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  1. أشخاص عرض الكلّ

  2. قبل ١٠ ساعات

    When our PM used to vaguely resemble a compassionate,intelligent human being.

  3. قبل ١١ ساعة

    Stan Grant is a terrific host and interviewer !!! RT if you 👉don't👈 want Govt drone Leigh Sales back on February 6th

  4. قبل ١٢ ساعة

    Has corrupted absolutely.

  5. قبل ١١ ساعة

    The is bent! The builders know it. The unions know it. The government knows it! FEDERAL ICAC NOW!

  6. قبل ٨ ساعات

    RT : Christ ! The Foreign Minister's entered herself in the Eurovision Song Contest.

  7. قبل ١٢ دقيقة
  8. قبل ١٣ دقيقة
  9. قبل ٥٦ دقيقة

    Going by the PM's rationale, he shouldn't be sticking his nose in to preserve our "values" over in the Middle East either

  10. قبل ٥٨ دقيقة
  11. قبل ٧ ساعات
  12. قبل ٨ ساعات

    Hey American faux-Christian nutjobs, how can Jesus make his second coming if he can't get a Visa?

  13. قبل ٩ ساعات

    If Obama isn't doing anything, can we borrow him down here? The wet piece of toilet paper we have isn't filling me with confidence

  14. قبل ٩ ساعات

    Mt: "My job was to 'become' the Prime Minister, not 'be' the Prime Minister".

  15. قبل ٩ ساعات

    It certainly is not your job, Mr Turnbull, now resign & give it to someone who will do the job.

  16. قبل ٩ ساعات
  17. قبل ١٠ ساعات

    WARNING! Do not open this tweet! 😳

  18. قبل ١٠ ساعات

    Reports that a Melb High school boy has been denied a US visa. A kid going on an excursion to space camp. Born in Oz.

  19. قبل ١٠ ساعات

    . is calling for a Royal Commission into whether Islam is a religion or a political ideology.

    .@PaulineHansonOz is calling for a royal commission into whether Islam is a religion or an ideology. - @SkyNewsAust
  20. ردًا على
    قبل ١٠ ساعات

    Hey Staff... how the hell did you NOT piss yourself silly at Given RUPERT BECAME A YANK YEARS AGO ...

  21. قبل ١٠ ساعات

    Hey - “Hypocrite” is thy name!

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ربّما يعاني تويتر من الحمل الزائد أو يواجه عطلًا مؤقّتًا. حاول مجدّدًا أو تفقّد حالة تويتر لمزيد من المعلومات.