Ash clouds cancel Bali flights

Ash clouds cancel Bali flights

UPDATING: A restless Indonesian volcano on the island of Lombok has again spewed clouds of ash into the air — causing Australian airlines to cancel flights to and from Bali.

Govt compromises on backpacker tax

Govt compromises on backpacker tax

THE Federal Government has bowed to pressure and lowered the rate of its planned backpacker tax from 32.5 per cent to 19 per cent.

Abbott’s PM bid ‘dead, buried cremated’

Abbott’s PM bid ‘dead, buried cremated’

FORMER prime minister Tony Abbott has ruled out a return to the leadership, as the Coalition’s popularity takes a battering.

Court wades into Timor Sea row

Court wades into Timor Sea row

AUSTRALIA has been dealt a blow in its feud over access to oilfields in the Timor Sea after an international court ruled to take up East Timor’s case.

Position, punches are key for Connor

Position, punches are key for Connor

BALI police have again grilled Australian woman Sara Connor over her role in the death of an officer, focusing on her precise positioning and whether or not she saw him punched.

Two hairs vital in alleged killer trial

Two hairs vital in alleged killer trial

A MAN charged with the murder of a nurse who has not been seen in more than 30 years violently raped another three women, DNA evidence indicates, a trial heard today.

Footy Finals

Grand final Millions splurged on footy feasts

SAUSAGES, burgers, pies and beers will be top of the shopping list for millions of NSW footy fans as they prepare for their traditional Grand Final barbecues this weekend.