खोज परिणाम
  1. AGAINST the World!ALL the Slander!Why?He loves 🇺🇸&The People!A Man that has it all,Is doing this to 🇺🇸 No Shady Agenda

  2. Whoa, Ann Coulter is going off the rails in this interview. Even she realizes that Trump's campaign is going down in flames

  3. - New Rules: Never inflict Ann Coulter on us again.

  4. Bill Maher: GOP now stands for ‘Grab Our P*ssies’

  5. I really REALLY wish you would do Seriously you've done everything else & Bill is awesome. Come on Prez!

  6. How sad it must be to be Ann Coulter, to see the world through her dead eyes. How gut-wrenchingly, tragically, horrifically sad.

  7. Thank God I missed Anne Coulter tonight on . Save myself another trip to my therapist's office.

  8. Ann Coulter spotted tonight on :

  9. Only time i ever turn off RealTime is when A. Coulter is a guest. I turned it back on 4 . PLEASE don't invite her

  10. Hey I know you and Ann Coulter used to tag each other back in the day, but stop making the rest of us suffer for it.

  11. The reason I didn't watch is because Ann Coulter was on. Shes abhorrent.

  12. So basically, Coulter had no interest in answering a simple question because she's full of 💩. Gotcha No More Coulter EVER

  13. Bill, love you but if you bring on Ann Coulter again it's over b/t us. She is unwatchable. Keep yr weird hate crush to youself.

  14. "I do think we should go high and I'm going to start next week. But until then, we're going to go lower." –

  15. Emergency preview No.3!

  16. Stop having . on the show. She only wants to hear herself talk - and what she says is awful

  17. Okay, I FOR SURE want to join a book club that drinks red wine with ...she is brilliant and speaks truth.

  18. Bill Maher has new and improved definition of GOP.

  19. Everybody's favorite socialist, Senator has joined on !

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