Perth record cold. Where's that warming?

Jo Nova wonders why the global warming alarmists aren't talking about Perth's amazing weather: the coldest September on record. 

Is that because the CSIRO once claimed south-west Western Australia was the one place we could really see global warming in action?

Jo Nova:

The headline in The West Australian today was Perth shivers through it’s coldest ever September. For some reason (I can’t think why) the extreme weather journalists did not mention climate change (has that ever happened on a hottest ever record story?)... It is supposed to be rapidly heating up but it is three degrees below normal.

Given the freak weather, [the Climate Council's] Will Steffen immediately announced that “This is a prelude to a disturbing future. And it’s only going to get worse if we don’t address climate change.” No. Wait. Scratch that. That was South Australia, where one bad storm was caused by coal fired electrons. A record cold month is just weather.

Curiously, The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) announced it was the coldest ever September for Perth since 1994 when records started at Mt Lawley, and the coldest at Perth Airport since records started there in 1944. But it took an unpaid data-aficionado to discover that it was actually the coldest since 1897 at the Perth Regional Office (see the “grains of salt” about this at the end of the post). And that applies to the super-spiffy-adjusted ACORN dataset which goes back to 1910. A coldest “ever” record.

(Thanks to reader Bob.)