Tag Archives: anarchist notes

anarchist notes (april 13, 2016) : APRIL 2016

a few things : • on saturday (april 16), jura books (sydney) will be hosting a discussion w visiting academic alex prichard on the subject of ‘Anarchy, Freedom, and Constitutionalism’ : “How do you know when you’re free? Anarchists have … Continue reading

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Anarchy ~versus~ State Terror

Back in May, five guys in Ohio who thought it would be a Good idea to blow up a bridge got arrested. The government said the plot “was meant to convey a message to the civilian population, the corporate world, … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Anarchism, Broken Windows, History, Media, State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, War on Terror | Tagged , | 2 Comments

anarchist notes (october 17, 2012)

one ”It’s an idea I believe doesn’t work,” Koch says, likening Wilson’s utopia to 20th-century communism and hippie communes. At university, Koch embraced anarchism, wanting the abolition of money and the state for a society that shared everything. ”But it … Continue reading

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anarchist notes (september 20, 2012) w/- bonus! hitchens

Africa Sam Mbah — you might remember him from such anarcho-syndicalist organisations as the Awareness League — has a blog. It contains a series of interviews with him on subjects including his book African Anarchism, the global economic crisis and … Continue reading

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anarchist notes (july 25, 2012)

• a reminder : the second annual melbourne anarchist bookfair takes place on caturday, august 4 at the abbotsford convent. nice location, dozens of stalls, many workshops, free entry, and more deets here. • also in melbourne, on the following … Continue reading

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anarchist notes (july 1, 2012)

2nd Annual Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair 2012 The second annual Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair is taking place on August 4, 2012 at the Abbotsford Convent in Abbotsford. Entry is free. For more infos see the Bookfair website. Antisemitism and Anarchy Antisemitism and … Continue reading

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anarchist notes (may 10, 2012) with BONUS! juche thought and american frontage

Aotearoa/New Zealand Once Upon A Time, The Activists Formerly Known As The Urewera 20(?) were, according to police, intent on blowing shit up: even conspiring to Kill The President (of the United States). Or some shit. Sadly, in March, the … Continue reading

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anarchist notes (february 6, 2012)

Gabriel Kuhn has written an interesting review of some of the definitional problems that emerge from Michael Schmidt and Lucien van der Walt’s book Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism (AK Press, 2009) in Perspectives 2011 … Continue reading

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anarchist notes (august 22, 2011)

The inaugural A(narchist) Melbourne Bookfair/Melbourne Anarchist Bookfair done come and gone. It seemed to be reasonably popular and will likely return next year, again as a precursor to the Melbourne Writers Festival. (Speaking of books, Enrico Massetti is looking for … Continue reading

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