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A potential oil deal sparked energy stocks higher.

ASX ends wild September flat

There was plenty to keep investors on their toes in September but in the end, the benchmark index finished the month largely flat.

Nine Entertainment chief executive Hugh Marks.

Nine sells Southern Cross stake

Nine Entertainment has sold its entire near 10 per cent stake in Southern Cross Austereo after the metropolitan and regional broadcasters struck a five-year affiliation deal earlier this year.

Deutsche Bank shares have been punished along with its peers in Europe, but Citi warns investors should not underweight ...

It's an ugly week for global banking giants

Even before the opening bell in New York, Thursday looked like a grim day for some of the giants of global banking. But few expected the barrage of bad news that was about to hit.

The first US presidential debate had a major impact on markets.

8@eight: Deutsche Bank shakes up markets

The local sharemarket is set to finish September on a down note, with futures pointing to a drop at the open on the back of global declines - with more Deutsche Bank woes grabbing the attention of investors.

Waleed Aly topped The AFR Magazine's Cultural Power List 2016.

Waleed Aly says 'what we're all thinking'

Waleed Aly is much more than a co-host on the popular TV show, The Project, wiedling the most cultural power of any Aussie, according to the AFR Mag's 2016 Power List.

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