Active Publications


Abolish Restaurants

Abolish Restaurants is an illustrated guide to the daily misery, stress, boredom, and alienation of restaurant work, as well as the ways in which restaurant workers fight against it.


Anarchism and Other essays by Emma Goldman

An Emma Goldman collection from Active and Sto citas.


Anarchism vs. Primitivism

This important pamphlet looks closely at the fundamental conflicts between anarchism and primitivism.


Anarchism: What It Is & What It…

This is a short introductory pamphlet designed to clear up common misunderstandings and to provide basic information on anarchism in a clear, easily understandable manner reprinted by Active as an A6 pocket size pamphlet.


Anarchy and Alcohol

Wasted Indeed How the Fiends Came to be Civilised, Addiction Culture, Strategies for Sobriety, Civilisation and Booze. A Crimethinc pamphlet reprinted by us.


 Anarchy Works by Peter Gelderloos

Subtitled “Examples of Anarchist Ideas in Practice”, the ‘Active’ edition of this engaging work.


Angry Brigade, Documents and Chronology

A new reprint of this “classic’ from Elephant Editions and Active this time in black!


Animal Liberation and Social…

Animal Liberation and Social Revolution A Vegan Perspective on Anarchism, or an Anarchist Perspective on Veganism Written by Brian Dominick



The Active Publishing edition of this wonderful graphic look at the relationship between humans and animals.


Another Dinner is Possible!

More than just a vegan cookbook! ANOTHER DINNER IS POSSIBLE is a unique two in one cook book and guidebook featuring over 250 recipes for food that’s simple but full of…


The Bottled Wasp Dairy 2013/14/15 and 2016

The radical diary for the UK and Europe! The Bottled Wasp diary is a benefit project for Brighton ABC who’s members are responsible for its construction.


By Theft And Murder: A…

Ted Curtis delivers a powerful inditement of the Israel security forces and their political masters from his experiences of an international observer. Ted has a accessible style that can make even the most terrible situations humourous yet still serious. Recommended


Calais 9, Freedom of Movement…

A booklet about the Calais No Border Camp, about solidarity with those without papers (Id), analysis, articles and news of action.


Challenging Ideas On…

A new pamphlet that discusses the importance of transforming ideas on human-nonhuman relations.


Emma Goldman’s Living My Life, 3 Volume set

Emma Goldman’a autobiographical work in three purple parts!


The Failure of Nonviolence

From the Arab Spring to the plaza occupation movement in Spain, the student movement in the UK and Occupy in the US, many new social movements have started peacefully, only to adopt a diversity of tactics as they grew in strength and collective experiences. This is Peter Gelderloos’s latest offering on a topic he covered in his How Nonviolence Protects the State  published a few years ago.


Grime and Nourishment

Wow! we found a few of these rareties and have decided to sell them off as a benefit towards 56a debts. The original “squatter style” bumper vegan cookbook zine!



This is a best of the Brighton (no more!) based comic zine that tell the stories that make up Isy’s adventurous life. Published in the same handmade DIY style as the zine itself.


‘Nailing Descartes to the Wall’

Animal Rights , veganism and punk culture by L.Tilburger and C.Kale. This zine examines the frequent overlap between punk culture and animal rights activism/vegan consumption habits.


On the Poverty of Student life

A classic document from the Paris May 68 era by The Situationist international.


Tarnac Affair

A collaborative pamphlet from Active and Unseen Hands ! with text taken from Not Bored about the Tarnac campaign in France


The Boy Scout’s Guide to the…

The Effect The S.I. Had On Paris ’68 And All That, Through The Angry Brigade And King Mob To The Sex Pistols.


The Decline and Fall of the…

Another classic ’68 text reprinted by Dark Star and Active.


The Last of the Hippies by Penny…

An updated pocket book size version of this seminal anarcho-punk essay by Crass drummer and writer Penny.


The Mclibel Case and Animal Rights

A detailed discussion of Dave Morris and Helen Steel’s “McLibel” case (longest in the history of the English court system), in relation to the rights of animals, cruel common farming practices, its unique legal context, and the impact of the holding on animal law in general.


The Misery of Islam, by…

A critique of Islam—from an Islamic country—from a situationist standpoint.


TV Times: A Seven Day Guide to…

Reprint of the classic anti-TV essay originally done by ISD of Oxford. Rich in illustrations, this critique will give you so many reasons to turn it off.


Up Against the Wall Motherfucker

” Black Mask finally transformed themselves into a totally dedicated underground revolutionary group, a number of whose members have been imprisoned for their activities. This edition has posters, manifestos, rants and blasts from UATWM 1967-89. ”


Viva Voce

Some thoughts on women’s health and sexuality.


Work Community Politics War

A 28-page comic book introduction to the world as we know it and a class war manifesto written by the Worker prole folk. Adjusted (we deleted some black lines to save ink usage) and reprinted as an A5 pamphlet by us!


Zapata of Mexico

Written by Peter Newell. We have republished this with Freedom Press because this is the best book I have come across about Zapata.


Zounds Demystified

Subtitled “Lyrics and Notes” this is effectively the story of Zounds and the times that spawned them by Steve Lake the lyricist and “main man” of the band!


20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

A collection of the most outstanding misery-producing and socially destructive qualities of Christianity in one handy pamphlet.