WHEN …? … not long now

Okay Suburban Soldiers the new album is not far away. David Briggs and Martin Cilia have been tweaking the recorded tracks in readiness for mastering.  Don’t forget I’m previewing the songs Oct 29 Charles Hotel Perth and hope to see many of you there. Meanwhile I am still thrilled to find you guys out there sending in your hard-earned to either get a credit on the CD or support me by pre-ordering product. Patrick Gaul, a long time Sydney fan jumped in along with Stephen Smykowsky, Pete Horbury, Steve Crowley, Paul Walsh, The Big D – Dave Ellery who has supported my career from Pus days in 1974, Chris Smith up there in Qld and more.  Every dollar is appreciated and gives me a chance to shoot a little clip or add some artwork. Today’s song is another new one, We Want A Kid. It is very self explanatory: a look at the tendency to treat children as an accessory that anybody with enough money has a right to.  It is not a shot at those people desperate to have children to love and cherish, it is about those who think parenting is about throwing money at a kid, those for whom a kid is just the next step after the 4 wheel drive and Umbria for six weeks. Greg Macainsh tells me it’s his fave on the album and it rocks!




We got the biggest bestest four wheel drive that can be

60 inch flat screen LCDTV

Esspresso machines that play Coldplay in key

But something’s missing now what can it be?

We’re regulars at festivals up Byron Bay way

We renovate and salivate and fun run all day

We holiday in Paris vacillate in Madrid

But now we’re bored –

We want a kid.


We want a kid! We deserve it

Don’t you stand in our way

We got the bucks if it’s not perfect

We’ll just throw it away


We’ll have a nanny or a granny or manny to serve

And we will be parents  ‘cause that’s we deserve

Promise we’ll be there every other weekend

It’ll never be lonely we’ll buy it some friends


We want a kid! We deserve it

Don’t you stand in our way

We got the bucks if it’s not perfect

We’ll just throw it away


We want to preserve ourselves through our DNA

We’re gonna browse the shelves

For a pot of scientific sorcery

To design the kid to match the nursery

The government can subsidise the funds to make it

A little egg and seed just shake it


It ain’t rocket science how just hard can it be?

Six months either side paid parental leave

A trainer to make it like you never gave birth

I’ll be a great Dad watch my kid surf


We want a kid! We deserve it

Don’t you stand in our way

We got the bucks if it’s not perfect

We’ll just throw it away

We want a kid, we want a kid, we want a kid.

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