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The Worst Book I Ever Read

book blurbs: 

“The Unbearables bare all; they are unbearably smart, unbearably talented, and unbearably lively — but here are the Unbearables at their highly bearable best. It’s a pleasure to find out what this group finds unbearable in such an engaging manner.” — Samuel Delany, author of Dark Reflections."The Unbearables are a bunch of cranks, crackpots, malcontents, misanthropes,ass-pains and brain-aches. Bless their sour pusses.” — John Strausbaugh, author of Sissy Nation and Black Like You

“From stapling together issues of the National Poetry Magazine Of The Lower Eastside at CBGBs in the mid ‘80s, to the publication of the Unbearables, Crimes of the Beats, Help Yourself! and now The Worst Book I Ever Read anthologies, the Unbearables have doggedly held onto their collective ideal, punk irreverence, and endless store of creative energy. It’s like the Disneyfication of downtown New York never happened.” — Brandon Stosuy, editor of Up Is Up, But So Is Down

“The Unbearables ARE!” — Bob Holman, Monsignor of the Bowery Poetry Club and King of the Spoken Word.

"The Unbearables are a bunch of cranks, crackpots, malcontents, misanthropes, ass-pains and brain-aches. Bless their sour pusses.” — John Strausbaugh, author of Sissy Nation and Black Like You

“Is this ‘nuevo lingo’ or just the infuriating talent of the avant garde? Kauffman and Feast, among others, self-expertise their talents of the comic thrown off centrifuge. So hang onto the Handel bars. The values here are devious, deviant, and delicious.” — Barney Rosset, former publisher of Grove Press & Evergreen Review

Ethereal Shadows

book blurbs: 

“ETHEREAL SHADOWS is a landmark achievement in contemporary media studies: a must read for anyone who wants to understand contemporary media power— the impasses of totalitarian spectacular power as well as the exodus routes of autonomous constituent communication powers.” — Jack Z. Bratich, author of CONSPIRACY PANICS

“In a not-so-distant TV-centric regime, against a background of tightening media control and rising levels of mental pollution, a postmedia battle unfolds over the future of the social brain… More than a simple chronicle of the rise of Berlusconi’s videocratic power, more than a useful inventory of Italian media activists’ inventions (from free radios to the microantennas of StreetTV), Ethereal Shadows reveals the global challenges to autonomous expression opened by the neuro-electronic mutations of the collective mind.” – Tiziana Terranova, author NETWORK CULTURE


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