Supermarket theft Crackdown on self-service thieves

Crackdown on self-service thieves

MANY Aussies have helped themselves to something extra at the self-service till, or scanned mangoes as carrots. Not for long.

Laundry Six things you shouldn’t put in the dryer

Six things you shouldn’t put in the dryer

WE ALL know the clothes dryer can be an easy way to get stuff dry in a hurry. But it can actually destroy some of your favourite clothing items.

Pet Breeds ‘Like breathing through a straw’

‘Like breathing through a straw’

THEY are perhaps one of the cutest breed of dogs around, but the British Veterinary Association has warned people to steer clear from purchasing pugs and bulldogs.

Get appy Langbroek’s message makes her appy

Langbroek’s message makes her appy

WHEN Kate Langbroek decides she doesn’t want to call you, believe me — you won’t be talking to her. She developed an app so she doesn’t have to.

Crystal meth Baby-faced drug mule freed

Baby-faced drug mule freed

CHHAY Reaksmey, Cambodia’s 14-year-old drug mule, is to be released from notorious Prey Sar prison after a judge ruled her jailing was “unjust”.

Child sex offences Paedophile’s creepy prison notes

Paedophile’s creepy prison notes

A CONVICTED paedophile has been caught scrawling notes on his cell wall about missing children William Tyrrell and Madeleine McCann.

Hot property Celebrity death houses: an inside look

Celebrity death houses: an inside look

FROM Prince’s Paisley Park fortress to Heath Ledger’s Manhattan loft – we look at what happened to the homes where celebrities lived, partied and died.

Real estate What a $100 million home looks like

What a $100 million home looks like

IT’S the mega-mansion tipped to break the record for Australia’s most expensive home, but what’s inside “Aussie” John Symond’s plush Point Piper pad?

Cleaning hacks Cleaning: You’re doing it wrong

Cleaning: You’re doing it wrong

HERE’S how professional cleaners get your house to shine in an hour. It’s totally possible.

Text messaging

How to clean the three dirtiest items you touch every single day

Luckily, there are easy ways to clean all three.

Supplied News 5 rules of great bathroom design

5 rules of great bathroom design

When it comes to bathrooms, it pays to get the design right – after all, it’s one of the costliest areas to remodel.

Supplied News 11 things you can throw out of your kitchen right now

11 things you can throw out of your kitchen right now

You can have a streamlined kitchen in the time it takes to boil pasta.

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