• Other Recent Articles

  • Poem: "The Donkey"

    Poem: “The Donkey”


    The Donkey When fishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant wings, The devil’s walking parody On all four-footed things. The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will; Starve, […]

  • Why the Prophetic Voice of Pope Paul VI Still Matters

    Why the Prophetic Voice of Pope Paul VI Still Matters


    Those of us who live in prosperous countries may not realize the full impact of the contraceptive ideology around the world. You know the ideology I mean: everyone old enough to give meaningful consent is entitled to unlimited sex without a live baby showing up. We tend to think governments should allow people to obtain […]

  • Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows

    Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows


    The Feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is celebrated on September 15th. This feast recalls the seven scriptural references to Mary’s heartache. For a woman who “kept all these things in her heart,” (Luke 2:51) that heart knew a great deal of pain. Heartache often goes hand in hand with parenting. With great love and […]

  • Lawsuit of Fired Catholic School Employee Attacks Religious Freedom

    Lawsuit of Fired Catholic School Employee Attacks Religious Freedom


    A recently filed lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Newark is the latest legal challenge to the religious mission of Catholic schools and their First Amendment freedom to protect that mission. While portrayed in the media as a question of discrimination, the issue is whether or not a Catholic school has the right to expect employees […]

  • Pamela Anderson: The New Mary Magdalene?

    Pamela Anderson: The New Mary Magdalene?


    A preface to this article: I remember as a teenager how both the Internet and my hormones were exploding. I spent many a nights using dial up modems lusting after the latest digital pin-up. Front and center in my quest was the blond bombshell named Pamela Anderson. During the 90s, she was the crown jewel of all […]

  • Poem: "The Starlight Night"

    Poem: “The Starlight Night”


    The Starlight Night Look at the stars! look, look up at the skies!    O look at all the fire-folk sitting in the air!    The bright boroughs, the circle-citadels there! Down in dim woods the diamond delves! the elves’-eyes! The grey lawns cold where gold, where quickgold lies!    Wind-beat whitebeam! airy abeles set […]

  • World Suicide Prevention Day (But Not for the Sick and Disabled)

    World Suicide Prevention Day (But Not for the Sick and Disabled)


    September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day! It’s a time to promote suicide prevention for people everywhere — except the sick and disabled. Depending on where they live, they get help killing themselves. In Canada, we now have legal assisted suicide for Canadians “who have a serious and incurable illness, disease or disability.” I meet […]