powerful salvation story.
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Walking Dead?, The

Subject - The Spiritually Dead

We are all like zombies. The spirit inside us is dead, thanks to Adam. Here is how to change it.
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Other tracts related to: The Spiritually Dead  Older Children   Halloween

Warning, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

They ignored the simple warning. After all, it looked like such fun. The result was deadly, just like ignoring the warnings that God gives us about sin.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

What's Worse?

Subject - Demons

Hell was made for the devil and his angels... And those men who insist on joining their rebellion.
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Other tracts related to: Demons  Hell 

Where's Your Name?

Subject - Hell

Hell... what it is, where it came from, and how YOU can stay away from it.
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Other tracts related to: Hell 

Who is He?

Subject - Basic Gospel

The world is confused about who Jesus is. It's a mistake they can't afford to make.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Who Loves You?

Subject - Basic Gospel

Who loves you so much he gave you life and left heaven to die for you? It was Jesus! "A Love Story" tailored for black audiences.
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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Older Children 

Why Should I?

Subject - Your Soul

I didn't even know I had a soul. Is it really that important?
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Other tracts related to: Your Soul  Older Children 

Word Became Flesh, The

Subject - Basic Gospel

Almost all scripture, those with no Bible training will understand who Jesus is.
See this tract in other languages

Other tracts related to: Christmas  

You Have a Date!

Subject - Basic Gospel

She had everything a girl could want. But she forgot that no one lives forever. The same message as the popular "This Was Your Life," but tailored for women.
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Other tracts related to: Older Children  

Your Big Moment

Subject - Basic Gospel

This adaptation of the world-famous "This Was Your Life" is tailored for black women. The emotional art shows we will each have our lives reviewed... nothing hidden.
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Other tracts related to: Black Tract Series   Older Children 
Tracts Per Page: 10 20 50 All Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 - 10 of 76 Results
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