
John Silvester

John Silvester is a Walkley-award winning crime writer and columnist. A co-author of the best-selling books that formed the basis of the hit Australian TV series Underbelly, Silvester is also a regular guest on 3AW with his "Sly of the Underworld" segment.

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Luke Cornelius.

When cops go bad

In a big country town cops tend to stick together. They share rented homes, support local sports clubs and drink in the same pubs. They share tragedies and triumphs and in the good districts newbies benefit from the experience of the station elders.

Christopher Binse in police custody after his two-day siege at Keilor in 2012.

Was Badness Born Bad?

Sadly the true crime shelves in most bookshops are inhabited by paperbacks of dubious quality containing cliche-ridden chapters on reheated topics. I should know as I have written many of them.

Melbourne woman Elisabeth Membrey who disappeared from her Ringwood home in December 1994.

When murder acquittal brings peace to no one

How do you tell grieving parents they will never find justice and there will be no last minute miracles? How do you tell the honest and the decent that life is unfair, that logic doesn't always work and prayers can go unanswered?

Peter Bellion has found an unexpected ally in dog Laurenz since leaving the police force.

The mental toll of the road toll

Peter Bellion has saved the lives of hundreds he has never met and observed the death of thousands he couldn't help. Perhaps that is why he fought the signs the job he loved was eating him alive.

Master of disguise: Russell Cox's aliases included Mr Walker, aka The Phantom, and his dog was Devil after the ...

Who's who in the criminal zoo

For a time the elite Purana Gangland Taskforce had its own office pet - a mature-age yabby found in a Castlemaine dam and kept in a 25-litre glass receptacle previously used to produce amphetamines.

Stolen car smash in Northcote.

Mafia v African gangs: And the winner is?

Just a few weeks ago, a group of not-so-sharp African lads armed with blunt weapons pulled over an Italian fellow in a German car. This proved to be a strategic blunder as the gent, one of Melbourne's biggest Mafia figures, responded not with the keys but with a handgun secreted on his person.