Antonina Lewis

Antonina Lewis

Dr Antonina Lewis

Program Manager, Find & Connect web resource

eScholarship Research Centre


Antonina holds a Bachelors degree in Creative Arts and a PhD spanning social history, cultural theory, and literary studies. She has over a decade of experience as a professional archivist, with an employment history including roles at the National Archives of Australia (NAA), Public Record Office Victoria (PROV), and as University Archivist at Victoria University in Melbourne.

Since joining the ESRC in 2011, Antonina has worked on a variety of research and consulting projects, including: cataloging and creating an online finding guide for the Irving Saulwick archive; designing data models to link together The Australian Ballet's repertoire, performance history, creatives, and collections; and modelling digital archiving workflows for the University of Melbourne Archives. She has received a Mander Jones award from the Australian Society of Archivists for her work on the Irving Saulwick archive and is a sitting member on the editorial board of the history journal Provenance.

From February 2016 Antonina is the Program Manager, Find & Connect web resource.

Selected Publications

Saulwick Polls and Social Research

Lewis, A. 2012, Saulwick Polls and Social Research & Irving Saulwick Guide to Records, The University of Melbourne eScholarship Research Centre

As curious an entity: building digital resources from context, records and data

Lewis, A & Jones, M 2012, ‘As curious an entity: building digital resources from context, records and data’, Digital Humanities Australasia 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting, Canberra, Australia: ANU

The Australian Ballet Archive: Phase 2 Report

Lewis, A, Moje, C, Jones, M & McCarthy, G October 2012, The Australian Ballet Archive: Phase 2 Report. Prepared for the Australian Ballet, eScholarship Research Centre, The University of Melbourne

The Australian Ballet Archive: Phase 1 Report

Jones, M, McCarthy, G & Lewis, A October 2011, The Australian Ballet Archive: Phase 1 Report, eScholarship Research Centre, The University of Melbourne

Australian Physiotherapy Association – History and Archives Project. Phase One Report and Proposal for Future Directions.

Lewis, A, Moje, C, Jones, M & McCarthy, G July 2012, Australian Physiotherapy Association – History and Archives Project. Phase One Report and Proposal for Future Directions, eScholarship Research Centre, The University of Melbourne.