Federal Politics

Concerns over $220 million Telstra Health contract's 'lack of transparency'

The nation's peak medical lobby group has raised concerns over a "lack of transparency" around the awarding of a $220 million government contract to Telstra to manage sensitive medical records.

The register, which will combine the data of nine existing ones, is due to go live in May next year.

Federal Minister for Health Sussan Ley.
Federal Minister for Health Sussan Ley.  Photo: Paul Jeffers

Writing to the Senate inquiry examining the bill, the Australian Medical Association's senior policy adviser, Jodette Kotz, said that while the AMA did not oppose outsourcing clinical registries "in principle", it noted there had been " a lack of transparency around the process for awarding this contract, in particular the timing of the announcement".

"The awarding of such a contract to an entity that has hitherto had no direct role in establishing or operating a register of this kind sets a challenging and potentially troublesome precedent," Ms Kotz wrote.

"The AMA, therefore, would welcome a detailed explanation and assurance from the Department of Health, as well as independent privacy and data experts, that the entity awarded the contract has the capacity to deliver it as contracted, and that every assurance can be given as to how sensitive health and medical data will be stored, how any potential breaches will be addressed, and what arrangements are to be put in place to manage the transition of nine separate cancer screening registers into a single National Cancer Screening Register.

"Given the potential commercial value of the data contained in the register, the AMA would be more comfortable with it being operated by government, a tertiary institution, or not-for-profit entity that has little interest in how the data in the register might otherwise be used.


"This would go a long way to allaying concerns about the secondary use of data for commercial reasons."

A Senate inquiry is looking into the National Cancer Screening Register legislation, first introduced by Health Minister Sussan Ley on May 5, the day after the government signed a contract with the telco giant to manage a new national cancer screening register, and just two days after Malcolm Turnbull called the election. The contract was announced on May 26, during the caretaker period.

While Telstra Health submitted it was "uniquely well-placed" to manage the register, having the necessary "size, scale and mixture of clinical and technical expertise to successfully build, migrate and operate the Register" and would apply the same standards in security as the government in building the register, the nation's Privacy Commissioner and acting Information Commissioner Timothy Pilgrim, has also raised concerns.

"The Privacy Act recognises the strong public interest in the conduct of medical and health research and provides a framework to facilitate data access arrangements for these research purposes," he submitted to the inquiry.

"… In this context, the NCSR Bill, as currently drafted, may have the impact of bypassing this research framework, which is established by the Privacy Act."

Mr Pilgrim said clauses within the bill allowed "'certain persons' to collect, disclose and use 'protected information', which includes personal information, for the purposes of the Register" and recommended that it be made explicitly clear that researchers must adhere to the guidelines under the Privacy Act.

"Consideration should also be given to whether additional requirements to the Privacy Act should be applied, since the collection and retention of large amounts of sensitive health information in a centralised database can pose a number of security and privacy risks, particularly if the database can be accessed from many access points," he wrote.

"The register operator's security requirements could be strengthened by requiring the operator to report data breaches and specifying requirements around the handling of data breaches in a manner consistent with the data-breach requirements … of the My Health Records Act."

The government has been contacted for comment, but shadow health minister Catherine King said the submissions "show that experts share Labor's concerns about the way the Government has conducted this process".

"They rushed into signing a contract before legislation was even introduced, and clearly there are questions that need to be answered about handing these records to a for-profit company with no experience in this area.

"This is sensitive, personal information about people's health – we need to get it right."

The Senate inquiry will hold a public hearing on Thursday.
