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2004 Stories
 The professor and the presenter :: 26/04/2004

Unless, of course, you're a big fan of Alan Jones. Which brings us to this letter, on ABA letterhead apparently written by Chairman David Flint in 1999.

‘Dear Alan,
…you have an extraordinary ability of capturing and enunciating the opinions of the majority on so many issues.

This of course annoys those who have a different agenda. I suspect it is extremely irritating to them that you do it so well …

Keep up your considerable contribution to the widening of our national debates.

Sincerely, David.’
-David Flint letter to Alan Jones, June 11 1999
-View Letter

Three months after that herogram, the ABA convened its first inquiry into cash for comment. And guess who sat in the chair that day? David Flint.

Nor did Flint let his admiration stop him chairing the ABA's investigation into Alan Jones' ownership of Macquarie Radio last year nor the Telstra deal we've been examining over the last few weeks.

Both investigations exonerated Jones.

Last week on PM, under questioning by David Hardaker, Flint was still carrying a torch for Jonesy and having a swipe at his detractors.

David Hardaker: “What is your opinion of Alan Jones as a broadcaster? I mean, is there any reason you can see why he keeps attracting these sorts of complaints?”

David Flint: “I don’t know, you’d have to ask the people who complained. The people who complained may not be regular listeners to Alan Jones. They may have some other reason for their complaints, but I think you’d have to address that.”

David Hardaker: “Are you saying that those who listen to him regularly wouldn’t complain?”

David Flint: “I don’t know, but the people that seem to be complaining – for example, the Communications Law Centre and Media Watch are, I assume, not regular listeners to Alan Jones, who… they're not people who would be listening to him to hear his views and to listen to his comments. They’re, I suspect, listening to him to see if they can catch him out.”
-ABC Radio, PM, April 20 2004
-Listen »

Professor, we are regular listeners to Alan Jones. And though it's your job to catch him out, it never seems to happen.

There needs to be a fresh inquiry right now into Jones, Telstra and how Cash for Comment is operating today - but this time an inquiry without the admiring presence of Professor David Flint.

All the documents we've discussed tonight are on our website in full at

That's enough to go on with - until next week. Goodnight.

Read Telstra's Marketing Plan for Alan Jones

Read Telstra's deal to sponsor the Alan Jones Show

Read Telstra's Marketing Plan for John Laws

Read Telstra's deal with John Laws
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