Colin KaepernickConta verificada


Do not underestimate the determination of a quiet man - Iain Smith

Participa desde junho de 2009

@Kaepernick7 está bloqueado

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  1. Kenny Stills & Michael Thomas keep taking that knee for the Dolphins. ✊✊

  2. Wells Fargo illegally repossessed 413 military servicemembers' cars, Justice Department says

  3. Like I've said, I don't care what race, class, gender, or sexual preference–police terrorism is police terrorism.

  4. Simply put. This man needs to be arrested for assault. The laws do still apply to police too. That's illegal.

  5. Portland, in NOT the normalized historical narrative/location of the KKK as an exclusively Southern phenomenon.

  6. A majority of millennials now reject capitalism, poll shows

  7. If you "love America," why would you NOT be critical of those trying to be the "leader" of the country via being the President of the 🇺🇸?

  8. But don't let it be a black & a white one Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top Black police showing out for the white cop -ICE CUBE

  9. Houston Police Officer Jarius Warren brutally beating a homeless man. Warren was allowed to resign before being terminated. NOT OK.

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  10. DESPICABLE. Louisiana Police refuse to provide security for high school football game where kids took a knee.

  11. I don't have enough words to describe how painful this is to watch.

  12. One of these tweets is based on facts, and the other one is based on a blind belief in Black males as pathologically criminal.

  13. . president says Milwaukee is "the most racist, segregated place i've ever experienced.'

  14. Why Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Deserve the Black Vote | By 'The New Jim Crow' author Michelle Alexander

  15. While reading this quote, you may think that it came from the mouth of Brother Malcolm. But these are the words of Martin Luther King Jr.

  16. as far as I am concerned this is a form of bullying & actions need to be taken against the school!

  17. I'm watching the , like NEITHER ONE OF YOU gives a damn about Black folks. They BOTH sound uncomfortable talking about Black issues.

  18. Thank you for standing strong! (Students getting threatened for wearing Kaepernick jerseys)

  19. These words from Dr. King while he was in jail are directly applicable to what we are seeing from white America's response to

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