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Canberra 256km Radar/Lightning

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Bureau of Meteorology Weather Radar

About Weatherzone Radar

distance measuring Distance and latitude/longitude coordinates are displayed when you mouse over the map. The origin for distance measuring is indicated by a red dot and defaults to either your location, if specified and in range, or the location of the radar/the centre of the map. The origin may be changed by clicking elsewhere on the map.

The colours and symbols used on the radar and satellite maps are described on our legend page. View legend »

Radar Details

Canberra/Captains Flat Weather Watch Radar
New South Wales/ACT
35.6610°S  149.5120°E  1380m AMSL

LocationCaptains Flat Radar TypeWSR 74 S Band Typical Availability24 hours

The Captains Flat radar has a very good view in all directions and is the primary weather radar for the A.C.T., the Southern Tablelands and the New South Wales south coast, with coverage extending across the Monaro region through to the Victorian border. The radar dish is situated on a 22.35m cylindrical tower atop Mt Cowangerong, at a height of 1,381.6 metres above sea level. An area of permanent false echoes is evident about 20km off the coast between Batemans Bay and Moruya (East to East South East) and extending a further 80km out to sea. This anamolous propagation is easily identified and displays as a mass of low intensity echoes, constantly changing shape but with no apparent direction of movement. True rain echoes normally have a consistent direction of movement from one scan to the next.

Now Temperature

At Gold Coast

09:30 EST







Weather News

SA weather: Port Wakefield and Virginia under threat as rivers burst banks

09:33 EST

The South Australian towns of Port Wakefield and Virginia are under threat from floodwaters as the Wakefield and Gawler rivers burst their banks.

SA weather: Families check on embryos after fertility clinic generator fails in blackout

09:23 EST

Anxious families have been calling Adelaide fertility clinics after storms across South Australia led to embryos being destroyed.

Floriade flower festival closed for second day due to rain, snow at Corin Forest

09:09 EST

Floriade has been closed for the second day in a row due to heavy rain in Canberra, while Corin Forest has received 10 centimetres of snow overnight.