Dr Rebe Taylor

Dr Rebe Taylor

Dr Rebe Taylor

Project Historian


    Rebe Taylor joined the ESRC in January 2013 as historian and editor on the Find & Connect web resource.  Rebe completed an ARC Discovery Research Fellowship at the University of Melbourne in early 2013. During her Fellowship, she published several papers from her research on the Tasmanian Aboriginal people in scientific imagination in the journals Meanjin, History Compass, Collections: A journal for Museum and archive professionals and Aboriginal History. Her multi-award winning book Unearthed: the Aboriginal Tasmanians of Kangaroo Island was republished by Wakefield Press in 2008. Rebe has worked, with co-authors Gavan McCarthy and Michael Jones, on the publication of the online history and archive guide Stories in Stone: the collections and papers of Ernest Westlake (1855-1922), as well as a substantial paper on the Tasmanian work of archaeologist Rhys Jones (1941-2001).