28 September 2016

Pentagon chief outlines preparations for nuclear war with Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 28 September 2016

Defense Secretary Ashton Carter delivered a chilling speech in favor of nuclear escalation to US Air Force personnel in charge of launching strategic bomber and missile attacks.

Japan scrambles fighter to intercept Chinese military aircraft

Britain attacks plans for European military union at Bratislava summit

By Johannes Stern and Alex Lantier, 28 September 2016

British officials see German and French plans to militarise the European Union as an intolerable threat to the NATO alliance and Europe's relations with the United States.

UK Labour Party conference: Corbyn again prostrate before right wing

By Chris Marsden, 28 September 2016

British Labour leader Corbyn wants to preserve the unity of the Labour Party because he represents only a left-talking faction of the apparatus.

UK Labour right views Corbyn’s compromises as chance to resume offensive

Polish Parliament approves ban on abortion

By Clara Weiss, 28 September 2016

The latest ban on abortions is deeply reactionary and represents an attack on the democratic and social rights of the working class.

Nine wounded in mass shooting by a Houston, Texas lawyer

By Charles Abelard, 28 September 2016

Police shot and killed Nathan DeSai after he opened fire on passersby near his home early Monday morning, wounding nine.

Bill to fund US government stalls in Congress

By Zaida Green, 28 September 2016

Congress has until Friday at midnight to pass funding legislation for the new fiscal year and prevent a shutdown of the federal government.

US national anthem protests at sporting events continue to spread

By Alan Gilman, 28 September 2016

Quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for the national anthem before NFL games, in protest of racial injustice and police brutality, has continued to gain support.

Liberals’ Canada Post review lays basis for massive assault on postal workers

By Laurent Lafrance, 28 September 2016

Despite making a public show of criticizing the task force’s call for further cuts in service and attacks on workers’ rights, CUPW bears political responsibility for the reactionary report.

India launches campaign to “punish” Pakistan

By Wasntha Rupasinghe, 28 September 2016

The publicly announced steps India has taken against Pakistan are of a diplomatic and economic character. But behind the scenes feverish preparations continue for a lethal “counterstrike.”

Pakistan replies with belligerence to Indian threats

Anti-China witch-hunt targets former Australian foreign minister

By Peter Symonds, 28 September 2016

The attack on Carr, an establishment figure with strong ties in Washington, is a sign that nothing less than full support for the US war drive against China will be tolerated.

International court dismisses Australian challenge over Timor Sea border dispute

By Patrick Kelly, 28 September 2016

The judgement marks another exposure of Canberra’s contempt for international law and its rank hypocrisy over the resolution of maritime disputes.

Papua New Guinea: Air Niugini sacks pilots over protest action

By John Braddock, 28 September 2016

Responsibility for the dismissal of the pilots rests with the trade unions, which claimed that individual protests would pressure the government to make concessions.

New in Russian

Дебаты Клинтон и Трампа: Отвратительный спектакль

Патрик Мартин, 28 сентября 2016 г.

90-минутные соревнования по части реакции и отсталости стали приговором не только кандидатам, но также и всей породившей их политической системе.

New in Turkish

Suriye’de ABD-Rusya çatışması riski artıyor

Jordan Shilton, 28 Eylül 2016

Bir uçuşa yasak bölgenin savaş anlamına geldiğine ilişkin açık kabule rağmen, bu kışkırtıcı politika, Dışişleri Bakanı John Kerry’yi de kapsayan artan bir destek buluyor.

New in French

Le débat Clinton-Trump: un spectacle dégradant

Par Patrick Martin, 28 septembre 2016

Le débat de 90 minutes a démontré le rôle réactionnaire non seulement des candidats, mais de tout le système politique qui les a engendrés.

La Syrie et la pseudo-gauche pro-impérialiste

Par Alex Lantier, 28 septembre 2016

La réponse des principaux porte-parole du capitalisme d’État et des tendances pablistes reflètent les politiques de guerre de plus en plus ouvertes des sections importantes de la pseudo-gauche internationale.

La dégringolade de Deutsche Bank évoque l’idée d’un « moment Lehman »

Par Nick Beams, 28 septembre 2016

Les remous que connaît Deutsche Bank ne sont que l’expression la plus nette de la crise qui frappe l’ensemble du système bancaire européen. The turmoil surrounding Deutsche Bank is only the sharpest expression of a crisis gripping the whole of the European banking system

Les travailleurs et les jeunes manifestant à Jaffna dénoncent le régime sri-lankais soutenu par les États-Unis

Par Subash Somachandran et K. Nesan, 28 septembre 2016

Il y a une colère grandissante parmi les travailleurs tamouls et les jeunes contre le soutien des nationalistes tamouls à la politique étrangère de l’impérialisme américain et son régime client à Colombo.

New in German

Syrien und die proimperialistischen Pseudolinken

Von Alex Lantier, 28. September 2016

Die Äußerungen führender Vertreter der staatskapitalistischen und pablistischen Tendenzen zum Syrienkonflikt zeigen die zunehmend offene Kriegspropaganda, die in weiten Teilen der internationalen Pseudolinken verbreitet wird.

TV-Debatte zwischen Clinton und Trump: Ein abstoßendes Spektakel

Von Patrick Martin, 28. September 2016

Die neunzigminütige Demonstration von Reaktion und Rückständigkeit war nicht nur ein Armutszeugnis für die Kandidaten, sondern für das gesamte politische System, das sie hervorgebracht hat.

Kursverluste der Deutschen Bank: Droht ein „zweites Lehman Brothers“?

Von Nick Beams, 28. September 2016

Die Unruhe im Umfeld der Deutschen Bank ist nur der schärfste Ausdruck einer Krise, die das ganze europäische Bankensystem ergriffen hat.

SPD, Linke und Grüne beginnen Koalitionsverhandlungen

Von Christoph Vandreier, 28. September 2016

Die Eintracht der künftigen Koalitionäre in Berlin gibt den Diskussionen über eine rot-rot-grüne Bundesregierung Auftrieb.

Flüchtlingsgipfel in Wien verschärft europäische Abschottungspolitik

Von Martin Kreickenbaum, 28. September 2016

Die Beschlüsse zeigen das menschenverachtende Gesicht der EU und den reaktionären Charakter von Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik.

Die Morde des NSU und der Verfassungsschutz: Eine Zwischenbilanz

Von Dietmar Henning, 28. September 2016

Mundlos, Böhnhardt und Zschäpe müssen Mittäter gehabt haben. Wer diese waren, ist aufgrund des Schweigens und Vertuschens seitens der staatlichen Behörden unklar.

Other Languages


The US presidential debate and the war plans of the ruling class

28 September 2016

Clinton used the debate to continue the war-mongering diatribes against Russia that have dominated her campaign, along with her attacks on Trump as a stooge of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Earlier Perspectives »

Online Interview with David North

WSWS interview with David North: A Quarter Century of War: The US Drive for Global Hegemony, 1990-2016

28 September 2016

The interview covered a wide range of topics, from the significance of the dissolution of the USSR to the pro-imperialist politics of the pseudo-left and the revolutionary role of the working class.

November 5 Antiwar Conference

Socialism vs. Capitalism and War
The SEP and IYSSE schedule November 5 antiwar conference in Detroit

The purpose of the conference in Detroit is to politically mobilize workers and young people against the war policies of US and world imperialism, which threaten to escalate into a nuclear Third World War.

Register today at sep2016.com/conference


Economist magazine warns of revolutionary consequences of unprecedented corporate power

By Gabriel Black, 28 September 2016

A special report in the Economist magazine warns of a return to the type of economic and political conditions that produced the 1917 Russian Revolution.

Deutsche Bank plunge sparks talk of “Lehman moment”

Financial parasitism and the rising war danger

Syria and the pro-imperialist pseudo-left

By Alex Lantier, 27 September 2016

US accuses Russia of “war crimes” as danger of clash in Syria mounts

Top US general warns Syrian “no-fly” zone means war with Russia

More on the war in Syria »

On the eve of the US election debate: The politics of the grotesque

By Patrick Martin, 26 September 2016

Police violence and the social crisis in America

Charlotte police release videos showing Keith Scott with arms down as he was shot

International Committee of the Fourth International

Indian workers and students speak out against US war drive

By our correspondents, 28 September 2016

Indian workers and students discussed mounting global tensions and New Delhi’s role in the US military preparations against China.

Public meeting in Chennai, India: Oppose the imperialist war drive! Fight for socialist program!

New Zealand public meetings: The US Navy visit and the drive to war

By Socialist Equality Group (New Zealand), 27 September 2016

“You are a man of unimpeachable revolutionary integrity”
On the 75th birthday of Sri Lankan Trotskyist leader Wije Dias

By David North, 9 September 2016

Arts Review

Clint Eastwood’s Sully: The “Miracle on the Hudson” dramatized

By Joanne Laurier, 28 September 2016

Eastwood directs a fictional version of the January 2009 incident in which pilot Chesley Sullenberger landed a commuter jet in the Hudson River, saving the lives of 155 passengers and crew.

Toronto International Film Festival 2016: Part 1
How well does filmmaking reflect present-day life?

By David Walsh, 27 September 2016

Leonardo da Vinci–The Genius in Milan: The marketing of genius

Autoworkers Struggles

Unifor’s big lie exposed
Ontario Liberal government reveals GM investments are not finalized

By Carl Bronski, 27 September 2016

Unifor president jeered by hundreds at Oshawa meeting
GM Canada workers narrowly approve sellout deal

SEP 2016 US Election Campaign

“I’d say it’s the worst election ever”
US autoworkers speak out on war, inequality and the 2016 elections

By Eric London and Thomas Gaist, 26 September 2016

SEP presidential candidates to be on the ballot in Louisiana

By our reporter, 26 September 2016

Jerry White speaks in Detroit and Ann Arbor
SEP presidential candidate warns of war dangers

By a reporting team, 24 September 2016

SEP candidate restored to ballot in West Virginia

By our reporter, 23 September 2016

Socialism and the 2016 elections
Socialist Equality Party campaign launches fall election meetings

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions
Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party


New fossil discovery may date origin of life on Earth earlier than previously known

By Philip Guelpa, 27 September 2016


“Democracy doesn’t exist in the United States”
Students at Wayne State and San Diego State universities speak on war and the 2016 elections

By the IYSSE, 26 September 2016

The IYSSE interviewed students and youth across the country at student welcome week events at the beginning of the school year.

25 years ago: Military coup in Haiti

The Haitian military carried out a bloody military coup on September 30, 1991, overthrowing President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

More »

50 year ago: Klansman acquitted of murder of Viola Liuzzo

On September 27, 1966, a state court in Alabama acquitted Eugene Thomas, one of four Ku Klux Klan members who murdered Detroit civil rights activist Viola Liuzzo.

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75 years ago: Stalin appeals for American and British aid

On September 28, 1941 representatives of American and British imperialism began three days of meetings in the Kremlin with Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin to discuss the establishment of avenues for military aid.

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100 years ago: The Battle of Thiepval Ridge at the Somme

On September 26, 1916, British forces launched an attack on Thiepval Ridge as part of their new offensive in the final stages of the Battle of the Somme.

More »

25 years since the death of Bill Brust

A remembrance of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, twenty-five years after his death

By Fred Mazelis, 15 September 2016

Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, whose political struggle as a revolutionary socialist spanned 53 years.

The Life and Times of Bill Brust

By David North, 15 September 2016

This speech, originally delivered by David North at a memorial meeting in Minneapolis in 1991, reviews the life and political legacy of Bill Brust.