A party from nowhere

October 4, 2004

Family First families protest in Wantirna about the Mitcham to Frankston freeway.
Photo: Wayne Hawkins

While the big parties are courting, others question Family First's religious links, write Penelope Debelle and Malcolm Schmidtke.

Two weeks ago Labor's candidate in the suburban Adelaide seat of Makin went to see the president of the Family First party. With him was Kevin Rudd, the opposition spokesman on foreign affairs, a devout Christian.

The stakes were high. Makin will be critical to the fortunes of John Howard's Government and Labor's man, Tony Zappia, thought Rudd would be able to speak the language of Family First's president, former evangelical pastor Andrew Evans, and perhaps persuade him to send the party's preferences Labor's way.

Evans says the meeting was courteous and Rudd told him of his strong Christian background and beliefs. "He's a fine man, we'd like to have him on our side," Evans says.

But in the end Family First will give its preferences to the sitting member in Makin, the Liberals' Trish Draper, probably ensuring the Coalition holds on to the seat.

Family First is well known in South Australia, where Andrew Evans, a former pastor at the Assemblies of God church that produced Australian Idol's Guy Sebastian, has been sitting in the state's upper house for two years. But federally it is the party from nowhere.

From virtually a standing start only months ago, Family First will field 17 Senate and 109 House of Representative candidates. It has been courted by all the big parties and done preference deals, mostly favouring the Coalition, that required the personal involvement of John Howard. It has achieved a prominence its organisers could only have dreamt of.

It has tried to separate its intentions as a party from its church origins, and as a result has thrown up questions about what it is, where it has come from, and what it aims for.

Evans, the party's federal chairman Peter Harris, who's also a member of the Assemblies of God community, and its PR man Darren Keneally, are prepared to talk about the network of churches that gives the party its "organic base".

We are really concerned about the sets of values that we feel our society is going towards ... and we want to have a voice.
PETER HARRIS, Family First party chairman

But by all reports most of the 126 candidates across the country are coy - on advice, it seems - when it comes to talking about their church backgrounds.

Steve Fielding, the lead Senate candidate for Family First in Victoria, is certainly fired up about the party's policies, particularly about the way in which they seemed to him to bring about an epiphany in people.

"The silent majority of Australia resonates strongly with the (party's) position and that's why, when they hear about it, they say, 'You're right! I hadn't realised that was missing in Australia'," he says. But all he would say about religious background was that he was not an Assemblies of God member.


The Assemblies of God Paradise Community Church.
Photo:David Mariuz

"They are very coy about the link with the Pentecostal movement, with the Assemblies of God church," says political commentator and Flinders University politics professor Dean Jaensch. "I have no idea whether there is any formal link or direct funding because that is kept very quiet. But there is no doubt at all that Family First will have the support of the members of that church."

Peter Harris believes the media, in particular, are fixated on Family First's origins and he thinks it's unfair. "Other candidates aren't grilled over their religious background," he says.

"The party wasn't set up with the intent of pushing forward spiritual agendas . . . it was put up with the intent of taking a broader, more popular position addressing issues of family and caring for families."

Harris begins the story of Family First's federal tilt with a meeting in Melbourne 18 months ago, prompted by what he and like-minded people saw as "the demise of the Democrats and the surge of the Greens".

"We are really concerned about the future; we are really concerned about the sets of values that we feel our society is going towards that's not representative of our values, and we want to have a voice," he says.

But the real base of the fledgling movement was formed by Andrew Evans in South Australia. Four years ago, at 65, Evans handed over to his son Ashley the job of pastor at the Paradise Community Church, the home of the ever-growing, market-savvy, American-style version of evangelical Christianity, where services are punctuated by ecstatic rock music played with such vigour that the drummer sits inside a plastic bubble onstage to keep the sound tolerable for older members of the congregation.

Evans was seized with the desire to enter politics and won a Legislative Council seat in February 2002. He has since made a mark in the South Australian Parliament with a bill that removed a barrier to prosecution of sexual offences that occurred before 1982. It led to scores of arrests.

He has also opposed legislation such as a "dying with dignity" bill and supports zero tolerance on marijuana use.

Harris says Family First, which opposes same-sex marriage, abortion and euthanasia, wants to promote what it sees as family-focused policies such as income-splitting, giving first home buyers access to their superannuation and providing a tax rebate on education expenses.

But it also wants deeply to stymie the Greens and their leader Senator Bob Brown.

A television campaign now running in Adelaide, country Victoria and Queensland makes no bones about it: "Can we risk the extreme Greens holding the balance of power?" it asks. "It's just too big a risk. We don't want a bunch of extremists running the country." Harris underscores the point. "There's lots of logs in Bob's forest that when you turn them over they've got creepy things crawling out of them," he says.

Harris says the party has about 2500 members who pay a $25 membership fee. Funds for campaigning, such as television advertising (in Adelaide the ad was broadcast during the AFL grand final) come from donations. Donors include two anonymous church members in Queensland who gave $70,000 and $100,000 respectively.

Rounding up 126 candidates has not been easy, particularly in NSW and Western Australia, where Family First clashed with the Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) over fears the Christian vote will be split.

In Victoria, there are candidates in all 37 House of Representative seats and five Senate candidates, including Danny Nalliah, the Catch the Fire Ministries pastor who is involved in the first case brought under Victoria's Racial and Religious Tolerance Act. The Islamic Council of Victoria alleges that Nalliah vilified Muslims at a Melbourne seminar last year.

Harris concedes that preference deals have been difficult. "I found the preferencing an agonising thing to go through because we genuinely tried to work with Labor and they tried to genuinely work with us, but it became very clear in the discussion with Labor that they were doing an outright deal with the Greens (to) whom we are totally opposed," he says.

It was a different matter with the Liberals and particularly John Howard. "He was very receptive to some of our policy issues, such as superannuation access to first home buyers, such as income splitting, such as the family impact statement. He was very warm and open to those issues," says Harris.

The upshot is Family First preferences will flow mostly to the Liberals.

There are exceptions. In the Victorian Senate, Labor has been favoured to help the prospects of frontbencher Jacinta Collins, a staunch opponent of abortion. In the lower house seat of Brisbane, Liberal candidate Ingrid Tall, a lesbian, has missed out to the Nationals.

Harris rejects any suggestion of inconsistency with preferences. He says that in Brisbane the Nationals asked for preferences, and Dr Tall, didn't. "People think we are anti-gay . . . the reality is we are not a hate party and we do believe there should not be discrimination . . . in society."

He does concede "a lot of people within the church are saying we have been pragmatic and sacrificed our morality and so we are not popular with some people at the moment".

He says the party has structured preferences for maximum electoral effect, saying preferences in Queensland, South Australia and Victoria will have an impact on marginal seats.

The Family First contender with the best chance of success is the SA Senate candidate Andrea Mason, an indigenous lawyer who played in an Australian Institute of Sport netball squad, also from the Paradise Church. She regularly sings on stage and performed background vocals for Guy Sebastian on the Paradise Church's recently released CD Adore.

Meg Lees, elected to the Senate in South Australia as a Democrat but who has since left the party, is likely to lose her place at least partly because of Family First. Lees believes the church's supporter base, marshalled to hand out how-to-vote cards across the country, will be a huge asset to it.

Despite the obvious links, Andrew Evans says it would be counterproductive for the party to align itself to the church because it would restrict Family First's electoral appeal and could alienate congregations.

Chairman Harris is particularly annoyed by any suggestion that Family First is part of the evangelical political movement that is so strong in the United States.

"Certainly from the Greens some of those associations are made . . . some arms of the press have made those comments. We have tried to say to our candidates we don't want to talk about this because that is so not where we are."

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