AFN Southern Regional Conference, Reading,10th September

13 08 2016



The AFN will be hosting a Southern Regional Conference in Reading on the 10th Sept.

Facebook event here

Now more than ever we need to show a united front against fascism.

Join us at the Southern Anti-Fascist Network conference – a day of workshops, music, discussion, networking, films, stalls, books, food, children’s entertainment and more.

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Nottingham EDL humiliated at home!

7 08 2016


A small crew of Brighton Antifascists mooched up to Nottingham yesterday to join Midlands Anti-Fascist Network in opposing the EDL. A piss-poor EDL demo was outnumbered 10-1 by local anti-fascists. And a good day was made even better by the fact some EDL seem to have “lost” their flag. Oops!

END THE EDL in Nottingham this Saturday!

2 08 2016


 – Exact location: TBC

 – Get involved Midlands:

 – Get involved National:

 – For more info check Midlands Antifascists on Facebook

Facebook event for the day

Following their national demonstration in London on the 16th of July, the bickering remnants of the EDL (English Defence League) have announced another national demonstration in Nottingham on the 6th of August. However – Nottingham is a firmly antifascist city and has shown repeatedly over the past decade that racists are NOT welcome here! We’re calling for a strong counter-mobilsation on the 6th of August to give a much needed boost to the organised Left post-Brexit, and deal a critical blow to the tottering remnants of the EDL.

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Weekend Action Diary

2 06 2016

There’s a lot going on this weekend for Antifascists. Here, we’ve rounded up the main demonstrations, and what’s going on.


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Blink and You’ll Miss It – Fascists in Pompey

7 05 2016

Today, the pathetic far-right fantasists of the Pie and Mash Squad (or “South Coast Resistance” as they’d rather be known these days) held their inaugural demo of the year in Portsmouth. Given that it’s their home turf (most of them live in or around Pompey), they were probably expecting quite a large turnout. That’s not exactly what happened…


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Dover – Solidarity and Kettled Nazis

2 04 2016

Today, anti-fascists from across the country stood in solidarity with locals from around Dover to oppose neo-nazis and assorted far-right rejects who decended on the town, once more openly flying fascist flags and seig heiling.


The pathetic fascist turnout.

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Nazis: You’ll Always Walk Alone

28 02 2016

What a day in Liverpool!
After initially calling their demonstration for Manchester, the North West Infidels and National Action decided that they’d have another bash at Liverpool instead. What a rookie error that was.

fash Read the rest of this entry »