HAHAHA! Bulldogs Grand Final Banner Nails It

'Bullgods' rhyming with defying the odds'. Love it.

01/10/2016 2:27 PM AEST | Updated October 1, 2016 14:31

Well, we knew it would be something unique. And it was.

Regular Huffington Post Australia readers will recall the story we ran about eight days ago on Melbourne comedian Danny McGinlay, who is the inspiration behind the Western Bulldogs absolutely hilarious footy banners.

But what would today's banner say for the Dogs' first grand final in 55 years? McGinaly wouldn't tell us. Lips zipped firmly shut. Fair enough.

But now we know. And like the guy below guy said, it was a nightmare for those prone to mispronunciation.

Nice touch, we think, mixing up the letters of Bulldogs and rhyming gods with odds.

Others thought they'd do their own version. Why are people so cruel?

And for those who missed it last week, here's the Bulldogs banner from earlier this season, which took the piss out of Sydney's lockout laws in the most excellent way.

Getty Images
Ouch. That burns if you're from Sydney.

We'll see which city has the last laugh later this Saturday.

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