Dr Nikki Henningham

Dr Nikki Henninham

Dr Nikki Henningham

Research Fellow - The Australian Women's Archives Project

eScholaship Research Centre


Dr Nikki Henningham is a historian with a focus on Australian women’s oral history and writing the lives of the living for online publication. She has undertaken many oral history projects for the National Library of Australia’s Oral History and Folklore Branch.  At the ESRC she has been building the Australian Women’s Archives Project as the Executive Officer since 2003, and more recently has begun work on the first online encyclopedia of Australian Women and Leadership. Dr Nikki Henningham received the National Archives of Australia’s Ian McLean award in 2005 for her work in locating records relating the experience of migrant women in Australia.

Selected Publications

Social Research and the Privacy and Participation of Children: Reflections on Researching Australian Children’s Playlore

Darian-Smith, K & Henningham, N 2012, 'Social Research and the Privacy and Participation of Children: Reflections on Researching Australian Children's Playlore', Children & Society, vol. 27, no. 1

‘Nothing About Us Without Us’: Women leaders in the Australian Disability Activist Movement since 1970

Henningham, N 2011, ‘'Nothing About Us Without Us': Women leaders in the Australian Disability Activist Movement since 1970.’, Women, Leadership and Democracy in Australia National Conference, Canberra, 1 -2 December 2011.

Margaret Cooper: Feminist and Disability Activist

Henningham, N 2011, 'Margaret Cooper: Feminist and Disability Activist', in Fiona Davis, Nell Musgrove and Judith Smart (eds), Founders, firsts and feminists : women leaders in twentieth-century Australia eScholarship Research Centre, University of Melbourne, pp. 261 - 73

Conducting Social Research and Children’s Privacy: The Childhood, Tradition and Change Project

Darian-Smith, K & Henningham, N 2011, ‘Conducting Social Research and Children’s Privacy: The Childhood, Tradition and Change Project’, Watch This Space: Children, Young People and Privacy 2010 conference, Melbourne.

Naming the unnamed, speaking the unspoken, depicting the undepicted: The Australian Women’s Register story

Evans, J, Morgan, H & Henningham, N 2010, ‘Naming the unnamed, speaking the unspoken, depicting the undepicted: The Australian Women’s Register story’, Digital Humanities 2010 conference, London.

Content, Compliance, Collaboration and Complexity: Sustaining Information

Henningham, N, Evans, J & Morgan, H 2010, ‘Content, Compliance, Collaboration and Complexity: Sustaining Information’, Digital Humanities 2010 conference, London

The Australian Women’s Archives Project: Content, Complexity and Web 2.0 Services

Evans, J, Henningham, N & Morgan, H 2009, ‘Australian Women’s Archives Project: Content, Complexity and Web 2.0 Services’, Archives & Records Association of New Zealand and Pacific Regional Branch of International Council on Archives Joint Conference, Brisbane 2009.

Out of the Shadows: Using Technology to Illuminate Women’s Archives

Henningham, N, Evans, J & Morgan, H 2009, 'Out of the shadows: using technology to illuminate women's archives', in Per Axelsson and Peter Skold (eds), "Women's memory: the problem of sources " 20th anniversary symposium of the Women's Library and Information Centre Foundation, 17-19 April 2009, Kadir Has University, Istanbul. Turkey, pp. 389 - 99.

Australian Women’s Archives Project 2.0 – Next Generation Infrastructure for Women’s Studies

Evans, J & Henningham, N 2008, ‘Australian Women’s Archives Project 2.0 - Next Generation Infrastructure for Women's Studies’, eResearch Australasia conference, Melbourne, 28 September - 3 October 2008, 8 - 12 November.

She’s Game – Women making Australian sporting history

She's Game - Women making Australian sporting history 2007, Radio broadcast, Sue Clark, [producer] ABC Radio National, Melbourne, Vic., Monday 9 July 2007, featuring Nikki Henningham.

Something you could do for yourself: Women, Sport and Feminism from the Archives

Henningham, N 2007, ‘Something you could do for yourself: Women, Sport and Feminism from the Archives’,