
In US immigration courts, children must serve as their own lawyers

Tucson, Arizona: After a long, scary trek through three countries to escape the gang violence in El Salvador, a 15-year-old boy found himself scared again a few months back, this time in a federal immigration court here.

There was an immigration judge in front of him and a federal prosecutor to his right. But there was no one helping him understand the charges against him.

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"I was afraid I was going to make a mistake," the boy said in Spanish from his uncle's living room, in a modest cinder-block house on the south side of this city. "When the judge asked me questions, I just shook my head 'yes' and 'no'. I didn't want to say the wrong thing."

Every week in immigration courts around the country, thousands of children act as their own lawyers, pleading for asylum or other type of relief in a legal system they do not understand.

Suspected killers, kidnappers and others facing federal felony charges, no matter their ages, are entitled to court-appointed lawyers if they cannot afford them. But children accused of violating immigration laws, a civil offence, do not have the same right.

In immigration court people face charges from the government, but the government has no obligation to provide lawyers for poor children and adults, as it does in criminal cases, legal experts say.


Having a lawyer makes a difference. Between October 2004 and June of this year, more than half the children who did not have lawyers were deported. Only one in 10 children who had legal representation were sent back, according to federal data compiled by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, a research group connected to Syracuse University.

"We have looked for any legal system in the United States where children are required to represent themselves against a government lawyer – child welfare proceedings, juvenile delinquency proceedings. We have not yet found one, and the government hasn't found one either," Stephen Kang, a lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union's Immigrants' Right Project, said in an interview.

A 15-year-old boy from El Salvador in his uncle's home in Tucson, Arizona this month. He is asking for asylum after ...
A 15-year-old boy from El Salvador in his uncle's home in Tucson, Arizona this month. He is asking for asylum after fleeing gang violence back home, but did not have a lawyer in immigration court.  Photo: New York Times

"What we have in immigration court is an out-of-step system," Mr Kang said. "Children face federal prosecutors at adversarial court hearings that can have life-or-death consequences for the children involved."

A class-action lawsuit, filed by the ACLU and other civil rights organisations, is trying to change that.

Sara Van Hofwegen is a lawyer who represents unaccompanied children for Public Counsel, a law firm in Los Angeles.
Sara Van Hofwegen is a lawyer who represents unaccompanied children for Public Counsel, a law firm in Los Angeles. Photo: New York Times

In a brief filed in the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals, where the federal government is contesting the court's authority to hear the case, Justice Department lawyers insisted that "aliens in civil administrative removal proceedings have the privilege of being represented by retained counsel, but do not possess either a constitutional or statutory right to appointed counsel at taxpayer expense".

Yet the government has also spent millions of dollars paying for lawyers to represent unaccompanied children in immigration courts – from modest programs in Baltimore and Tennessee to a $US55 million effort by the Department of Health and Human Services in cities throughout the US.

A photograph of the 15-year-old boy's father, who was killed by a gang.
A photograph of the 15-year-old boy's father, who was killed by a gang. Photo: New York Times

In remarks to the Hispanic National Bar Association in 2014, then US attorney-general Eric Holder said: "Though these children may not have a constitutional right to a lawyer, we have policy reasons and a moral obligation to ensure the presence of counsel."

Most of the children appearing in immigration courts are from Central America, escapees of the poverty and street violence that make El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras some of the most dangerous countries in the world.

Two northern summers ago, the children captured headlines when they surged across the US-Mexico border, surprising authorities and overwhelming a system that was not prepared to absorb them. They were detained in a Border Patrol station in McAllen, Texas, and a warehouse in Nogales, Arizona, sleeping side by side behind chain-link fences, on thin mattresses spread on the concrete floor.

A crackdown by Mexican authorities stemmed the flow, but the numbers are rising again, especially in the Big Bend region of Texas and around Yuma, Arizona, as smugglers have adjusted their routes to evade authorities.

In 2014, Matt Adams, legal director for the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project in Seattle, joined Public Counsel, the ACLU and other civil rights groups in suing the federal government on behalf of nine Central American children, aged 10 to 17, who were representing themselves in deportation hearings. This year, a judge gave one of the children, an indigenous boy from Guatemala, an ultimatum: Find a lawyer or come to his next hearing prepared to petition for asylum on his own. (The lawsuit gained class-action status in June.)

The boy from El Salvador, whose family allowed him to be interviewed only if his name was not used, because they did not want to jeopardise his pending asylum case, tried to hire his own lawyer. His uncle and legal guardian said one lawyer had offered to take the case for $US6000; the family decided against paying when the lawyer seemed hesitant about the boy's chances of success.

The uncle took the boy, his dark hair styled in a mohawk that droops along the nape of his neck, to his first immigration hearing in April, hoping to stand up and speak for him. But, the uncle said, the judge did not let him.

So the boy plopped himself in the defendant's chair, slipped on the headphones that piped in the English-to-Spanish translation, and shook his head as much as he could until the judge told him he had to speak.

On their way out, a lawyer from the Florence Immigrant and Refugee Rights Project, which has been representing young people facing deportation for years, handed the uncle a business card.

"Our overall goal is to represent every child that comes through immigration court," said Lauren Dasse, the project's executive director.

The uncle said he was suspicious when the lawyer approached his nephew, and wondered why anyone would want to do this for free. Still, his nephew made an appointment.

On August 5, the judge gave the boy an extension so his application for relief could be prepared and presented.

He will be back to court in October. This time, with a lawyer.

New York Times