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The WeConnect Parish App from LPi

Smartphone Evangelization in a Digital World I joined the staff of Saint Pius X in Greensboro, NC, in 1992, and I was a young guy right out of divinity school. My job was to catechize and evangelize the community. I was armed with many books, the Bible, my faith, a Smith Corona word processer, and […]

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Mass Cards Online via

Mass Cards Online via

I ran across this site,, that’s producing online Mass Cards with a donation going to the church whose parishioners created the site for.  Its a very interesting idea and currently in its first iteration.  In talking with the founder of the site, Pat Rosensteil, who runs his own digital agency, he had some of […]

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Top Ten Catholic Parish Website Providers

Over the past year, my company, Liturgical Publications (LPi), did a survey of 12,000 Catholic Parishes to identify who their current website providers are. The data is pretty interesting. Before we get started, I would like to point out a few things: Collection Method – This data was manually compiled by a group of interns who determined […]

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Engage Parishioners with Digital Displays

The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Rosary uses electronic displays to engage parishioners at the church’s two major entryways. These displays are free standing kiosks that hold LED monitors. “People really like the quality of images and they notice the messages because the images change”, said Fr. Peter Muhich, Rector of the Cathedral. “I […]

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Four Ways to Make This Lent Matter

As Catholics, we often see Lent as a time where we are asked to “give up” something in our lives. Coffee, television, sweets, or soda—we’ve all given up something. Lent is a sacrifice, but rather than it simply being a feeling of giving something up, it should be a liberating experience. As we engage with […]

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Is Your Website Ready for Lent?

Is Your Website Ready for Lent?

Christmas and Easter may be your church’s busy days of the year, but Ash Wednesday is your church websites’s busiest day.  It actually makes sense if you think about it.  Most parishioners know (or should!) when Easter Sunday mass is and Christmas masses tend to follow the typical Saturday and Sunday mass schedule, but not […]

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Four Reasons Why Your Church Needs a Facebook Page

The Apostle Paul spent a lot of time in town squares, preaching the good news of Jesus Christ wherever he went. He spoke of becoming all things to all people, in order to win some to the cause of Christ. And we are each called to do the same. Facebook is the new town square […]

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Tech Trends for 2016

  Our lives become more connected with new technology every year. We have smartphones, smart refrigerators, smart thermostats, smart everything. We are all becoming part of the grand Internet of things. In 2016, we’re going to see some major shifts in technology and we’ll see products designed to make our lives faster, simpler, better. But […]

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Free Pray for Paris Bulletin Cover

In light of the tragic events that took place in Paris, France, last week, Liturgical Publications is making available for all parishes a free bulletin cover to encourage parishioners to remember in prayer all those affected. To download this piece of artwork, please click here and feel free to share this link with anyone at your church […]

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Print Technology? No, It’s Not an Oxymoron

This blog is about the intersection of church and technology, so I’m going to be doing something rather radical and doing a quick blog post about print, yes, good old fashion printed paper.  My day job at Liturgical Publications has been keeping me hopping these days and I’ve been woefully absent from this blog and […]

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How to Maintain a Church Website

Your church website is a great tool for helping spread the Gospel, make disciples, and connect parishioners with one another and the church. To be as effective as possible, you need to keep your site up-to-date both in terms of content and style. Create Content and Add Value You don’t hand your parishioners the same […]

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Flat Francis Fan

Flat Francis, Pope Francis, and a Lesson in Social Media Campaigns

A few months ago, the team at Catholic Extension came up with a genius way of building excitement for Pope Francis’ upcoming trip to the United States—Flat Francis. Like Flat Stanley before him, Flat Francis has traveled the globe and back and thousands of pictures have poured in across social media of people posing with their Flat […]

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Four Ways to Increase Communication in the Church

Are you effective at communicating with the members of your church? How about with the entire community? When you have an important message to relay, you have to make it impactful. And you have to make sure it is making the target. In today’s world, your congregation and community are being bombarded with information. Making […]

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Refurbished Computers & Laptops for Churches

Many churches and faith based organizations find themselves in need of computers to complete their work, but without the budget to buy equipment. InterConnection’s online store allows churches to buy computers at a fraction of the cost. If your church is in need of computers or other technology or has some to donate, check out this article to […]

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How to Build a Healthy Church Blog

As Catholic churches move forward into the digital age it becomes increasingly important to find innovative ways to communicate with parishioners beyond the pulpit. The church website is an obvious place to start and one of the best ways to communicate and build disciples on your website is running a healthy church blog. If you’re […]

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Five Catholic Blogs You Should Be Reading Right Now

Blogs are everywhere. Anyone with an opinion and an Internet connection can share themselves with the world, so how do we separate the wheat from the chaff? Here’s a quick list of five Catholic blogs you should add to your reader today: Busted Halo Busted Halo is an online magazine for spiritual seekers, which means […]

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Social Media Image Sizes

Social Media Image Size Guide

A picture is worth a thousand words…especially in social marketing. Seventy million photos and videos are shared on Instagram daily and Pinterest users pinned nearly twenty billion pins so far this year. More than 350 million photos are shared every single day on Facebook and a recent report from Simply Measured determined that seventy-seven percent […]

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Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

Earlier this month, Google changed its search algorithms to promote websites that it believes are mobile-friendly.  The reverse is, unfortunately, also true.  It will demote sites that are not mobile friendly.  With more and more of the Internet traffic being on mobile devices, it is critically important that your church website be mobile friendly.  Remember, […]

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