
Anarcho-syndicalism - Tom Wetzel

Text of talk given in New York City, October 2002.

Who are we? What do we want? - Libertarian Workers Group

A short flier about the aims and objectives of the Libertarian Workers Group.

Report of the Libertarian Workers Group to the 1979 IWA Paris Congress

A report of the Libertarian Workers Group to the IWA Paris Congress in 1979

In defence of Malatesta

Errico Malatesta.

A defence of Malatesta's record on the unions and his attitude towards workers' organisations

State intervention to save capitalism: the IWW and the state

A discussion of the role of state intervention in the workers movement, an increasing approach of mobilizing movements to improve capitalism through state reform, and an appeal for the IWW to take an oppositional role to the state and such reform projects.

Nestor Makhno: A Theoretician of Anarcho-Syndicalism?

A short piece reflecting on the Anarchism and Syndicalism section of the Organizational Platform of the Libertarian Communists by Makhno and co. Also riffing on the 19th and early 20th century anarchist workers' movement.

The ghost of anarcho-syndicalism - Murray Bookchin

Murray Bookchin

Murray Bookchin's critique of anarcho-syndicalism. We do not necessarily agree with it but reproduce it for reference.

Reviews: a primer on anarcho-syndicalism for all to read

Lou Rinaldi reviews Solidarity Federation's Fighting For Ourselves: anarcho-syndicalism and the class struggle.

A history of socialist thought - G.D.H. Cole

All of G.D.H. Cole's five volume (in seven parts) series chronicling the history of socialist thought from 1789 to 1939.

A history of socialist thought: volume IV, part II - communism and social democracy 1914-1931

A History of Socialist Thought: Volume IV, Part II

The second part of the fourth volume in G.D.H. Cole's A History of Socialist Thought series, this one focusing primarily on Communism and Social Democracy, as well as other libertarian currents of Socialism (ex. anarcho-syndicalism) from 1914-1931.