Tag Archives: Leftist trainspotting

Trouble at Historical Materialism Conference Mill : Call for Solidarity

As leftist trainspotters and ‘revolutionary socialists’ generally would be aware, the Socialist Workers Party‘s poor handling of a rape allegation has had serious ramifications for the party’s public standing: this has included its relations with aligned parties elsewhere in the … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, History, State / Politics, Student movement, Trot Guide | Tagged , , , , , , , | 3 Comments

‘Left Unity’ or reshuffling the deck?

[Tim Anderson has written some thoughts on the prospects for unity on the Australian left. I thought I may as well republish it here as it’s of spotterly interest. See also : Left Unity (You Are My Destiny) [Trot Guide … Continue reading

Posted in State / Politics, That's Capitalism!, Trot Guide | Tagged , | 14 Comments

Trot Guide 2012

Due to popular demand, I thought it was about time I updated Trot Guide — “an overview of the current state-of-play on the Australian far left” — for the year 2012. In truth, there’s not a great deal to add … Continue reading

Posted in !nataS, Death, History, State / Politics, Trot Guide | Tagged , | 38 Comments

The Long Strange Posthumous Life of Leon Trotsky

EdgeLeft : The Long Strange Posthumous Life of Leon Trotsky …an occasional column by David McReynolds, it can be circulated without further permission… Historically the Socialist Party USA had two major splits. The first was after the Russian Revolution, when … Continue reading

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More on Zeskind… and spotting!

Curious as to what might have motivated Leonard Zeskind to write a hatchet job on Noam Chomsky, I thought I’d look a little closer at his bio. According to Zeskind, in addition to winning various awards and grants over the … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-fascism, History, Trot Guide | Tagged , | 4 Comments

Even more blah on European (and UK) politics

First, another great post by Leigh Phillips on ‘Far-right having difficulty clubbing together in EU parliament’ (EUobserver, June 11, 2009): EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS – Like chocolate and mustard, or orange juice and toothpaste, the various flavours of far right in … Continue reading

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