Last updated: September 17, 2016

Saturday 17th September 2016

Small fish key to safe oceans

Small fish key to safe oceans

This week Secretary of State John Kerry gathered world leaders to grapple with how to protect the world’s oceans.

Putin, a new-look hipster Stalin

Putin, a new-look hipster Stalin

Communist titans have been given a makeover to attract a new generation of Russians ignorant of their bloody past.

Trump gets top marks for trying

Trump gets top marks for trying

The GOP candidate sets a clear contrast with Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton on taxes, regulation and energy.

Left puts bigotry on a pedestal

Left puts bigotry on a pedestal

The Enlightenment is passe for social justice activists.

Lady Macbeth and Dracula

Lady Macbeth and Dracula

This theatrical presidential race is an ugly choice.

Friday 16th September 2016

Revolt of Les Deplorables

Revolt of Les Deplorables

Clinton named the five phobias of Trump’s supporters. But these people are fed up with relentless moral superciliousness.

Mid-East fix path to prosperity

Mid-East fix path to prosperity

The Israeli-Palestinian issue will determine whether the region’s future will be one of peace and prosperity.

Thursday 15th September 2016

Cough could kill Hillary’s hopes

Cough could kill Hillary’s hopes

The health issue has come at just the wrong moment in her preparation for the TV debates against a resurgent Trump

The dark heart of Islamism

The dark heart of Islamism

If you really want to understand Islamic State, look no further than the hideous occupation of Palmyra.

7 ways to solve refugee crisis

7 ways to solve refugee crisis

The EU cannot survive without a comprehensive migrant policy.

Wednesday 14th September 2016

Trump is immoral and dangerous

Trump is immoral and dangerous

The Republican contender has more in common with Kanye West than with Steve Wynn.

Monday 12th September 2016

Tiger mums, cubs are miserable

Tiger mums, cubs are miserable

Tiger mums are paying a heavy price for imposing a strict regime as findings suggest they are the unhappiest parents.

Donors a bit awkward in Beijing

Donors a bit awkward in Beijing

There is silence in Beijing about the Australian political donations row — and about the origins of the Chinese donors.

Saturday 10th September 2016

Emojis: the universal language

Emojis: the universal language

Whatever purists say, emojis are a sophisticated and evolving means of communication that should be celebrated.

Friday 9th September 2016

PM treads delicate Pacific path

PM treads delicate Pacific path

The PM will find issues of security and the environment linking the G20 and the Pacific leaders’ meeting.

Thursday 8th September 2016

China can just sabotage ‘pivot’

China can just sabotage ‘pivot’

China, it turns out, didn’t intend to snub US President Barack Obama, although it looked that way.

Wednesday 7th September 2016

Key actors lose global grip

Key actors lose global grip

After the Cold War, the world was held together by a US security order and Europe’s legal order. Now, both are fraying.

Tuesday 6th September 2016

Elites exposed to popular revolt

Elites exposed to popular revolt

In democracies, meritocracy will always be on the defensive. Its legitimacy will always depend on its performance.

Monday 5th September 2016

Tackling inequality is crucial

Tackling inequality is crucial

The massive inequities that characterise rural Colombia gave rise to the FARC.

Saturday 3rd September 2016

‘I thought you were my friend’

‘I thought you were my friend’

The US’s new allies against ISIS are kidnappers and thugs. I should know. One of them kidnapped and shot me in 2014.

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