

In George Wright, Labor loses a leader who outlasted many

In the time that Australia has had four prime ministers, the Labor Party's organisation has had just one leader.

George Wright has just finished up as Labor's national secretary after 5½ years.

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With the announcement of another budget backflip, the Turnbull government sinks to a new low in the polls.

Almost no one outside politics knows his name. That's the way it's meant to be for the backroom operators. In those years he's given only a handful of interviews.

His job was not to cultivate his own profile. His job was to take the leaders chosen by the Labor caucus and win them  enough votes to turn them into prime ministers. 

Labor national secretary George Wright.
Labor national secretary George Wright. Photo: Getty Images

All while working on a salary a little smaller than a backbencher's and with a staff of about a dozen that swelled tenfold for the campaign.

The Labor caucus didn't make it easy for him amid the political savagery that earned Canberra the title of "coup capital of the Western world" in the words of the BBC's Nick Bryant.


Wright started the job after Julia Gillard had knifed Kevin Rudd for the leadership. He continued after Rudd knifed her to get it back. Then he had to try to make Labor electable under Bill Shorten.

Wright failed to put Rudd or Shorten into the Lodge. But he came close with Shorten in the July election. The government lost 14 seats and survives on a one-seat majority. This is a feat; Shorten was once thought to be unelectable and Turnbull undefeatable.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and ALP National Secretary George Wright during the ALP National Conference last year.
Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and ALP National Secretary George Wright during the ALP National Conference last year. Photo: Alex Ellinghausen

"The big story of the last three years is that Bill and Labor have been consistently underestimated," Wright tells me.

"It's always been, 'the other side have got their shit together', but every time the challenge came we rose to it.

Illustration: John Shakespeare
Illustration: John Shakespeare 

"The Liberals' essential proposition was, 'we have the better prime minister'. Their campaign was heavily centred on Turnbull. Everything they put on air was him. It was 'Malcolm, Malcolm, Malcolm, Malcolm'.

"Our proposition was that we have a very good alternative prime minister and there are some things that need to change to protect what's important to you." 

 He's referring to the Labor campaign against the government's alleged cuts to health and education, notably the "Mediscare" effort.

And the election result showed that "the voters were not clearly saying that 'we want you guys to be in government right now'. It was, 'we are worried and concerned and anxious about the other mob'."

The people who run the big parties, rarer than prime ministers, aren't entirely captive of the party leaders and can be pretty influential in their own right.

The Financial Review's annual listing of Australia's most powerful people published on Friday ranked Wright not on the list of overtly powerful people, a list headed by Malcolm Turnbull and Bill Shorten, but on the list of those wielding "covert power".

And on this list, led by Turnbull's cabinet secretary, Arthur Sinodinos, George Wright ranked number eight. Just ahead of him was the Liberals' pollster, Mark Textor. That ranking put Wright ahead of the most powerful corporate bosses and the billionaires, which may seem a little cheeky to his new employer, the BHP chief, Andrew Mackenzie.

Because he's moved on, the publicity-shy Wright is not even giving the  post-election analysis that the secretaries of both major parties traditionally deliver at the National Press Club. So he won't be responding to the accusation of his Liberal counterpart, Tony Nutt, in his recent Press Club performance that Labor's campaign depended on "a cold-blooded lie".

So I put it to him. "I absolutely refute that it was a lie," says Wright. "If the taskforce wasn't looking at privatisation of Medicare, why did they get rid of it?"

The government had assembled the taskforce to look at privatising some of the back-office processing for Medicare. Why did it disband it?   Mainly because its existence allowed a whiff of fact for Labor to work  into a maelstrom of fright. 

Nutt said the Labor campaign preyed on vulnerable people, especially older people, by frightening them into voting against the government. He conceded that it had been effective. And he demanded that Labor promise never to repeat the tactic: "You've got to draw the line somewhere. Are we really saying that taking an absolute lie, a cold-blooded lie and shoving it down the throats of vulnerable people in their 70s and 80s, is acceptable?"

Wright's rejoinder: "Their policies have people worried about the future of the health system." 

 It's true that the scare campaign could only really work because the Abbott government proposed a $7 Medicare co-payment, an idea that died in the Senate. 

Turnbull conceded after the election that the Liberal Party had lost a great deal of public trust on Medicare; he promised to try to win it back.

While negative campaigning worked for the Labor Party, Turnbull and Nutt and Textor have come under heavy censure within their own party for failing to go negative themselves. George Wright says that negative campaigning does work, but only when balanced with positive.

"We opened up positive on education and 100 positive policies. People mightn't think it'll win a Cannes award but you have to introduce your candidate as potential prime minister, not just Opposition Leader. That was important.

"In the middle we went on education and did quite a bit on the cuts from the 2014 budget, and then a strong focus on Medicare, positive and negative. We ran spots on what our opponents were doing and the consequences and what we were going to do. We were always going to close on Medicare and the cuts."

 In a bit of a professional compliment to his rivals, he says Turnbull's "jobs and growth" mantra was "effectively communicated, but didn't have as much traction as ours."

Wright is a believer in the adage that repetition is the soul of propaganda. "All the successful campaigns I've worked on" – and while working for the ACTU he was an architect of the Your Rights at Work campaign that so devastated the Howard government – "have had message discipline".

He concurs with one of his predecessors, Tim Gartrell, who advocated the "vomit principle". That is, when a politician has repeated himself so often that he feels like he'll vomit if he has to say it one more time, the public is only just beginning to hear it.

"A poor message effectively communicated," says Wright, "is better than a good message poorly communicated."

Wright is leaving because, he says, he's "exhausted". When he took the job 5½ years ago, he and his wife had exciting renovation plans ready to go for their house in Melbourne's Richmond. But the job was so all-consuming that after 5½  years, "nothing". 

"In some ways I have indulged my professional passion extravagantly and it's time to balance that up."

Besides, he's proved a point to himself: "I had a burning thing in my guts to prove myself – I thought we achieved a lot in 2013" with Rudd vs Abbott "but it was principally tarring over leaks in the boat." With this year's campaign, he feels he has satisfied his need to run a successful campaign, even if it  didn't win. But he leaves with the great political problem of the time unsolved. How to stop the constant coups, to stop the revolving door of the prime ministership from spinning?

When Labor was plunging itself from one leadership crisis to another, Wright tried to be "the point of stability in the middle of it" staying uninvolved. He was  well placed as the first factionally non-aligned secretary Labor had ever had.  But it made his job, and the great national need for problem-solving, nigh impossible. He's earlier described it as a "gothic horror story".  

The Liberals, of course, caught the political bloodlust and went into internecine paroxysms of their own.

George Wright recounts the story of how Labor was preparing for the by-election in the West Australian seat of Canning in 2015 after the incumbent MP, Don Randall, died suddenly.

"We had printed the bunting for all the polling booths – about 10 kilometres of it – with 'Reject Abbott' across the top and then the candidate's picture and 'Vote Keogh' across the bottom. The Liberals changed leaders 10 days out. We had to cut all the bunting in half", excising Abbott "with a pair of scissors. So volatile has Australian politics become that you can't even print your materials 10 days ahead."

This phase began with the coup against Rudd in 2010. But how to solve it?

"Stopping the revolving door of leadership is the big challenge and the big prize in federal politics today. The party that can re-establish the tolerably predictable groove of government that voters felt they experienced through the Hawke-Keating and Howard era – at least till WorkChoices – will deliver great benefit to the country.

"And a huge political dividend to themselves – the potential for multiple election victories. This is what voters want and they'll handsomely reward the leader and the party that delivers it for them."

He doesn't think the problem is structural but psychological. And it's not unprecedented – he points out that post-Menzies the Liberals churned though four leaders in five years.

"The Australian model of successful leadership is ordinary people who bring the people along with them, without these comets that flash up – poof! – and burn out." He could be referring to Rudd as well as Turnbull. "Bill's ordinariness will be a strength for him in the long term."

Wright might have spent too long drinking the Labor KoolAid. Or, of course, it's possible he's right.

Peter Hartcher is political editor.